Films you have to see at the cinema


Shawn Michaels ❤
As opposed to buying the DVD.

I think there are quite a few films out there which are so much better in the cinema that when you buy it on DVD you're almost disappointed.

Cinemas have louder sound, bigger screens, they give off a feel of a better atmosphere. With horror films you can almost feel the fear of the 50 other people in the room. Which gives more suspense, it increases your own fear.

I'll post mine later, but which films do you prefer at a cinema? Or are there some better on DVD?
For me, generally as a rule, I try to go see the guaranteed blockbusters at the cinema, the others can wait.

This summer for example, I felt compelled to see Iron Man, Indy 4, Incredible Hulk, and Dark Knight in the theaters, but, while I wanted to see Get Smart, Wall-E, Tropic Thunder, Zohan, and Hellboy II, I didn't see those as justifying the price of the movie ticket quite yet. Normally, anything Star Wars is an automatic theater trip, but, even the Clone Wars gets relegated to DVD.
I think most movies are better at the cinema, just because of the whole experience. Superbad is one of my favorite comedies, but my favorite time seeing it was when I first saw it in the theater. Like twenty of us all went together, and it was great.

Although I think I know what you mean. You enjoy all the special effects on the big screen, and that does seem to be one of the most appealing things about going to the movies nowadays. I love all kinds of film, but I would pick Iron Man in the theater over No Country for Old Men any day.

Horror movies I don't actually bother to see in the movie theater. Mostly because the odds are high that you won't be seeing a movie that's worth your 10 bucks. But Also, I prefer the suspense that mounts when you're watching it in your living room, a small space with just a few people watching. It makes the movie a little more entertaining. Except Turistas. A bunch of us watched that at a friends house, and spent the whole time laughing at how terrible the movie was.
Some of the best movies to see in the theaters were the Lord Of The Ring movies. Not neccessarily the first one, but the second two were must sees on the big screen. The movies were very well put together,a nd made the theateric release perfect. I remember watching the third one, but having to go pee about half way through. It didnt matter though, as I was sucked into it. The problem now adays is that theaters are too loud, and they even hurt my ears because of this.
You have to see the big blockbusters at the movies. Things like The Dark Knight, The Harry Potter series, The Lord of the Rings series etc. The actual cinemas create a much better atmosphere than just watching a TV. The films that have been buit up by using ads and have been touted by people as the greatest/biggest movie of the year are movies you have to go see at the cinema.
If there is a movie I want to see, I almost have to see it on the big screen, it's hard for me to focus on a movie at home, I tend to try and do other things while watching the movie, and then I end up missing most of it
I usually don't go to the theatre. Truth be told. I've been to the theatre 4 times this year. The first one was for Cloverfield. Which I fucking HAD to see in theatres. It wouldnt have done the movie justice if I watched it at home. The second one was Forgetting Sarah Marshall, I saw that because a group of us went to go see it and they really wanted me to go see it with them. I found it hilarious, so I took this girl I was digging at the time to go see it again. Then the fourth time I saw a movie in teatres this year was The Dark Knight. No fucking way was I not going to see this anyplace but the theatre. I was very glad I did.

So essentially I dont go see movies in the theatre. But I do go occasionaly. I can get by watching a movie just fine in the comfort of my own home. Unless my friends beg me, or it's really a movie that I cant wait to see.
I go about once a week, unless nothing looks good, then obviously I don't, but there really isn't alot to do around here on the weekends, so usually sometime before 2:00 (it's only $5.50 before 2:00 on the weekends, after 2:00 it jumps up to $8.75) I'll go see whatever looks good to me, then it's off to the bar or to do whatever other crap I need to get done
I very rarely go to see a movie, in that paying $8 for the ticket alone, not counting coke or something like that is insane. This is where I have discovered the wonders of the dollar movie theater. In the same parking lot as where I work, there is a theater where every movie is $1.50. I very rarely believe that a movie is worth over $20 for two people to go, but for less than ten total, I'll practically be moving in there. Of course there are exceptions to these rules, as anything with Ellen Page or Christina Ricci are first day showings all the time. For the most part though, there's very few movies that I think you have to see in the theater.
I'm the type of guy that has to see a movie on the opening night and has to see it in the theatres with as many people as possible. It just makes the experience so much better. Watching a comedy for the first time alone is no fun as you can't bounce off the reactions of everyone else. Of course, it doesn't save every movie from being bad. But in general, movies are so much better if you're watching them in a theatre. This is especially a rule for action films and comedies, but romantic films aren't necessarily better, as watching them in the privacy of your own house with your girlfriend is usually more fitting.

Monkey already took "Cloverfield", but another film that you just HAVE to see in the theatres to get the full experience is "Grindhouse". I went on the opening night, a midnight show, and got out at around 3 in the morning. The movies inside of Grindhouse are less about the plots and more about the experience of watching them, so without being in the theatre surrounded by other people that haven't seen it before, you don't get the full effect. When Rose McGowan is stripping and
there's the random "scene deleted" or whatever section, and then it cuts to what's supposed to be a later point in the film and the building's randomly on fire and several characters are dead
the audience went nuts laughing. Those fake movie trailers? Hilarious. The grainy film and all...classic.

In general, nearly every film is better in the theatres, in my opinion. I can't judge IMAX, though, because the only IMAX films I've seen were the educational ones on Canyons and Dolphins and whatnot haha.
I'm going to go out and say 300 here. It's my favourite film of all time and I think it was the graphics in the cinema which made that so. It's a lot better there than it is on DVD.

I think really any film like that needs to be seen at the cinema. It makes it a lot better, and not realistic, which I think is a good thing. It wasn't a film meant to be seen on the small screen, you needed to see it at the cinema to appreciate just how good it was.
King Kong. Pearl Harbour. Transformers. Wall:E. Any films with lots of detail, big explosions etc need to be seen on the big screen. A film like The Shawshank Redemption can be watched at home and it won't really make any difference to the viewing of it. It's the big budget films that really need to be seen at the cinema. A film like Pearl Harbour is enhanced by the big screen. When you watch it at home the explosions aren't as big, and you notice the acting and story more.
I normally go see the movies that look like big blockbusters at the theater. I go a good bit to ones other than those, but generally just as something to do with friends, a date, or whatever.
But, this summer for example I HAD to see Indy 4, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, The Dark Knight, Get Smart, and Zohan. But I also went see probably another 5-10 movies or so at the theater just to go. I'm a big movie person though. I could just sit there or home, whatever and watch movies all day long. I obviously have favorites but there are tons of movies I've never seen and would like to.
Anyway, in the next year my sites are set on going to the cinema for at least Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Twilight, Terminator:Salvation, Night at the Museum 2, Wolverine, Transformers 2, Fast and the Furious 4, and Angels & Demons.
There is just something different about seeing some of the big time movies at the theater. Especially if you go at midnight showings or opening night when a bunch of people go. Makes the whole experience that much better.

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