FalKon presents: The Official Women's Wrestling Thread

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Well, seeing how the newly appointed g-mod swax1's Official women of Wrestling threads in both the WWE & TNA sections seemed to have withered away so quickly, I decided to dedicate a thread purely based on every single wrestling promotion out there to discuss about Women's Wrestling. Instead of segregating the entire Women's Division fans into different sectors with very little posters in each area, why not combine everyone whom love the women's side of wrestling into the one thread? What I am talking about, is discussions going as far back as the veteran & legendary Fabulous Moolah & Wendi Richter to the modern marvels of Mickie James & Awesome Kong. If it involves the Women's side of wrestling, there is now no need to post or create a thread dedicated to the female issues at hand. All you now need to do is visit this very thread & ultimately vent out what is bothering you or something you would like to discuss.

In the past, I have attempted to create threads dedicated to the females but sadly, most went down the toilet. The biggest success was the threads about Bikini Style Diva's... but how sadly that turned out to be as well. It created discussion, but not the side I was looking for. So, unless something extraordinarly amazing happens in the world of women's wrestling or judging a rivalry using my FECS device... this will most likely be my last diva's thread. I hope this will be a good one, which I praise whoever the divine power is these days will happen. But, I will say that it is stupid to say never as I will still be a huge diva mark & try to draw interest into the sector with my somewhat posting abilties & knowledge on the subject.

So, after my little introduction... I would like to welcome you to the official grand unveiling & opening of the venture into the world of women's wrestling. Remember, the only restriction that applies for discussion purposes must be kept inside the women's division. I hope that this will be the first of many posts that will be... err... posted inside this wonderful gallery of women's wrestling.
Wow FalKon, what a great thread. It's about time somebody made one of these for all sectors of women's wrestling. I'd give you some green rep, but I need to spread some love around first. Ohkay, let's get to business.

The SHIMMER Women's Athlete's company, in my eyes, is considered the best female wrestling promotion out there. The competitor's that hone their craft in SHIMMER gain instant credibility within the world of professional wrestling. Most of today's greatest female wrestlers came from SHIMMER or currently still work for the company. Many of those that gained stardom & fame became apart of the TNA roster. From the top of my head, at least 7 females have or are currently in TNA:

- Alissa Flash/Cheeleader Melissa/Raisha Saeed
- Sarah Stock/Sarita
- Amazing/Awesome Kong
- Shantelle Talyor/Talyor Wilde
- Nikki Roxx/Roxxi
- Ashley Lane/Madison Rayne
- Daffney

As well as the three in WWE:

- Nattie/Natalya Neidhart
- Beth Phoenix
- Nikita/Katie-Lea Burchill

Yes, these amazing women have gone on to have very successful careers and are considered [most of them anyway] to be the greatest of the modern women's wrestling era. From my knowledge, the only female competitor who actually has talent who can be considered better than these tough athletes is Mickie James.

If TNA continue to gain more SHIMMER members, then TNA could do something with their women's division. WWE, take notice... there are still some great talents on the SHIMMER roster that aren't taken into the competition yet. Forget MsChif due to Daffney being in TNA though...
Good thread BTW
I think in order for Women's wrestling in WWE they need to look for women that wrestle more than "hot lady that will wear skimpy clothes on national Television". Kelly Kelly for example had no education in wrestling when she was hired and was just out of High School. Their on the right track with Natalya being as she graduated from the Dungeon and can wrestle a good match though she seems to be more of a valet then a wrestler. Women's wretling is facing a serious lack of bieng a legit segment watched for athleticism.
TNA is close to having their women's division be taken seriously with Awesome Kong and when they had the hardcore knockout Roxxi and now that TNA has Daffney, who IMO is would be great in a monster's ball match with Roxxi. The thing that's holding them back is that they aren't given enough time to showcase their skills IMO.
For womens wrestling (in the WWE anyway) to get the recognition it used to have is to have a great feud. They haven't had a good one in so long, I mean there's been nothing for ages.

The Mickie/Trish feud a few years ago is the last 'good' one I can remember. The WWE just isn't putting enough effort into it and thus there are becoming less and less fans of the womens division. There are also no enough real wrestlers in WWE. I mean you've got Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Gail Kim and.... and.... hmmm....

Make Gail Kim a heel and have her feud with Mickie in a real 2-3 month story. Something that continues from week to week and gives them mic time. The division right now is very sad and needs work.
For womens wrestling (in the WWE anyway) to get the recognition it used to have is to have a great feud. They haven't had a good one in so long, I mean there's been nothing for ages.The Mickie/Trish feud a few years ago is the last 'good' one I can remember. The WWE just isn't putting enough effort into it and thus there are becoming less and less fans of the womens division.

Well, actually... there were many female feuds in the WWE, most of them would have been excellent if they were not cut short. The only current feud that can amount to somthing is the Melina & Michelle feud on SmackDown, but I doubt that this will go the distance. I do agree with the fact that the WWE needs to put more time & effort back into the women's division. They need feuds, they need storylines & the diva's need better characters than either the face diva or the heel diva. You have women on the roster like Mickie & Maryse who can pull it off.

There are also no enough real wrestlers in WWE. I mean you've got Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Gail Kim and.... and.... hmmm....

... uh... Katie-Lea, Melina, Maryse... maybe Kelly Kelly & Eve Torres. The only diva's that are completely useless in the ring are Layla & Maria. I believe Layla has no talent in the ring, out of the ring nor the bod. All she can do is dance. Maria is great for everything that does not involve her wrestling, she was great as the dumb blonde interviewer & valet for Santino.

Make Gail Kim a heel and have her feud with Mickie in a real 2-3 month story. Something that continues from week to week and gives them mic time. The division right now is very sad and needs work.

Gail Kim heel would be the best option. She does not have the face nor the character to be the good girl diva. For her to challenge Mickie James for a solid 2-3 month storyline or more would be great, considering the moveset of both women. Rumour has it that this is exactly what the WWE is doing & that cool_guy_12 was not looking too far into it when he suggested a Kim/James feud. I hope that for the sake of WWE that they do this correctly.

Good thread BTW
I think in order for Women's wrestling in WWE they need to look for women that wrestle more than "hot lady that will wear skimpy clothes on national Television". Kelly Kelly for example had no education in wrestling when she was hired and was just out of High School. Their on the right track with Natalya being as she graduated from the Dungeon and can wrestle a good match though she seems to be more of a valet then a wrestler. Women's wretling is facing a serious lack of bieng a legit segment watched for athleticism.

Well, though I can agree with that the wrestling should come first instead of the looks... the WWE has been making a good choice. Let me explain:

In professional wrestling, there are three keys to success:

1) Wrestling ability
2) Charisma
3) Appearance

Since the majority of the fans that watch the women's division are more concerned with Diva's like Kelly Kelly strutting on National Television in a bikini instead of the actual wrestling, the WWE has decided to choose option three. Not only are they catering for this audience niche, but it is the best of the three choices when selecting female wrestlers. Why? You can teach a female to wrestle & their potential can be unlimited. You can teach a female charisma & their potential is not unlimited, but very close to it. You can teach a female appearance... but options are limited & can be considered sexist if you hired a feminist. So, why not hire those who have the creditials that some people just don't have & teach the things anybody can learn?

TNA is close to having their women's division be taken seriously with Awesome Kong and when they had the hardcore knockout Roxxi and now that TNA has Daffney, who IMO is would be great in a monster's ball match with Roxxi. The thing that's holding them back is that they aren't given enough time to showcase their skills IMO.

Well, the KnockOut's division is very well structured. But Awesome Kong is not the only women to make the division look credible. You have a bunch of female wrestlers that honed their craft in all-women wrestling promotions with pretty much every KnockOut being a legit wrestler. Sarita, Daffney, Alissa Flash... these women are great wrestlers in their own right. TNA is doing the best possible decisions for the division. Once they have more time & get over with the fans... you have a formula for success.
I don't often take note of the women's wrestling in WWE anymore because of what it has become but the four women who participated in the fatal four way match last night on RAW deserve credit in my opinion. It was the first time in a while when I can say I enjoyed the Divas performing and it goes to show that there is certainly some talented gals in WWE (you just have to wade through loads of blonde models with fake breasts to find them, but nonetheless they do exist). I thought all four women looked decent in there to be frank, maybe it had something to do with Beth Phoenix and Gail Kim involved but the match (for all its length) seemed to flow and it definitely kept my attention...Kelly Kelly keeps improving and Alicia Fox certainly isn't horrible by any means.

I am now looking forward to the match between Mickie James and Gail Kim because I know that out of the current divas, these two certainly can wrestle and you would consider them wrestlers as opposed to models attempting to wrestle. However, I would hope that WWE could make a full blown feud out of this, because it's been a while since we've saw something like that. I'm not talking a feud centred around one being jealous of the other because of looks, no, I would like to see a good old fashioned storyline with James and Kim which is personal and takes their division to heights which it has not been at in quite some time. Certainly, Mickie James has proved she can make a feud interesting (just see her first WWE feud with Trish where she played the role of obsessive fan to perfection) and Gail Kim has done the same with the Knockouts in TNA. WWE should really make an effort here because if they don't, the crowd wont give a damn, they will see it as a toilet break which is unfortunate and not fair to James and Kim.

If handled correctly, Mickie James v Gail Kim could be just what the WWE's Divas division needs to bring it back to life.
So true Chill. Sometimes I wonder If I have two seperate WZ accounts because of how everything is summarised that would be me saying the exact same thing.

I believe that the Mickie James vs. Gail Kim feud alongside the Michelle McCool vs. Melina feud are the last hopes of the Diva's division for the WWE with their current roster. They need to make these storylines count & put some effort into them. They need success & fan interest for these feuds otherwise you can kiss the current division goodbye. Why? You have the four of the best workers facing each other. I mean, Mickie James is a veteran who can carry any match. She always gets pops from the crowds & her wrestling ability is comparable to any male wrestler. She has almost carried the division by herself for the past couple of years & is well respected. Gail Kim was exactly the same with her tenture in TNA & has got the crowds interest back into the division. That was one of the best snatches the WWE has ever done for the roster. So, you have two veterans who know how to work efficiently on a consistent basis. If the cards are played right, I believe that their feud will be as great or maybe surpass the James/Stratus feud. My hope is that they go to WM26 for the championship in an epic showdown.

As for the McCool/Melina feud, as long as they continue down the current path & the SmackDown creative & booking teams keep producing solid gold... then this can be somewhat of a memorable feud.

If these feuds fail, then I will be the first to vote that the WWE should end the brand extension for the women's roster or at least make an undisputed womens championship. The current female roster for WWE is great, but they need to fuse all three rosters together to create a credible division. Sorry, but I dont want to see Bella Twins vs. Katie-Lea Burchill all the time.

EDIT: Just throwing it out there... but my favourite wrestler is Mickie James

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