Facebook Photo of Baby With Bong Sparks Outrage


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Facebook Photo of Baby With Bong Sparks Outrage

AOL News
(June 26) -- A Florida mother is being investigated after she posted a photo on Facebook showing her infant son apparently smoking a bong.

The photo shows the 11-month-old baby in a diaper, sitting on a carpet with his face leaning over the glass smoking pipe.

The baby's 19-year-old mother claims the pipe didn't have tobacco or drugs in it at the time, and that the boy didn't inhale any smoke. She says she posted the photo online as a joke to show one of her friends.

The picture was widely distributed around the Internet, and eventually landed on the desks of Florida child protection officers, who didn't think it was so funny. The state Department of Children and Families has launched an investigation into the woman's parenting skills, and says she could face charges if it's revealed that the child was exposed to drugs.

"We are alarmed that any parent would take pictures of their child next to what is obviously drug paraphernalia," department spokesman John Harrell said in comments carried by several news outlets.

The Florida TV station WJXT used Facebook messaging to contact the woman, who lives in Keystone Heights, northwest of Gainsville, and questioned her about the photo.

"If u look at the picture u can see that there is no bowl in the TABACCO pipe," she responded, with grammatical and spelling errors. "And i took a pic to show one (expletive) person and it was a mistake. I would never ever ever let him get high."

The mother is undergoing drug tests as part of the investigation, and her son is being examined by state doctors, she said. In her interview with the TV station, the unnamed woman accused the media of getting her into trouble.

"Do you realise how serious this is? i can go to jail and he can be taken away from me. WHY would you do something so (expletive) stupid?" she asked. "i know what i did was stupid but i would NEVER put by baby in harm. im so nice to everyone idk (I don't know) why you would do this to me."


LOL, I don't know what's funnier, the fact that someone was stupid enough to post a pic like that online and not expect that it just might come back to bite her in the ass, that whoever wrote the article decide they needed to point out that in the mothers statement she had "grammatical & spelling errors", or that the mother tried shifting the blame onto the person who turned her in, making it sound as if it would be there fault if she loses her son or goes to jail for something she did, ah kids today:lmao:
2010 Mother of the Year said:
"If u look at the picture u can see that there is no bowl in the TABACCO pipe," she responded, with grammatical and spelling errors. "And i took a pic to show one (expletive) person and it was a mistake. I would never ever ever let him get high."
Hmm, how could he get high from a TOBACCO pipe?
LOL, I don't know what's funnier, the fact that someone was stupid enough to post a pic like that online and not expect that it just might come back to bite her in the ass, that whoever wrote the article decide they needed to point out that in the mothers statement she had "grammatical & spelling errors", or that the mother tried shifting the blame onto the person who turned her in, making it sound as if it would be there fault if she loses her son or goes to jail for something she did, ah kids today:lmao:

of course people are outraged, that babies wasting perfectly good weed!

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