Electro_Boy's Inventions


Simmer down and pucker up...
Welcome all, in this thread I'm gonna post some of the signatures that I've created. If you want to use one of them can you please pm me. Anyway here's the sigs I've made so far:


I decided to make a Edge sig because I'm really liking what he's been doing since he went to SD. I chose to have the colours red and black because they're sort of Edge's colours, and I chose to have the main image come out of the sig itself because I think it looks pretty cool. Anyway I'm pretty happy on the way it came out.


This one's pretty similar to the Edge sig, the main image comes out of the sig and it's based around two colours. I made a Jeff Hardy sig because he's my favourite wrestler and his current gimmick is great. I chose to have purple and black as the colours because they're darker colours which suits Jeff. I think this came out pretty good as well, but I think I'm going to edit this one so that Jeff's head isn't cut off.


I made a Randy Orton sig because he's one of my favourite wrestlers and when I saw these two renders on www.psd-dreams.de I thought I could make a pretty good sig with them both. I chose grey and black as the colours because I think they suit Randy. Anyway I think this is the best sig I've made so far.


I made a MVP sig because I've been impressed by him as of late, and I think it came out okay. I used red and black as the colours because they match what he's wearing. I didn't put any writing on it because I had nowhere to put any.

Please post your comments about the 4 sigs, whether you like them, hate them, what I can improve on, what's good about them.
I'm not an expert sig making, nor am I good at reviewing them, but the Edge when looks fantastic. The way Edge pops out of the actually sig makes it seem exciting, and is not often used with sig makers.

The Jeff Hardy one has only one flaw that I see, his head get's cut off at the very top. This makes the image look unrealistic, and unprofessional. Everything else looks great, good choice of color, purple fits Hardy's attitude, and often attire.

Orton one isn't the best, but it looks flawless. Good choice of colors here too, it has sort of a military theme, which some what fits Orton, as he used to be in the military.

Not a fan of MVP, but this sig looks quite nice. The two parallel MVPs cutting promos, with the main MVP in between looks nice, because it kind of seems like a mirror. It may look better with the middle MVP pushed down, just a tiny little bit, to see the whole MVP, but that one looks perfect anyways, so it's not as bad as the Jeff one.

All in all though, my favorite is Edge, it just looks like he's jumping right out at you.
Thanks for the response, I said myself that Jeff's head being cut off doesn't look good. I pretty much agree with everything you said, anyway thanks for the feedback. I haven't been making sigs for a long time though so I'm not going to be like Doc or Theo.

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