ECW Region, London Area, First Round: (8) Big Show vs. (25) Bam Bam Bigelow

Who Wins This Match?

  • Big Show

  • Bam Bam Bigelow

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This is a first round match in the ECW Region, London Subregion. It is a standard one on one match held under ECW Rules. It will be held at The O2, Greenwich, London, England.



#8. The Big Show



#25. Bam Bam Bigelow

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
This would be one hell of a big-man match! Both huge guys with impressive speed, relative to their size. But at the end of the day, I've got to put Big Show over here. Bigelow was impressive, but like many pro wrestlers his tragic death blew his career out of proportion. He put down many a challenge in his path, but he was never in near as many big moments as Big Show has been. Sure, Show has his share of losses in high profile matches, but thus is the curse of most big men in the industry. If you weigh more than 400 pounds and your name is NOT Andre the Giant, you're probably going to end up doing some jobs to put over a few people. It happens.

A well placed WMD knocks Bigelow out cold and advances him to the next round.
Like Heel Green Ranger said, this should be one hell of a match.

Bam Bam Bigelow was a big guy. He never achieved the WCW World Championship, though. Big Show has won that major title. I think that Big Show has the advantage here because of his wide range of ring abilities. Show is very amazing in the ring being able to knock you out or choke slam you, but also being able to drop kick you or dive of the top. Show is just the better of the two.
I think Big Show JUST edges it here for me. I've not always been a huge fan of either, but at times I like them. No doubt it'd be brutal, with a possible ring collapse! But yeah, Big Show has to win this because he's a former WCW World Champion and also, former World HEavyweight Champion, don't forget those seconds. But a WMD, or a Spear wins this for the World's Largest Athlete.
Personally, I don't think this would be as great of a match as some say. I've never really been a huge fan of Bigelow and think he's overrated. The tattoo on his head, in my view, was really the best thing about the guy.

He never amounted to anything when he was in the AWA, WWF or WCW and his biggest claim to fame is that he lost at WrestleMania to Lawrence Taylor. If Taylor can beat Bigelow, I have no problem thinking that an actually dominant superheavyweight and multiple time World Champion like Big Show could do it and do it much easier & faster.

I see the end coming about 5 minutes into the match after Bam Bam eats a chokeslam, staggers to his feet and runs straight into the WMD.

We see Bigelow do a moonsault here coz Show is big enough to take it. Should be good match with Bam Bam playing the agile one. But Big Show pulls off a mighty chokeslam after some softening. It's one of those big man matches that will have one pulling all the good work. They will pull off all the stops ala Henry/Show. Sweet now I just imagined Show can do the HBK elbow drop here. Damn it this is a nice match.
Very interesting match!

Both men are agile for their size, and while I believe Bam Bam is more entertaining and better in the ring, you cannot ignore the fact that Big Show was already WCW World Champion in his early 20s, and has gone on to hold pretty much every title possible in the WWE.

Show is the most successful Giant in WWE history when it comes to titles won, and Bigelow was at his best in ECW and only acheived moderate success in the big 2.

This would be a very good big man match, but the better man would come out on top and that man is Big Show.

Winner: Big Show after a thunderous Chokeslam.
I really don't know why people think this match would be good. I am sorry but every time I see two superheavyweights working against each other, it's a sloppy shitfest.

I may be missing some key events that are not springing to mind, or maybe Khali Kane, Khali Big Show, Big Show Kane, Kane Taker, Big Daddy V vs anyone, Henry Kane, Henry Show.

They all sucked. Please comment if there are exceptions but I think the Show wins with a WMD after 6 minutes of slow paced power moves that don't quite convince me.
Bam Bam is far better than people who didn't watch him assume. He was as agile as a man his size could possibly be, and had some fine matches (one with Bret Hart sticks out, but it wasn't on PPV). I love the guy, but he wouldn't win.

Big Show has gone through his prime six or seven times, probably. However, if we're going with when he was at his most dominant, we're going with 1995. In 1995, Bam Bam wouldn't have stood a chance. Total squash, seeing The Giant would have been 100% fresh, not having another match prior to this one.

Sorry, Bam Bam.
The Giant w/ Kevin Sullivan vs. Bam Bam Bigelow w/Luna Vachon? How dare you people talk down the awesomeness of this match? Bam Bam would step in the ring with no fear & actually try to match Show's strength while his ability to work & take bumps will allow the Show to do things that he couldn't against smaller/stiffer opponents. I just imagine Giant with that intense look he used to have staring down Bam Bam while you hear Bigelow in Mark Henry-esque fashion, scream "I aint scared of you!"

With that being said, its Show all the way. In a 9-11 match of power & strength, Show pulls out 2 chokeslams to keep Bam Bam down. Show is strong against big opponents that arent sumo wrestlers.
I love me some Bam Bam but Big Show wins this one. Show is too big and too strong for Bigelow to handle. Show has had a longer and more decorated career. I'd rather watch Bigelow but he wouldn't beat Big Show.
I went with Bam Bam mostly because he actually spent time in an ECW ring and did quite well. Bam Bam was never a big deal, and he never had a major run beyond the post-WM babyface stint. But I think in this match he gets the upset over Big Show.

Clearly he wont win, but I wanted to throw my support behind Bam Bam.
Big Show is one of my favourite wrestlers, and I have no reason to see why he wouldn't take this one. More popular, more decorated, bigger, stronger, just about the only thing that Bigelow has on Big Show is that he is more agile. But, as can be seen in this video that will get several airings this tournament, Big Show was no slouch in this department back in the day either:

Big Show wins.

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