DX vs Punk & Gallows - New future Unified Tag Team Champs?


The Huntington Beach Bad Girl
After winning the #1 contender spot on last week's Smackdown!, another door has opened for Punk & Gallows. I was really happy to see them win and I think there is potential for them to have a good feud with DX. Actually, I'd love to see them WIN the titles because I'd love to see them on both brands but I'm not getting my hopes up and I'm not entirely sure that that would be the best idea anyways.

So, some questions: Do you see the tag team of Punk and Gallows actually becoming Unified Tag Champs? Do you support the idea? If you don't, what else would you like to see happen?

PS I didn't see a thread on this yet, but it could just be that I'm blind.
Honestly I think there could have been a better partner but since Gallows is part of the straightedge army I'll take it for what it's worth right now. As much as I would love to see Punk wrestle on all shows I just don't feel he'll get the same respect if he steps on Raw as he does on Smackdown. I mean the last two time Punk was on Raw he got squashed by Cena. I think it's definitely logical that CM Punk and Gallows are going to win the Unified Tag Team Titles but I can't help but feel there are more deserving teams than CM Punk and Gallows.

I mean after watching Raw tonight you can't help but feel that DX are going to lose them belts and break-up soon. But if that's the case I would have rather seen Jeri-Show take the belts back off of DX considering they aren't doing much of anything without the tag straps and Jeri-Show actually treating the Tag Team Titles like they were top belts. DX kind of just deals with the fact that they are champs.

But I'm sure this situation could be worse. Hell they could have had Matt Hardy and The Great Khali win contendership(really WTF!? who the hell thought of that pairing). To be honest I would have much rather seen a Fatal Fourway contendership match on Superstars that way you could have had a team from every brand on there so it wouldn't look like Smackdown was scraping to put teams together. You could have had Hart Dynasty Vs. Barreta and Croft Vs. Cryme Tyme Vs. Legacy that would have made for a more legit Tag Contest. I guess we'll just see where it goes from here. We definitely need a team that will cross all the brands more often than DX. That's what Jeri-Show did so brilliantly, they actually went on all shows wrestling there asses off. Jeri-Show's work ethic is definitely something to applaud if you ask me. They need more wrestlers like that.
You never can tell exactly what's going to happen in the WWE, everything may seem predictable now, but the WWE has always had a habit of pull a fast one on us; especially during Wrestlemania time.

If CM Punk and Gallows do take the tag belts of of DX in the future (pre Mania), then this will free up Michaels and HHH for their respective roles on the biggest stage of them all.

CM Punk and Gallows winning the titles would also increase the chances of the titles being defended at Mania, perhaps against Cryme Tyme or the Hart Dynasty, with an actual angle behind the match. If DX remain the champions going into Mania, then the likelihood of them defending the titles decreases.

CM Punk and Luke Gallows as tag champs does seem like a more fruitful proposition in the long run, rather than keeping the titles on DX. Because of this, I can see a tag title reign in their futures.
YES- this absolutely HAS to happen!! Punk is SO over rightnow its ridiculous! Why not let him do it on both, or all 3 shows?

PLUS: this actually helps the tag-team titles get back on TV. Im not sure i've seen DX with them more then the day after the won 'em! Rediculous if you ask me!! At least JeriShow held the titles with pride! I used to love watching DX back in the day- they've gotten worse as time has gone on & this recent rendition of DX just plain-old SUCKS! It wasnt bad enuff that they were just merch ****es on TV? Did you really have to add the leperchaun into the mix too? I cant even believe HBK & HHH are willing to do this shit!! I'd be embarrassed to be seen on TV like that!

Give the straps to Punk & Gallows! They cant do any worse then what DX has done while they've had them- thats for DAMN sure!! Punk on both big shows would be fantastic!!
I'd say that it's probably going to happen and it's going to happen soon. Last night on Raw, we saw the beginning of the end for DX. Triple H's statement to HBK and tossing him over the top rope will generate tension between the two in the comig weeks and things will only start to go downhill from here.

I love what's happening with Punk and Gallows right now. I'm hoping that the team will eventually expand into a faction, so winning the tag titles will not only legitimize them as a team but could actually put some focus back into the tag team scene. There's been something of a yo-yo effect with the tag title scene over the past 6 months or so.

Now, the only bad thing really about DX's eventual break up in my view is that it leaves Triple H to, once again, insert himself into the WWE Championship scene. Before this year ends, Triple H will have at least one reign with the title and I dread when it happens. Triple H is one of the most overexposed guys on the WWE roster and, while I do understand that he's still able to deliver the goods, I've just got no interest in watching him have another world title run.
I think having Punk and Gallows as the Tag team champions is a great idea because that would free up Hunter and Shawn for singles success at Wrestlemania. I don't think having DX together at Wrestlemania is a good idea because Shawn and Hunter are destined for singles success not as a tag team and with the current PG era DX isn't remotely funny.
Considering DX rarely being on SD, and DX not really needing the tittles. I could see a Punk/Gallows sneaking a win b/c of outside distractions. Plus they could have meaningful/believable matches with any team (really could you picture DX losing to Cryme Time or the team on ECW?).
I can see the team of Punk and Gallows winning the titles from a divided DX because as stated in another thread DX could see a break up come RR when HHH or even HBk could turn heel. The titles will prob be defended on Raw after RR and one partner of DX or the heel will not show up and the face of the two loses the match to the Gallows finishing move. I personally think Cm Punk is a great character and can live up to the only straightedge unified tag team champion in the history of sports entertainment.
Considering DX rarely being on SD, and DX not really needing the tittles. I could see a Punk/Gallows sneaking a win b/c of outside distractions. Plus they could have meaningful/believable matches with any team (really could you picture DX losing to Cryme Time or the team on ECW?).

Yes I can picture Cryme Time beating DX because Cryme Time is an actual tag team not just two wrestlers who don't have anything to do at the moment. Now the team on ECW Trent Barrera and Caylan Croft is relatively new but those two have big futures ahead of them. But you are right these two wont win the tittles now but in a few months who knows what these to will accomplish.
I have been following Punk since he first broke into the wrestling scene to where i he is now. All I can say is, WoW! Am I surprise, not at all. Punk always had it him to be the monster heel he is. It was all a mater of the WWE giving him a mic. Once they gave him the mic and let him write his own promos. Punk the WWE by the balls. The guy is probably the biggest heel in the company right now. Guys cheer for Y2J, they Cheer for Batista, hell even Orton has his fans, not Punk.

Not only is the kid great on the Mic, Punk is one of the most decorated Superstars in WWE. He is 2x MITB winner, he is a 3x WHC, Former ECW Champion, Tag Team Champion & Former Intercontinental Champion. Making Punk a Triple Crown Champion. Him and Gallows make and excellent team of brains & brauns. Gallows has looked awesome since the remake. The guy has made the most of his mic time and has looked just as impressive in his matches. I see no one who deserves the tag titles more in WWE.

Punk started by cutting a promo on DX and saying he was gonna win the rumble & then something happened, for the first time instead of Punk choosing a member for the Straight Edge Society, a girl named Serena (Mia Macinni) jumped the guard rail & asked to be saved, Punk shaved her entire head bald saving her. Serena is signed to an actual WWE contract, so this might be her official debut.

This Straight Edge Society is becoming the best part of what is a shitty Smackdown. A faction the is being potrayed as a colt and giving Punk even more heat. BTW Punk has a serious scary Charly Manson look to him, which I think is awesome and makes him real credible.

On a side note wait to some of you Hart Dynasty Fans read the Spoilers. Im a pretty big Dynasty fan and Im pissed as hell after reading the spoilers.
If they do win the tag titles, it will not be a long term thing. I get the impression that Punk and Gallows will probably be joined by someone else at some stage, and Punk will move back to singles competition. I reckon that if they do win, it will probably be so that DX don't have to lose to a young team, which is pathetic, but unsurprising. I imagine if they do win, and it is a big if, they will probably drop the titles to a team like Cryme Tyme fairly quickly.
Well keeping the Unified tag team despite splitting up seems like the type of thing DX would do. Triple H and Shawn Michaels will be doing their seperate things at Wrestlemania, so I don't think they'll drop the titles until right before Mania. I'm not sure if Punk and Gallows becoming number 1 contenders is so they can take the titles off DX or if it's just so DX can actually beat someone so their reign doesn't end up being utterly shit.

Punk and Gallows could be really good tag team champions. Punk isn't in the main event now, unlike DX will be in coming months, so he's be able to focus on having a good tag team title reign. Unfortunately, if the Mania spoilers are correct, Punk and Gallows might now be defending the tag titles there... Whether that means they won't win it at all is yet to be seen. I think they should win it, but I doubt DX would drop the titles to them, especially with Triple H's low opinion of Punk.
Where do people keep getting Punk has heat in the WWE. Triple H singled out CM Punk as one of the WWE breakout stars. So, saying Punk will lose to DX because he has heat is bull. If not he would not be a number one contender to begin with. Punk is assembling his stable called the Striaght Edge Society and the best way to get them over will be by adding title to their waist.

Like I said Triple H & Michaels do not need title to get over, they probably were given title in worry of Michaels retiring and cause Triple H & Michaels had never held tag titles together.
So, some questions: Do you see the tag team of Punk and Gallows actually becoming Unified Tag Champs? Do you support the idea? If you don't, what else would you like to see happen?

I guess Punk and Gallows being tag team champions wouldn't be that bad because then they could go on all three brands.... If they defeat DX then it would free HBK and HHH up for a potential feud with each other or for the world titles at Wrestlemania. I'm not going to look that far ahead yet though. Punk's promos are great and it would be cool to have him appearing on Raw with Gallows because of the tag team titles even though they are exclusive to Smackdown. I don't think they would be as good of a choice for tag team champions as JeriShow or even DX though. Gallows would have to improve a lot in the ring. I'm not sure if I support the idea of them becoming tag team champions. As cool as it would be to have Punk show up on Raw, I'd rather DX keep the titles for now because they are a better team.
I will personally lead the campaign for Punk & Gallows as tag team champions. First and foremost, Punk & Gallows as tag team champions will allow for appearances on RAW as well and Smackdown. I don't get MyNetworkTV, therefore I can't watch Smackdown. Punk is my favorite WWE wrestler and I want to see him wrestle!

I think in all likelihood DX will be dropping the belts to Punk & Gallows in the near future. It looks like both HBK and HHH will be having high profile singles matches at Wrestlemania which means that their time as a tag team should be coming to an end very soon.
I will personally lead the campaign for Punk & Gallows are tag team champions. First and foremost, Punk & Gallows as tag team champions will allow for appearances on RAW as well and Smackdown. I don't get MyNetworkTV, therefore I can't watch Smackdown. Punk is my favorite WWE wrestler and I want to see him wrestle!

I think in all likelihood DX will be dropping the belts to Punk & Gallows in the near future. It looks like both HBK and HHH will be having high profile singles matches at Wrestlemania which means that their time as a tag team should be coming to an end very soon.

I second everything she says except the MyNetworkTV thing. I have that.

Anyways, I am a supporter for a Straight Edge Society tag title reign. If you think about the bigger picture, it is probably the only logical way to go. We just got over JeriShow, obviously no dice. Is Bret going to screw over DX and the Hart Dynasty win them? That would be one of their other chances, but most likely not the way they want to go with a possible Bret vs. Vince and a DX split for their singles endeavors. Cryme Tyme? Possible but unlikely.

And as RVDgurl alluded to, Punk would then be able to travel to both shows and preach the Straight Edge lifestyle to the masses that watch Raw. It is a win-win situation. Punk gains more heat, both from the audience in attendance, but all of the viewers that watch on Monday that aren't home on Friday, or as RVDgurl also said, that don't get MyNetworkTV. Also, DX splits and goes on their way for Mania and we don't get the ridiculous plugs that everyone hates. But then again, I could be getting ahead of myself. Punk and Gallows for Tag Champs.
And as RVDgurl alluded to, Punk would then be able to travel to both shows and preach the Straight Edge lifestyle to the masses that watch Raw. It is a win-win situation. Punk gains more heat, both from the audience in attendance, but all of the viewers that watch on Monday that aren't home on Friday, or as RVDgurl also said, that don't get MyNetworkTV. Also, DX splits and goes on their way for Mania and we don't get the ridiculous plugs that everyone hates. But then again, I could be getting ahead of myself. Punk and Gallows for Tag Champs.

All very true. It would be great to see him on both shows and he would gain more heat. And it would be nice to see him have a belt to show off along with that Slammy while we patiently wait for him to get back into the main event picture. Plus as someone else mentioned before, I think Punk & Gallows will actually do something with the titles and actually use them, unlike DX.

DX vs Punk/Gallows is the main event for next week's SD. Could the title change happen then? I figure it's possible if creative wants the DX tension to continue since they've been starting to build it as we head towards the RR.
Dejan, I just looked at your sig and all I have to say is "Great googa-mooga!!!"

Anyways, I wanna see The Straightedge Society get the tag titles. It gets the belts off of DX and of course allows heels to hold the Titles, which of course makes for much more entertaining TV. I want to see them hold the Titles at least until WrestleMania and I would like to see them defend it against Cryme Tyme, and not as a DVD only match this time.

Here's hoping that CM Punk and Luke Gallows will be the first ever "Straightedge Tag Team Champions!!!"
I agree with what everyone says how DX needs to drop the belts. And punk and gallows would definatly be good coz they would go to raw and possibly ecw to "recruit" people. Jeri-show worked well like that too because they had a reason to go to the other show, seeing as one was on SD and the other was on RAW. but DX is on raw and they dont have a reason to go to SD, apart from title matches. so punk and gallows would be good with the belts. i hope they win next friday (or saturday it is here in aus, when we get the results)
This could work if it's done right. Punk can broaden his straight edge society gimmick, and it'd let him interact with the Guest Hosts, ESPECIALLY Stone Cold, who's the biggest beer drinker in WWE history, to my knowledge. I could see Punk eating a stunner. I also rather like Drew's new gimmick. Festus got old after a while, right after Miz and Morrison repeatedly rang the ring bell and Fes started freaking out. Plus DX will probably split at or slightly after the rumble... This has a good chance of happening.
Last week the SES didn't get their title shot as Punk faced Triple H and Mysterio took on Michaels.

I don't think the SES getting a shot a the unified titles is completely out of the question at this point. It was never explicitly stated they lost their #1 contender spot or their match against DX. I still want to see that god damn match. I also interpreted that having Punk come in a dominate during the Rumble and then get eliminated by Triple H was a way of building what was already established on last week's Smackdown during their match. Not that I'm saying there's a Trips & Punk feud in the works, but it was a way of tying those loose ends together. I could see it leading towards a tag match where DX drops the titles to the SES - like maybe Shawn will purposely lose them the match OR he just isn't in the right place at the right time and the SES cheats their way to a victory, Hunter would be pissed he lost the titles, blames Shawn, the tension within DX continues, etc. I don't know.

Do you think it's still going to happen or is it just not in the cards at this point?

EDIT: I spoke too soon!

RAW 2.01.10 Spoilers
Triple threat match next Monday - DX vs Punk & Gallows vs Miz & Big Show! What do you think?
Seriously when Punk was dropped down the card i was like what the hell? How can wwe put a wrestler with this caliber so down. He was losing matched to R-truth and i was thought his will never get any reign again. But now he has renewed his career with his amazing straightedge gimmick. His partnership with Gallows has done wonder for him. He is generating more heat than ever. Right now with Orton out of picture he is surely heel of the company. His feud with DX can be one of the best tag team feud in recent years but wwe will have to pan it out really well and should not rush it because wrestlemania is around the corner. Let hart dynasty turn face (as bret is around) and have them feud with Punk and gallows for the tittle after they beat DX.
Honestly I thought they were going to drop the titles a while ago to the Hart Dynasty. Maybe then we'd see some actually tag team wrestling against deserving teams. I think they should win it. Even though Punk has far more character than Gallows and frankly half the roster combined I think he's really enough to carry the Straight Edge Society and the tag titles would give the group some of the respect they deserve and could really give them some cheap heat as well.
To be honest, I really wouldn't like them as tag team champions. I have to say that I like their wrestling style and their attitude, but the message they try getting across really turns me away from the group.

It's weird to me that they are getting booed for saying, don't drink alcohol, don't do drugs and have a straight edge lifestyle. Because they are heels, people will disagree with them because they are giving it a negative spin by saying, "We are straight edge so we're better than you." I can just see a kid going into his dad's fridge pulling out a beer and drinking it because SES told him not to.

If they get rid of the straight edge message, then i would love them to be a tag team, and even champions, but i would really hate to see them on Raw and Smackdown every week, giving people the impression that straight edge is a bad thing.

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