Dream Bound For Glory Card

Christian Battlez

Getting Noticed By Management
Well they have one for Wrestlemania so why not?

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Sting(c) vs Bobby Lashley

I think Lashley could be a great asset to TNA if wrestling is what he wants to do and not MMA. He has credibility. He is young and he doesn't have that ex WWE reject feel to him because he didnt spend enough time there. Since he would be a legit main eventer I'd bring him in and have him win the belt off Sting at BFG.

TNA X-Division Championship Ultimate X
Christopher Daniels (c) vs AJ Styles vs RVD

RVD would be a huge asset to the X-Division. Everyone misses Daniels and we've all dreamed of a Styles RVD match. So I stuck them in a spotty Ultimate X and let em run wild. Admit it it would sell pay per views.

Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe
They've had tons of great matches. I was on the edge of my seat when Angle ended Joe's undefeated streak. I'd put Joe over Kurt because it woule build him up more.

Monsters Ball
Abyss vs Rhino vs Sabu vs Foley vs Raven

Five of the best hardcore wrestlers of all time. Sabu and Raven would be one time deals. But I'd look into a Abyss/Foley feud. I'd ahve Abyss go over bc he is a TNA original.

TNA World Tag Team Championship Tag Team Turmoil
Beer Money(c) vs Team 3D vs LAX vs Senshi & Skipper(XXX) vs Team Canada(Eric & Petey) vs MCMG vs Lethal Consequences

Team 3D wins their 22nd Tag Team Title reign. The reunions of Team Canada and XXX would get huge pops. Lots of action. Plus it shows off the great tag division and tag team turmoil matches are always exciting.

TNA Knockout Championship
Awesome Kong vs ODB vs Taylor Wilde

The most dominant woman in wrestling vs the ultimate underdog of womens wrestling versus the most crazy outrageous and popular chick in TNA. ODB finally wins her first knockout title here and feuds with the Beautiful people.

Cute Kip w/Beautiful People vs BG James

To get the beautiful people on the card and because personal rivalries always garner alot of attention and this would be personal. I'd have BG win because he is the face.

Jeff Jarrett vs Monty Brown

Two of the TNA originals go at it in Monty's return. I'd let Jarrett win because its his company and their WM basically but not after a tough fight from the alpha male.
Well I'll use wrestlers that are currently in TNA. Instead of using free agents. But even then I still don't think I'd be able to come up with a better card than what Destination X appears to be.

Sting vs. Kurt Angle: The two biggest stars in the company. Yeah it's been done before. But what other matches are there?

A.J. Styles vs. Booker T: Probably the best mid card match available. You've got Booker who's still solid, and has a tiny bit of star power. You also have A.J. Styles who's good enough to get something out of almost anybody.

Mick Foley vs. Abyss: With the weight of Mankind I think the only possible option for him is a hardcore match, he may as well face Abyss.

I'm struggling.

Christy Hemme vs. SoCal Val: WWE had pudding matches, so TNA has to try to be sexier, they'll have an Ultimate X match.

Awesome Kong vs. Samoa Joe: Yeah, seriously. I'd love to see this match.

L.A.X. vs. Money Inc: Because I like both teams and I can't think of anything original.

Overall: I could book TNA, and I think I might be if one of their staff reads this post.
Here's my version of the Dream Bound For Glory Card as I will be using current & former TNA stars

TNA World Championship: Kurt Angle(c) vs A.J. Styles- Yes we have seen these two battle in the past & their battles were great, plus with not only the TNA Title at stake but also it should be the battle on whether the Frontline or the Main Event Mafia wins as well. I would have A.J. Styles win the world title & give the Frontline the much needed victory in this war.

TNA World Tag Team Championship Tag Team Turmoil Match-LAX(c) vs Beer Money vs Team Canada(Petey & Eric) vs The Steiner Brothers vs The Motor City Machine Guns. This would be a great match as we have a great tag team from yesterday in the Steiner Brothers & 3 of TNA's best tag team & a former great team in TNA in Team Canada. I would have The Motor City Machine Guns finally win the titles.

Monster's Ball Match- Abyss vs Sabu vs Terry Funk vs Mick Foley vs Raven. Obviousely Funk, Sabu & Raven are one time deals in this match. Abyss goes over in this match by him pinning Foley & start the seeds towards their rivalry.

Christy Hemme vs Angelina Love vs Velvet Sky vs Taylor Wilde in a 4 way match- If TNA is trying to go opposite of WWE's PG era then they should make the 4 women in this match wrestle naked as it would not only make TNA do something out of the blue but also give us a fans a treat in seeing these lovely ladies naked. I would have Angelina Love win this match.

Ultimate X Match for the X-Division Championship- Christopher Daniels(c) vs Jerry Lynn vs Jay Lethal vs Kaz vs Senshi vs Elix Skipper. This match would be the shit as we all know what extreme lengths Skipper can do in a match. I would pick Jay Lethal to win this match & his 3rd X-Division title.
I'll use current TNA stars for the BFG card

TNA Championship
Sting(c) VS. Kurt Angle- Let's face it, the Sting-Angle BFG07 match was an amazing match, and they could do it again

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe-I would like to say Joe go heel with his "Nation of Violence" theme and AJ try to stop him

Jeff Jarrett vs. Booker T-I could just see this happening somewhere down the line and think it would be a decent match

TNA X-Division Championship-Ultimate X Match
Christopher Daniels(c) vs. Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed vs. Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley vs. Kaz-Daniels and Kaz are still on the TNA roster, and I wish they could be used in their own characters instead of the stupid masked gimmicks. A 6 man Ultimate X with those competitors would be amazing

TNA Tag Team Championship
Beer Money(c) vs. LAX vs. Team 3-D- A Triple threat Tag Match would be nice to see with these 2 teams

Monsters Ball
Abyss vs. Mick Foley vs. Matt Morgan vs. Rhino-A Monsters Ball needs Mick Foley in it since he is the "Hardcore Legend" Enough said

Knockouts Title-Knockouts Gauntlet
Have every knockout in TNA involved in the gauntlet like they did at BFG07
TNA World Heavyweight Championship (Special Referee - Jeff Jarrett)
Samoa Joe(c) vs. AJ Styles

Straight up match between the two biggest home grown TNA stars with the added attraction of Jeff Jarrett as Special Guest Referee. I would have Samoa Joe walk in to Bound For Glory as Champion & have AJ Styles win his first TNA Heavyweight Championship to end the show. Jarrett as the founder of TNA could work an angle of how he is so proud of how far TNA has come he wants to see this match up close & personal & eventually turning heel on Samoa Joe or AJ Styles which would lead to a match at the next PPV.

TNA Legends Championship
Sting(c) vs. Ultimate Warrior

Huge marquee match between the two Legends with the facepaint. Ultimate Warrior would have to win if he were to make an in ring comeback therefore i would have this match end in a DQ due to Beer Money interfering becuase they were bumped of the card due to this match. Sting & Warrior would recover from the beat down they receive causing the match to end in an DQ & send Beer Money packing after which they would shake hands & pose for the crowd. This would lead to a Blade Runners vs. Beer Money match at the next PPV.

Kurt Angle vs. Hernandez

This match is simply to establish Hernandez as a big time player in TNA and firmly elevate him to the Main Event Picture. Obviously i would have Hernandez go over Kurt Angle which would have the potential to make Hernandez a big star.

Outsiders (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall) vs. Steiner Brothers (Rick & Scott) vs. Harlem Heat (Stevie Ray & Booker T)

Natural feud between these three legendry tag teams with Main Event Mafia Connections. Who is the best Tag Team? Me personally would have The Outsiders win as i belive Scott Hall could still become a regualar on the TNA roster.

TNA X Division Championship
Homicide(c) vs. Mystery Opponent (Christopher Daniels)

The return of the original Fallen Angel Christpher Daniels would won win this match & the Championship.

Ultimate X Match
Motor City Machine Guns vs. Briscoe Brothers

This would be an amazing spectacle bewteen these four, the Briscoes would be a great addition to the TNA roster competing in X Division & Tag Matches.

Barbwire Massacre
Mick Foley vs. Abyss

Garbage brawl between two of the best hardcore wrestlers. I would have a debuting Necro Butcher help Mick Foley win this match. Necro Butcher would become Mick Foleys protege & would then go on to feud with Abyss.

(I would also have Team 3D, Rhino, The Beautiful People, Taylor Wilde, ODB & Awesome Kong involved in this PPV but cant think of what to do with them at this present time. I would have the Knockouts Championship & Tag Team defended & would have liked to of had a Monsters Ball Match. It would be easy just to throw the Women in a battle royal or somthing but i like my matches to mean something.)
Um... Samoa Joe isn't a home grown TNA star... he got big in ROH. He was already a big star in ROH before going to TNA.

Samoa Joe got big in ROH..... Yes i agree but how many people actually know what ROH is let alone that Samoa Joe was in ROH? Sure its easy for you to say that being a hardcore smart wrestling fan but ROH is a indie Company. Meanwhile TNA is now a Worldwide company broadcast all over the world. Samoa Joe has gotten alot more mainstream attention from casual wrestling fans in TNA then he ever would have got in ROH.

I mean outside of smart marks who follows the ROH product? TNA made Samoa Joe a star.
BFG card

Singles Match- Matt Morgan (c) vs. Rhino

If they Build Matt Morgan to be unstoppable and ....Rhino being the only guy not to test him yet....

"Legends Title" (If it lasts long)

Fatal Four Way- Kevin Nash (c) vs. Sting vs. Kurt Angle vs. Booker T

Unnecessary Match for an Unnecessary Title but People may dig former MEM members going at each other to see whos the real legend by winning this legends title

"Tag Titles"

Texas Torando Tag Match- Beer Money (c) vs. LAX vs. Team 3D vs. Kip & BG James

Kip and BG coming back together may not be a huge deal but its another tag team with atleast a little prestige.....and the other 3 teams would make a good match for sure....


Singles Match- Sojo Bolt (c) vs. Taylor Wilde

even though the whole awesome kong thing isnt getting old its just theres gotta be another front runner in the knockout division and keep awesome kong doing something else for awhile....and so u get in my opinion the next 2 best knockouts if u can say that..its hard to say that cuz i dont consider awesome kong a knockout...lol haha


10 Man over the top Battle Royal

Suicide (c) vs. Scott Steiner vs. Abdul Bashir vs. Eric Young vs. Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed vs. Alex Shelly vs. Chris Sabin vs. Brutus Magnus vs. Shark Boy

Everyone deserves to be in that match....except for Steiner and Shark Boy and just to get them outta the way....they would be eliminated early...allowing the other 7-8....to battle for it

"Awesome Kong Open Challenge"

Handicap Match-Awesome Kong vs. the beautiful People

Aweosme Kong dominates the division even though she doesnt have the Title....and blah blah.....u probably get the rest

"Foley vs. Jarret" (Competition)

Foley's Representative is Samoa Joe
Jarret's Representative is AJ styles


Singles Match-AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

Foley stays face cuz he can...and Jarret goes Heel and they compete every week on stupid things....and to see whos the best executive without wrestling they chose representatives

"Random Feud just to add another match to the card"

Street Fight- Shane Sewell vs. Abyss

Abyss gets piss.......shane sewell happens to be there......and ya....
It's half past nine on a Sunday night. Shit, I've got nothing better to do. This'll delay my return to that horrible "real world" at least.

Main event of Bound For Glory... Hmm, let me think.

TNA World Heavyweight Title Match
Samoa Joe (C) vs. AJ Styles

Fuck it, why not? I'm guessing the fact that Sting has been in the last three main events is just TNA being TNA and he doesn't have it written into his contract or some shit. I'm guessing by this point the Main Event Mafia will have subsided. I might be cutting it close, but this would be cool all the same. Joe and AJ compete for the belt in the same match at some point, Joe wins. Joe acts like a dick once he's champion, AJ takes exception, setting up this Bound For Glory match.

These two haven't had a proper one-on-one match for years now, and this, I feel, would be pretty epic. Let them go all out and no shitty looking interference from Kevin Nash. I'm sick of him ruining Bound For Glory every year. This would be a good way of bringing the "new breed" to the forefront of the company.

Rather obviously, Styles wins. Have them wear special outfits and have special entrances and the like so it has a "big match" feel. Maybe AJ could wear his old trunk and Joe could be introduced by those crazy tiki people. The crowd should go mental as AJ starts off his first "proper" title reign. Joe shakes his hand, I guess.

Grudge Match
Jeff Jarrett vs. Booker T​
Both considered to be on that same level - good, worthy of holding a title but never really a figurehead. If you don't want to go for a storyline that doesn't involve racism in some way - but, let's face it, why wouldn't you? - you can just build on their existing history.

They're both natural heels. Jarrett is the better face, but he's also the better heel. But wasn't Jarrett the heel in WCW when they feuded? I don't know, I didn't watch. OK, have Jarrett as the face then. At least you don't have to write in character changes.

They're both at that age where they can put on a good match if they really, really want to. I lie, Jarrett is at that age. Booker was at that age five years ago. I reckon they could have a decent match, provided there's some weapons and shit involved. Who wins is unimportant; no one will remember. If the Legends championship is still around at this point, have it for that.

Kurt Angle vs. Hernandez​
I get that I'm being pretty generous to Hernandez here. I'm also being a bit cruel to Kurt. However, if his feud with Lesnar proved anything, it's that he looks fucking good when he's throwing around a big dude. Hernandez has that spring in him that would make Angle's throws look painful.

How do we get here? Run a storyline where Kurt just can't let go after the end of the Main Event Mafia. He runs his mouth about how TNA's talent is shit and even beats them all up... again. That is, until he runs into big Hernandez. Hernandez, it turns out, is sick of Kurt's shit. He's going to prove himself by fucking him up on the biggest stage of all... WrestleMania!! Failing that, they'll just have a match at Bound For Glory.

Hernandez wins, thus not making the match pointless. Kurt comes out looking strong though, the big H having to hit, I dunno, four consecutive Border Tosses on him to pin him.

Edit: I just saw that someone already did this. I'm so unoriginal.

X Division Title Match
Alex Shelley (C) vs. Homicide​
I'm guessing that Shelley will lose the belt to Suicide at whatever pay-per-view they're having this month. Well anyway, he gets it back in this scenario. And just in time for Bound For Glory, no less. But wait, you'll never guess who's still got their Feast or Fired case! Homicide's only gone and waited the entire year to cash it in.

The belt gets just a smidgen of credibility back - y'know, 'cos Homicide is acting as if he actually gives a shit - and the fans get a fairly decent match. With Homicide in the mix, it won't look overly choreographed either.

Homicide wins and looks all emotional when he wins the belt. It was a close match though, with lots of false finishes. As such, Shelley shakes his hand. Then they hug. Then they kiss...

Abyss vs. Mick Foley​
'Cos we've been waiting fucking long enough.

Monster's Ball
World Tag Team Championship
Beer Money Inc. (C) vs. Team 3D vs. Matt Morgan & Brutus Magnus vs.
Lethal Consequences

Every Bound For Glory needs at least one massive clusterfuck. This is this Bound For Glory's. Beer Money and Team 3D are still feuding since however far way we are from BFG now. Brutus Magnus' push has long since fizzled out and so he's just desperately clinging on to a contract when he's randomly paired with Matt Morgan. Fuck it, why not? Lethal Consequences have nothing better to do.

It doesn't really matter who wins. Beer Money, probably. TNA will want them to act as tag team filler for as long as possible. None of them are particularly good options. Team 3D have held so many tag titles that another one would just be completely insignificant. Morgan and Magnus (Morgnus?) would just de-value the belts and make the Motor City Machine Guns look really shit. Lethal Consequences... pretty much the same.

It would be a good match, barring Team 3D's part.

Stock Fight for the Right Battle Royale and Women's Matches

Whoever's left over for the Fight for the Right and it doesn't really matter who's in the women's matches (or match).
In a direct response to a flamy PM by obamartins, this is my effort.

Whatever happens at B4G, it needs to be truly epic.

World Title – Special Ref – Mick Foley
AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe vs Sting vs Kurt Angle (c)

Face vs Heelish Tweener vs Face vs Heel could be an awesome match, the biggest in the companys’ history if booked properly. If AJ won the belt before the PPV and retained here, it would truly set him up as the face of the company.

Legends Title
Jeff Jarrett vs Booker T vs Steiner (c)

If this title has to exist, then do something with it and have Jarrett win it, turn it into a mid card title and then vacate it.

Street Fight
Hernandez vs Abyss

Hernandez goes over. This would be brutal

X Division Title – Ultimate X
Homicide vs The Fallen Angel vs Petey Williams vs Kaz (c)

Spotty but could be awesome

Tag Titles – Elimination Table
MCMG (c) vs Beer Money vs Lethal Consequences vs 3D

The Guns need to win the belt soon. I think they should have a good reign too.
Samoa Joe got big in ROH..... Yes i agree but how many people actually know what ROH is let alone that Samoa Joe was in ROH? Sure its easy for you to say that being a hardcore smart wrestling fan but ROH is a indie Company. Meanwhile TNA is now a Worldwide company broadcast all over the world. Samoa Joe has gotten alot more mainstream attention from casual wrestling fans in TNA then he ever would have got in ROH.

I mean outside of smart marks who follows the ROH product? TNA made Samoa Joe a star.

It was ROH that put Samoa Joe on notice, not TNA. And it has nothing to do with me being a "hardcore smart wrestling fan"... you just saying that made it sound like every stupid bastards think they can do a better job booking a WWE/TNA show yet their ideas are so out-of-this-world or doesn't make sense.... smart.

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