Dravens Prison Journal (day 1)

Draven Filth

Dark Match Jobber
So as a sick joke i have been handed a notebook to keep my mind entertained, so i have decided to utilize this notebook as a way to recall the memories i have had in the wrestlezone prison So I start off today......

I woke up this morning and heard spawn yelling at some random guy.....It was something along the lines of get on your knees now bitch!....Im not very sure exactly who he was talking to and i really dont wanna know why but lets just say its times like this im glad im bunking alone for now

During Breakfeast -A nice helping of rotting bread and eggs that look worse then stuff that has come out of my ass- I sat alone....Guard jake came up to me and said that i was gonna be let out. Before i could do a backflip he finished his sentence, he said when an icecube could survive an hour in hell...That was nothing new seeing as he does the same shit every day. Lets just say i've fallen for it many many times.

I then went on to do my job at the library and i heard a few guards talking about how marty2hotty would be joining them soon, I jumped out from where i was and said Its about time.....Unfortunatley i startled sam and he cracked my in the head with a nightstick

I would spend the rest of the day healing in the medical center beaing treated by what i thought was a female nurse.....i would later find out it was kanyon and i miraculiously healed right after that...and ran like hell which got me in more trouble with guard jake because he thought i was faking it

So i sit here tonight attempting to explain to devlain why selling too much is a good thing and why spam sucks i hope i remember tommorow seeing as my head still hurts...................................Well this sucks, i just found out that tomorrow i get to enter solitary confinment for a week...I just hope they dont steal you be4 i get out....goodbye notebook

(so you all know i was really bored and wanted to write something to entertain myself and hopefully others)
Well not to correct you, but that wasn't rotten eggs, it was eggs benedict. Not the best, but the sauce makes it edible. And for two Jake isn't the guard, he's the warden. Johnny's the guard. I'm more like the chaplin. And I'm not catholic, so no gettin on yur knees here (sorry, don't men to offend any catholics). But all in all, it should be fun to see your daily journals. It's quirky. It's how I got out of here. lol

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