Dolph Ziggler is the NEW United States Champion


Occasional Pre-Show
So Dolph Ziggler and United States Champion Kofi Kingston had a US Championship match at Capitol Punishment, and Dolph Ziggler won the title by submission over Kofi Kingston. These are some of the questions I'm asking.

What does the future hold for Dolph Ziggler's US Title reign?
Will it elevate him to the main event?
How, when, and who will end his title reign?

I think that Dolph Ziggler's title reign will be like the reign he had with the Intercontinental Championship reign on Smackdown last year, and I also think it will last until about October. I think that during his title reign he'll win Money in the Bank next month and use that to elevate him to the main event like The Miz did, and cash it in on John Cena after Hell in a Cell. The person who I believe will end Dolph's title reign is a strong competitor like Alex Riley in a match at Hell in a Cell, because this will assure that Ziggler is taken seriously after his reign as US Champion is over because Riley has been built as a very strong competitor.

If Ziggler can carry the United States Championship like he did the Intercontinental Championship then he should be able to get a good push out of it if he's over enough. During his time as United States Champion, I would love some type of face turn and eventually growing apart from Vickie Guerrero. He needs over badly and I don't believe heel is the way to go. Great match tonight. I predicted a title change here and I am hoping the whole Kofi/Dolph thing is over with. Now that RAW stole Smackdown's mid card division, Ziggler may have quite a few opponents on the RAW roster. I'm expecting nothing but good to come from his reign as United States Champion.
when i had heard that dolph won, i was pissed, wwe wasting kofi to put over a terrible wrestler. hope kofi gets something good. as for dolph, i dont figure he will/should have a long title reign. alex riley winning the US belt from him would be good for alex riley later down the road. hopefully dolph stays at mid-card cause i just dont see him as a main eventer. he isnt really much of a draw, and he isnt overly good in the ring.
what i think will happen is tommorow on Raw the GM will say that Ziggler promised Stone Cold that Vickie wouldn't be with him so he could get the title shot in the first place, make him defend it that night without Vickie by his side, and Kofi will win it back. That's WWE for ya.
when i had heard that dolph won, i was pissed, wwe wasting kofi to put over a terrible wrestler. hope kofi gets something good. as for dolph, i dont figure he will/should have a long title reign. alex riley winning the US belt from him would be good for alex riley later down the road. hopefully dolph stays at mid-card cause i just dont see him as a main eventer. he isnt really much of a draw, and he isnt overly good in the ring.

Kofi botched the ending of the match.

But Dolph a terrible wrestler? I don't see that. He has had some great matches with many different people, from Daniel Bryan, to Mysterio, to Morrison, to Edge, etc.

And how can you tell how he's a draw or not?

I see a few rematches with Kofi, then possibly losing it to Alex Riley if Riley doesn't totally screw up.
Personally I think the rematch scenario previously posted could work, except have Ziggler beat Kofi clean this time...ending the feud.

I would turn Zack Ryder face, and slowly work him into the midcard scene with a feud against ZIggler. This might work considering the previous 'support' Zigs has given Zack. While its not a huge history, you can make somthing out of that.

As for Alex Riley...he should win a midcard title in 2012, IMO. Keep the Miz thing going through July, and if you can have a huge blowoff match...SSlam. This keeps legitmizing Riley, gives Miz something to do until Punk's last run is up.

Once Punk leaves, Miz goes back to the top heel spot. R-Truth can regain the US from Ryder, and put Truth and Riley together come wintertime.
I gotta say, Dolph was already in the main event this year, and WWE botched it so bad he has been on recovery mode ever since. It's nice to get a title win, but in the end it's not the U.S. title that will get him back to the main event, if anything he may have to continue to suffer in the mid card with that belt. I feel bad for him, it wasn't his terrible booking that destroyed him a few months ago. He is talented and deserves better.

Giving Dolph the World title and then swapping it back off him immediately is bad booking. Don't give it to him in the first place if you never intended on him having it. That episode of Smackdown was horrible. Throwing him down the card after that was bad booking, testing the waters is BS. He was doing fine in that spot. He has been toiling away doing absolutely nothing since then. You don't build a guy up break him down to nothing and then try to slow build him back up again, where is the logic in that? Oh I forgot he got squashed by Cena a few times too, further destroying any work that had been done with him. Putting the U.S. title on him does nothing, it just means we get to see him wrestle Kofi a million more times.
I gotta say, Dolph was already in the main event this year, and WWE botched it so bad he has been on recovery mode ever since. It's nice to get a title win, but in the end it's not the U.S. title that will get him back to the main event, if anything he may have to continue to suffer in the mid card with that belt. I feel bad for him, it wasn't his terrible booking that destroyed him a few months ago. He is talented and deserves better.

You serious? You do realize for someone to be pushed, one has to be over? Ziggler's so called main event run was nothing but testing the waters for him. He was not meant to stay there for a long period of time. It was NOT WWE's bad booking at all. WWE took advantage of the long history between Vickie (Dolph's only heat source) and Edge and ran with it. It was great booking on their part. Dolph ran very well with the Intercontinental Championship now they are giving him a run with The United States Championship on the better, more popular brand. If you chill out and wait a solid year or so, Dolph may be a top challenger in the WWE. Give it time.
You serious? You do realize for someone to be pushed, one has to be over? Ziggler's so called main event run was nothing but testing the waters for him. He was not meant to stay there for a long period of time. It was NOT WWE's bad booking at all. WWE took advantage of the long history between Vickie (Dolph's only heat source) and Edge and ran with it. It was great booking on their part. Dolph ran very well with the Intercontinental Championship now they are giving him a run with The United States Championship on the better, more popular brand. If you chill out and wait a solid year or so, Dolph may be a top challenger in the WWE. Give it time.

Yeah I agree with hamler that the real feud was Vicki and Edge with Dolph being the addition and she's the real reason why we are talking about Ziggler at the moment but I must say Ziggler is a good wrestler, seller and also his last time commentating was above average.

The only thing wwe has been doing wrong is not using Vicki as much as smackdown did which she was helping get Kelly Kelly and Dolph get over.
Giving Dolph the World title and then swapping it back off him immediately is bad booking. Don't give it to him in the first place if you never intended on him having it. That episode of Smackdown was horrible.

Why is it horrible booking? Maybe they wanted something to run with in the future, Maybe Edge wanted an 11th title reign. His World Title reign still goes in the books and there's really nothing wrong with it.

Throwing him down the card after that was bad booking, testing the waters is BS.

Did you seriously not read anything i posted? The WWE took advantage of the long history between Edge and Vickie. If you look back, Dolph rarely spoke. He wasn’t even over enough to challenge for the World Title on his own. He owes Vickie for him even still being in the WWE.

He was doing fine in that spot. He has been toiling away doing absolutely nothing since then. You don't build a guy up break him down to nothing and then try to slow build him back up again, where is the logic in that?

NOT OVER! Dolph is shit without Vickie. Face facts, Ziggler cannot use Vickie to fall back on the rest of his career.

Oh I forgot he got squashed by Cena a few times too, further destroying any work that had been done with him.

Hey look, more bullshit. Dolph's two matches with John Cena on Monday Night RAW and the live edition of Smackdown on Tuesday a while back did nothing but elevate him.

Putting the U.S. title on him does nothing, it just means we get to see him wrestle Kofi a million more times.

How about giving him something to do so people like you won't claim the WWE are dropping the ball with him? Nothing but good can come from a United States title reign on Dolph. You are way too impatient. His time will come.
Q: What does the future hold for Dolph Ziggler's US Title reign?
A: I'm sure, and hoping that Dolph Ziggler will have a lengthy title reign. He had a good IC run Last year which brought back some prestige to the title. I'm hoping that he's a defending champion and also doesn't ALWAYS cheat to retain, because even though hes a heel and they are suppose to cheat, it sometimes make them look weak as champion. .

Q:Will it elevate him to the main event?
A: As a huge fan of Dolph Ziggler, I'm hoping in a way he gets the same treatment he did on smackdown, which was move up to the main event picture after he lost the IC title. I'm not sure if he'll win the WWE title though, unless they really fix him up (but not make him generic like they tried). Knowing how Dolph performs, I think he has all the talent in the world to deliver some great main event matches.

Q:How, when, and who will end his title reign?
A: I'll say he loses the title at SummerSlam to Evan Bourne. They seem to be pushing Evan Bourne again, and 1-2 months is enough time to build Evan's character, fan base and popularity up. WWE will most likely have Evan Bourne in singles and tag matches with other mid card talents, winning of course, while Ziggler is finishing up his feud with Kofi. The way I see it..Evan and Ziggler have a match at MITB, Vicki gets Dolph DQed, and at SummerSlam, Evan wins the US title from Ziggler.
when i had heard that dolph won, i was pissed, wwe wasting kofi to put over a terrible wrestler. hope kofi gets something good. as for dolph, i dont figure he will/should have a long title reign. alex riley winning the US belt from him would be good for alex riley later down the road. hopefully dolph stays at mid-card cause i just dont see him as a main eventer. he isnt really much of a draw, and he isnt overly good in the ring.

Well honestly I was pretty confused how you called Dolph a "terrible wrestler" then proceeded to praise the talent of Kofi Kingston and of all people Alex Riley over him, Dolph is one of the best technical wrestlers in the WWE right now just behind Bryan and Punk, hes a great talent who deserves to be a main eventer more than anyone on the midcard currently.

As for his title reign I would like to see a 6 way feud between him, Kingston, Swagger, Bourne, McIntyre, and there i say it.. Zack Ryder, he should have a long reign as champ and he can also win the MitB although I think that's gonna go to Del Rio after he's gonna say it's his "destiny" to win it.

And he should eventually go face after his reign the guy is really likeable just check out his stuff on NXT and Lopez Tonight he has tons of charisma he just can't show it with his heel persona.
Hamler pretty much nailed it. Ziggler's semi Main Event push was just a test run and he showed that he can work that kind of match. That is likely why they moved him to Raw and gave him this US Title reign, so he has a chance to get over on the more popular show. If they were to have shoved him back down the card over on Smackdown then yeah, you'd have a legit complaint about his booking. But to suggest that he should have been at the top of the card as soon as he moved over to Raw is ridiculous. Him moving to Raw is easily a step up.

I honestly don't care much for him. He's a solid guy and he obviously has a bit of charisma to boot, but he just doesn't really do it for me. I'd like to attribute that to me missing Smackdown an awful lot though and I have high hopes for him to impress on Raw.

Who knows, maybe he can go a similar route to as The Miz did and earn his way to the top of the card instead of being hot shotted for no reason. I like this route much better.

I'm more than happy that the title was taken off of Kofi though. He's a perennial mid carder and he'll get a shit ton of US/IC reigns throughout his career, but helping to build the stars with potential is a role he is much better suited for than any kind of push that will certainly fail.
If Ziggler's reign will be anything like his IC reign last year then this will be great for him. It would make the belt more important again and give him something to do before he can try main eventing again. It could give him credibility he needs to move up the card on Raw. The reign might last quite a while until someone like Swagger or McIntyre ends it. I would really like to see Ryder get a push to be the one to end the reign because he deserves it and it would do wonders for his character to hold a title. It will probably be Swagger though. "The all american american united states champion champion" sells itself no matter who he faces.

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