Does it Really Matter?

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Plump, Juicy User
I've been thinking of something recently that may prevent TNA from gaining a ton of new viewers. It's nothing major and probably doesn't make a huge difference, but it could be a difference nonetheless. This small issue is simply the company's name, "TNA." To hardcore wrestling fans in means Total Nonstop Action, but to many others around the world it means something completely different.

I would bet that there are a few mothers out there who don't approve of their little boys watching something that they think is vulgar and inappropriate. I'm not saying that TNA's name is anything major, but it could be something that scares away some viewers. I know it is highly unlikely that TNA will change their company name at this point, but maybe they could simply refer to themselves as Impact Wrestling, or something.

What do you think, is this an issue or am I just blowing it out of proportion because I'm running out of thread ideas?
You know, I was recently thinking of something similar to this. Not so much about mothers not wanting their children to watch, but just how stupid does Total Nonstop Action sound you know? There isn't even really a mention of Wrestling in the name. I get where you're coming from, but I just think the name is stupid. I really don't see it having an effect on their success.
it could be changed to TWA, Total Wrestling Action.. but nah, to me TNA is just fine.. i guess because i'm so used to it :)
I found TNA by having the satellite receiver search for anything including the word "wrestling," in the title or description. I personally would have never given a thought to a show name "TNA," if the search would have not showed it. And as a previous poster mentioned, what the heck is this nonstop action they're talking about?
It might make a little bit of difference, but honestly I don't see it being that big of an issue. However I can get where some might think TNA of course means Tits and Ass, but I think it's a stretch. I for one am not bothered either way. So while I don't think you are blowing it out of proportion, I do believe it doesn't affect their ratings.
Are you guys crazy that sounds like a porn DVD TNA You know Total NONSTOP ACTION comeon i would change it when i first tuned in i was like are they now showing porn on public access.

lol i was jk it was something i just thought of but the name is ok.
I didn't watch TNA for a long time because the name made me think that they'd mostly push those stupid bikini and bra and panties matches the WWE crams down our throats.'

So yeah. It mattered to me, at least.
It's a valid point, but I'm not sure it prevents anyone from watching.

TNA is their own worst enemy when it comes to gaining viewers. Not because of their product, but because of their own self promotion. You rarely ever see a commercial for TNA unless it's on Spike TV. The WWE runs commercials everywhere - ESPN, MTV, even during TNA programming !!!

The first rule of television is you have to have a strong promotions department. I should know - I work in television.

Until recently, TNA never left Orlando so a small percentage of people had access to their live product.

They're on a channel that very few people watch because it's a channel that consists of mostly reruns. It was different when the WWE was on Spike because they're an established company that had a following - TNA is trying to gain a following so they should attempt to become more high profile in their network of choice.

TNA doesn't have that "name" commodity that people know. Hardcore wrestling fans know who AJ Styles is or know who Kurt Angle is, but the average individual knows who The Rock is or who John Cena is. Yes, Hollywood helped, but they were household names well before they were movie credit names.

Several issues Impact TNA, but their choice of name isn't one.
I remember the first time I saw a TNA weekly ppv advertised and I think I remember seeing some scantily clad blonde model types in the promo and and I thought TNA did mean tits and ass actually.

But no, I don't really think it'll make much of a difference in ratings one way or another. TNA ultimately has problem gaining viewers because the majority of pro wrestling fans in America simply don't care for what TNA's offering. I'd say that said audience is aware of TNA's existence by now, so I reject such an excuse outright. They're just not interesting in buying what TNA is selling at this point.
Everytime I talk about TNA to anyone who isn't a wrestling fan, I always get the same reaction. "Tits & Ass?"

Or they will ask me what it stands for, and then I tell them its Total Nonstop Action, and then they say "I always thought it stood for Tits and Ass.

But I guess thats the difference between TNA and T AND A.

The moral of the story is, yes, if you go up to a non-wrestling fan and ask them was TNA stands for, they will say Tits and Ass. Thats what they think it stands for. So the name has to hurt a bit. However, I bet its called TNA for a reason. You know some boy is sitting at home, watching TV in his parents basement, surfing though the channels, and he sees TNA. He's going to turn the volume down real low, and put it on. He'll see wrestling and it might grow from there.
I've also thought on this subject, but I had always thought that the fact that the TNA could be taken to mean something rather adult in nature (yet said in a kind of immature teenage sort of way) was the point. From what I've seen in its promotion, TNA is all about "crossing the line" and doing the sorts of stuff that the other wrestling promotions (by which I mean WWE) wouldn't dare to do. The name itself would seem to be an indication of the direction this show is meant to go, very in your face, aggressive, and often quite a bit "ruder" than the other guys.

I don't know. Maybe I'm over-analyzing this, but it would seem to me that the name Total Nonstop Action just seems a little bit forced. My thought is that they came up with the name Tn'A in the sense that non-wrestling fans think of it as a kind of smart-alec joke and later just picked some fairly applicable words to plug into those letters.
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