Do You Miss william regal As GM,commissioner


Pre-Show Stalwart
I always thought Regal has made a great GM and is best used as a GM. He has great mic skill and he has no problem getting the crowd to react and he can be a heel and still get some comedy in .

I think in GM terms Regal is the 2nd Best GM raw has had only to be beaten to eric b. I feel he has alot left to give and maybe not as a wrestler so much but as a GM and i hope we see him as a GM again .

I know befor the whole wellness thing we were going to see a possible title chase with him as Kotr & GM but sadly it never happend.

So the questions im asking are

Do You Miss Regal as GM?

Would You Like To See Regal As GM SD Or Raw?

Also Do You Think The GM Role Would Suit Regal Better Then A Active Wrestler Now?
I don't exactly miss William Regal as the general manager. However I definitely think that it would be a great move for William to be reinstated as that. He played the role of General Manager and Commissioner so very well during his time with that.

He was never gonna become a big deal in terms of active competition and wrestling, he was never gonna be above the mid-card, or lower mid-card. So it really would've been a better thing for him to actually be the current general manager.

He has all the experience needed to play the role, and he has always struck me as the kind of authority figure, especially if he simply gets to enjoy an occasional in-ring competition like he did back then. It saves him a few years with the business, as well as it actually gives him something worthy to do outside of being in the comedy end of the show.

However that doesn't mean I can't do without him. I mean we've managed without him before, so there's really nothing bad in leaving him where he is. However it is definitely more enjoyable to watch him in an authority figure role, than an active competitor, where he obviously doesn't get half the time he needs to showcase his great in-ring abilities anymore.
Oh yes, Regal could be the Mystery GM!! That would be great! He rarely wins wrestling matches anymore so why not make him GM? He can get paid just by looking cool. He has the most awesome fashion sense of just about all of the wrestlers. I really like him no matter what he is doing. The man is a legend in my opinion. He should be inducted into the Hall of Fame just for being such an awesome competitor!
Seldom do you see someone's punishment be as long lasting as Regal's has been. At the time of his suspension, he was getting a pretty big push with his "position of authority" standing and occasional wrestling. Since then, he's been nowhere and it occurs to me the company was probably really angry at him for testing bad.

We fans never know what's really going on behind the scenes. It could be management, knowing Regal's prior problems with alcohol, told him him they would take a chance and push him to the hilt as long as he was clean.......and he assured them he was. They might have told them they were putting full faith in him and investing a lot in his character and he promised that their faith was well-placed. Then, when the random testing reached Regal, he betrayed their trust and tested dirty, angering them more than a performer who might have failed the drug test without having issued these assurances.

Even though we don't know the complete story, my feeling is he's been held down for a very long time and it would be nice to see his push restored. He's a good performer.
I wouldn't have him as the SD gm because Teddy has been and still is doing a great job as the gm of SD, but I would have him as the gm of Raw, I think he made a pretty good job as the gm of Raw, I can't go as far to say that I miss him as gm of Raw because I'm liking the mystery gm angle that is currently active. I don't like him wrestling now because you know that he's going to lose so I would much rather him be the gm and have him wrestle two or three times a year.
Ill answer your questions in order.

1. Heck yes, I miss Regal as the GM. While people wanted to see Vickie Guerrero go away, Regal drew more legitimate heat. I remember whenhe shut the power off during the Orton-HHH match and came out the next week to some of the sickest heat Ive seen this side of Eric Bischoff. I don't think there's been a GM since whose held a candle to Regal, or been such an integral part of the show. Shame about the Wellness Policy suspension, because I think he was on his way to a mega-push at the time.

2. Yeah, Id love to see him as the GM of Raw. Personally, I think Smackdown has a good thing going with the Teddy/Vickie dynamic, so why mess with success? But he would be a perfect fit for the mystery GM. Nobody would even begin to suspect it, as he's either jobbing out in a comedy match, or MIA from TV altogether. It would likely be a letdown to most in terms of a long term payoff for an angle, but it would prove to be a good long term choice. He and Barrett are both British, so it could make sense in that way, storyline wise, that he perhaps is siding with Nexus.

3. I think almost anything would be a better fit for Regal right now then as an active wrestler. He went from having very good matches with Christian on ECW and the leader of a faction to the aforementioned comedy matches he's now booked in. And like before, he could book himself to wrestle, when he sees fit. Thats the other thing that got him great heat, he booked himself virtually an easy king of the ring win in 08 by booking an easy path for himself. Regal was a great GM before in my opinion, and is being wasted away as a wrestler, so why not try it again?
Do You Miss Regal as GM?
I don't miss him as GM, but I would be open to him being GM again anyday! He has palyed the role so well from abck in 2001 and to the time he was temporary the Raw GM! He knows the role really well and get get instant heat sometimes...

Would You Like To See Regal As GM SD Or Raw?
After he is done with wrestling? Why not...I always thought he could be like a road agent, I mean he is one of a few great technical wrestlers in the WWE and he has been wrestling since he was 16, he could train a lot of guys, so I would rather have him train the young ones than him be the GM...

Also Do You Think The GM Role Would Suit Regal Better Then A Active Wrestler Now?
At the moment, Yes, he is a great wrestler, and he doesn't need to prove that he is HOF worthy, because he is an acomplished wrestler, going in the catagory as one of the best to never hold a world title, iff he was to be the mystery GM, I would love it, he is a great, and recently he jsut puts people over, well I haven't seen him for some time now..he could very well be behind Nexus, as he is british and so is Wade Barrett, Who knows!
I loved Regal in his "turn out the lights" GM phase. His character's power trip was just awesome and he was getting the best heat I recall him ever getting. I think there are few if any built better for a GM/Commisioner type role than William Regal and with his age I can see him becoming GM or something similar on a more full-time basis in the near future. I'd really like to see him replace Teddy "Turkey-Breast" Long though on Smackdown. Long just irritates the shit out of me these days. Like 5 years ago I was fine with the turkey walk, holla holla holla nonsense but he needs a change already, or to be replaced, and Regal would be a great replacement.
I'd certainly like to see Regal back in the GM role once the whole mystery GM angle is done. It seems very natural to him and he is easily the most over when he's that authority figure. Back when he was commissioner, he was a comedic face but much better as the comic relief than he is now. It tends to just be losing to Santino at this point.
His time as GM was done masterfully. He got a huge push, got involved with main eventers like Trips and Cena, won the last incarnation of King of the Ring, and was having a good feud with Mr. Kennedy that was really giving both of them alot of spotlight and more of a push. Obviously he screwed himself there, and just never got back to that level.
The whole Ruthless Roundtable in ECW seemed like he'd get an ECW title run out of it, but never did. I expected that to continue on Raw until Big Zeke got hurt and later Koslov joined Santino.

In my opinion, the WWE doesn't need to push him in terms of in-ring work if they don't want to, but he's just too good as an authority figure to not give him one last try as GM. He is an incredibly underrated guy both in the ring and on the mic and it's a shame that he never really broke through that glass ceiling due to unfortunate circumstances during his whole career.
Weather or not Regal is the GM of RAW he is certainly could be used in more of a non wrestling role. Even the head of Nexus or someother faction. Regal is a brilliant mouth piece who can put other wrestlers over just by talking about them.
Simply put Regal should get more mic time. The WWE is squandering this huge talent.
I would love for Steven William Regal to become the Raw GM. He is awesome when ever he gets on the mic and he makes me laugh when ever he calls someone sunshine I even use the word myself now. In any manageric(if that's even a word) role. He shouldn't be losing to santino and all that because he's better than that. If he's he not gonna be the he needs to manage ezekiel jackson and that could possibly move him up the card because I can't see big Zeke losing alot of matches.
William Regal would be a great GM for RAW again. The current secret GM is a total bore and very predictable. Regals' timing and mic skills, and facial expressions were a great touch to the show. They just had better writing then. BRING BACK REGAL as GM!!!!!!:beer:
Regal was a ok GM but he didn't have that charisma that Eric Bishoff had... The greatest GM of all time is Eric Bishoff.. I will take Regal over Teddy Long and the stupid e-mail GM any day...
I don't necessarily MISS him. But I won't knock the time the guy spent "in charge". I thought he did a pretty damn good job. But I am not aching to have him in numerous backstage and in ring segments every week again.

While I'll agree he should have had a much bigger push recently or maybe even overall in his career. He isn't anything I miss or would really look too forward to watching on Raw.
I think that Regal is a better GM nowadays than a wrestler. Don't get me wrong he is a good wrestler and all but his days are numbered he isn't getting used to his full potential. I definatly would like him back as GM I thought he was quite a good one at that. Teddy>Regal>Email GM
Don't miss William Regal in any form, has always been and always will be a midcard leader at best. He's amounted to nothing over the years

as a GM IMO he was just OK, it wasn't awful but it also wasn't awesome.
As stated they had better writers back then.
Do You Miss Regal as GM?
Of course. One of the best pairing in modern day wrestling was William Regal and his assistant/comedy partner Tajiri. Billiant odd-couple bits that always brought just the right amount of comedy to the show without ever feeling overbearing and in the way.
Would You Like To See Regal As GM SD Or Raw?
Probably Raw as it would be more suited to the "variety show" mentality they always claim Raw to actually be. Plus it would take the place of other less entertaining comedy bits which could only benefit the program.
Also Do You Think The GM Role Would Suit Regal Better Then A Active Wrestler Now?
Well certainly it would be less demanding physically, and at Regal's age I'm sure he'd appreciate it. If anything I'd like to see him be used almost like Jerry Lawler but with a twist. Since we all know how well Regal wrestles it would be great to see him always be in the comedy bit but when push came to shove actually put on a technically sound match and put the mouthy disrespectful heel in his place, and then without missing a beat have him go back to being the comic straight man. Of course we'd need him to have a new partner in crime. Too bad Santino is glued at the hip with Koslov atm.

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