Do you like Batista better as a babyface or heel?

Babyface Batista or Heel Batista?

  • Babyface

  • Heel

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I dont care.

He sucks either way and is so stale and boring. It's hard to watch him. His micskills are lame as hell "deal with it" is that a heel promo? Batista is boring. Get him out.
He's a mega douche. He doesn't have the business smarts, or smarts in general to do what Cena does and take his appearance and reaction and turn it into something special. Then again, Cena is the "too nice" guy. Not the "who's the 45 year old trying to look cool by dressing like he just got back from the clinic with Snooki?" He's also not good enough in the ring to stay safe and not blow and entire program when he inevitably hurts someone or himself. He seems like the kind of guy who listens to butt rock and pop hip hop and goes to clubs at 45 in gaudy ass clothes trying to pick up girls young enough to be his daughter. He belongs on a VH1 reality show where they take middle aged quasi famous people and put them in a house and watch them implode.

I like my Batista like I like my Nazis. Gone and only something masochists watch on old footage.
Omg I remember the Kanye Batista reign omg he played that part so well in 2009 -2010. From his look to the slammy thing, I wish that Batista would come back. Anyways I personally liked Batista as a face as well he entertained me when he was the face of smackdown, but I really derailed his momentum when he got injured and almost seemingly never got it back as a face since. I might have to go heel because when he was doing the Kanye west gimmick I thought that was the most entertaining gimmick he ever did. I didn't like him in evolution until he showed signs of turning on them I enjoyed his face run especially when he feuded with edge and undertaker.
I like him better as a heel. He seems more natural being a heel. When he was a face, it seemed force like he trying so hard to be liked when at the same time he talking about he doesn't care about what people think
I going to say face. Regarding his current run, I think his bad reaction from the fans had less to do with his ability and more to do with the fact that he was seen from the onset as depriving Daniel Bryan from main-eventing Wrestlemania.

While not the best on the mic or in the ring, Batista does better as the traditional hulking face character rather than a generic self-absorbed heel.

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