Director's Showcase Series

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
So, I've been inspired to create some threads about directors in the Movies and Television section. I will do one every three weeks. In each thread, I will review three of a director's films: one film will be what I consider their masterpiece, another will be what I consider their most underrated film, and the final one will be what I consider either their worst or most overrated film. Are there any directors you are interested in learning more about?
All right, Jake. Just for you, I'll either do Mike Leigh or Neil Jordan first. Which one would you write about if you were doing this?
you're meant to do someone who has GOOD movies.
They make me laugh and keep me interested. If I want to analyze plot points and character interaction, I'll read a book. If I'm watching guns and British people cursin are about all I need.
They make me laugh and keep me interested. If I want to analyze plot points and character interaction, I'll read a book. If I'm watching guns and British people cursin are about all I need. can get all of that, save the humor, in a Neil Jordan film (I'm thinking The Crying Game and Mona Lisa).

I will probably do Neil Jordan, as I think he would appeal to more people here. I love Mike Leigh, but his films tend to be extremely disturbing and depressing.
All right, I plan to do this with ten directors:

Neil Jordan
David Lynch
Peter Weir
Dario Argento
Michael Mann
Stanley Kubrick
Michael Haneke
Pedro Almodovar
Takashi Miike
Martin Scorsese
Neil Jordan - The Crying Game / Mona Lisa / We're No Angels
David Lynch - Mulholland Drive / Blue Velvet / Wild At Heart
Peter Weir - Picnic At Hanging Rock / The Last Wave / Witness
Dario Argento - Suspiria /Tenebrae / Deep Red
Michael Mann - Heat / Thief / Collateral
Stanley Kubrick - 2001 / Eyes Wide Shut / The Shining
Michael Haneke - La Pianiste / Cache / Benny's Video
Pedro Almodovar - Hable Con Ella / Todo Sobre Mi Madre / Volver
Takashi Miike - Ichi The Killer / Gozu / Audition
Martin Scorsese - Taxi Driver / The Gangs of New York / The Departed

This is just the repository for what films I plan to comment on.

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