Did We Witness The End Of The Straight Edge Society?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
If you watched Summerslam last night, then you saw how the SES lost a three on one handicap match to the Big Show. This can't be looked at as a good sign, because the SES really hasn't been too hot ever since the feud with Rey Mysterio ended. For weeks we've seen countless promos, and segments on Smackdown that could be hinting at a break up, but I'm wondering, is it time for the SES to come to an end?

Losing a three on one handicap match just isn't a good thing. The SES started with a spark last year, and I think this stable still has some more miles left on it, but things haven't been going well for them. A win at Summerslam last night could've helped get them back on track, but it didn't happen. If the SES does split up, then I'll think Punk will be fine, but the future of Gallows and Mercury would be up in the air. Serena has potential, and with more time, I think she could become an important piece in the women's division on Smackdown.

What are your thoughts?
Short Answer, No. Punk was simply disciplining his troops, showing them why they need him, what he does for them. Simply put, this is Punk's way of motivating the SES. He wants to see them go out there and prove their worth to his stable (much like he said in that promo just before they 'broke' Show's hand).

It's the writer’s way of trying to help postpone a Show vs. Punk match for a later date but storyline wise, this is nothing more than Punk trying to make an example out of Mercury & Gallows. It may however go a long way to the eventual destruction of the SES. You saw that Serena wasn’t particularly happy with Punk’s actions and I’m sure Mercury & Gallows will be less than happy that Punk walked out on them so expect this not to be the end but to see this thrown back in Punk’s face when the end does come.
Well it seems to me the SES is on it's last legs. They're definitely making it obvious that Punk is getting frustrated with his members and one of 2 things are likely to happen. He either kicks them out or they revolt out of anger and frustration with him. Either way it would appear that it would leave Punk as the heel in the situation and it would turn Gallows and Mercury face. Definite tag team potential there and it's seeming like Gallows would be the more dominant male of the two since he's the one who's trying to speak out usually when Punk shuts him down. So far they have only given Mercury a backup role as I don't even remember him really speaking but like once or twice.

As for Serena I don't know. There could always be that awkward "torn between the 2 factions" thing that happens at first. Or as far as her wrestling future goes I will honestly admit I knew nothing of her until this so I can't claim to know if she could compete with the Divas. I've heard others mention she's decent.
I think on the next Smackdown Punk will start shouting at them, saying how disapointed he is that they didn't win and Luke Gallows will interrupt him. Punk will say to Luke that he needs to know his place and Respect his 'savior'. Then Gallows will hit Punk causing him to be exiled and feud with Punk until Mercury and Serena leave the Society too.
I dont think so. I just think Punk was showing his followers that they need him. I didn't get to watch the PPV so I don't know if Punk was cowering away or walking away with a smirk on his face.

This could go two ways. The SES get mad at Punk and they turn on him. Or the SES become stronger. I hope they become stronger.

If the writers keep making Punk look like crap then they should just end the SES and let him go do something else. I love the SES but right now the writers have this faction doing nothing for Punks or the SES kred. Punk is always on the loosing end of every feud. I know he is the bad guy and bad guys lose but he never comes out of any feud with any main event credibility.

The writers need to start making this faction look like a dominate force on Smackdown. Add two more members, and start taking out anyone who is not Straight Edge.
The SES has lost a lot of steam lately in my eyes. I thought Punk was feeding his minions to the Big Show during that walk out on SummerSlam myself. I can see a breakup coming, but I don't think it will happen in one week.

I have a feeling they'll grudgingly stay loyal to Punk for now but we'll see more and more signs of an impending implosion within the group.

Honestly I feel they've dragged Punk down with this SES crap, seeing as how they've only given him Gallows and Mercury as followers (I count Serena as more of a girlfriend at this point). If he could turn one decent face into a disciple, they could rebuild the credibility of the group, but as it stands, I don't find them imposing or powerful.
the SES doesn't need to be together in the first place all member are very talented all the SES is a group that is there to protect CM punk which makes him look weak as a talent the reason i say this is because ever since the SES formed punk has not done anything to make him look credible so for the sake of CM Punk the SES needs to break up
I'd go out on the limb and say no. This was a move, first and foremost, to advance the storyline between CM Punk and the Big Show. We haven't seen these two feud as of yet, nor have we really seen someone so small as Punk play the heel role whilst taking on someone so big as Show play the face role. Allowing this to be the angle of destroying the SES would kill Mercury and Gallows careers and force Punk to change his entire gimmick.

They are simply building up Punk to be something quite dangerous to the point where him facing off against Big Show would make Punk on equal ground in terms of credibility. People like Gallows and Mercury don't need to be built as anything but lackeys in this stable, so they can get beaten to the shit-house or be left for dead like that. As FunKay said, it can be viewed from a kayfabe perspective as the leader disciplining his followers, furthering the cult-like look the SES has.

I wouldn't be worried one bit about the SES's existence for a while longer. The E is exploring all the avenues this gimmick contains and they can't do much more with this... so they're going to have to let this run longer.

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