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December to Dismember with KB


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
December to Dismember
Date: December 3, 2006
Location: James Brown Arena, Augusta, Georgia
Attendance: 4,800
Commentators: Joey Styles, Tazz

So this is more or less considered the standard for worst WWE PPV of all time. There are quite a few reasons for that and I’d say it’s likely true. Number one is Vince McMahon. Heyman was told to run this show and he put together a run sheet and the endings to matches etc.

Since Big Show had made it clear that he was leaving the company as soon as his contract was up two days after the show, the title change was clearly coming. Heyman’s original idea was Punk and Show start the Chamber match and Punk gets Show to tap out inside of four minutes. Punk liked it, Heyman liked it, Show LOVED it, the writers liked it, Vince hated it.

Vince insisted on Lashley getting the belt and a massive celebration ending the show. Heyman said allegedly three or four times that this was going to bomb. It did indeed bomb and guess what happened. Yep, Vince blamed Heyman for the whole thing and Paul quit/was thrown out. The second issue here is that we had seen Survivor Series SEVEN DAYS EARLIER.

Yeah, this is our second PPV in two weeks, so of course the buyrate was through the floor. That was of course Heyman’s fault too. Finally, this was called an ECW show. The problem was it was more or less a really long episode of the TV show with a bit main event. This wasn’t like the TV show now either. This was back when the show was awful and more or less held together with tape and gum every week. Let’s get this over with.

Of course the opening video is all about the Chamber. Oh, it’s an EXTREME Elimination Chamber as the four in pods will all have weapons. Give me a break.

Joey says this show might be infamous. That’s just amusing. He follows this by fucking up and saying there will be a new champion tonight. Thanks for the spoiler Joey.

MNM vs. Hardys

This was an open challenge that was accepted by MNM. Who cares that neither was on ECW at the time? This was one of two matches announced for the show. What does that tell you? MNM beat up the Hardys on Tuesday and that’s all there is to it. Jeff is IC Champion here by the way. Matt and Mercury start us off.

The Hardys are dominating and throw in a spin cycle which is always a cool move. It’s like a double suplex but they spin the other guy around. It’s hard to explain. And now we get the weird part of this: ECW chants by fans that actually think this is a real ECW show. They start a she’s a crack ****e chant at Melina and no one knows how to react to it.

Matt hits splash mountain on Nitro (Morrison) for two. Apparently Melina has herpes. This show really was doomed from the start on this. I didn’t know Scott Armstrong was refereeing this far back. Tazz isn’t helping things either with his idiotic commentary. To be fair though, he could be far more annoying, like that scream from Melina.

Tazz throws in that Cole doesn’t like women. If true, I’m not entirely surprised. In a funny bit, MNM go for the Twist of Fate and Swanton but Matt fights off and gets the hot tag to Jeff. Matt hits a Pescado on Mercury which is more or less caught and reversed to set up the big pile of aerial moves which never gets old.

Jeff misses the Swanton as Mercury pulls Nitro out. This has been pretty good so far. Tazz gets off on the screaming I think. Morrison looks weird with blonde hair. It’s MNM in control now as they beat up Jeff. Yeah Tazz is driving me crazy. Melina is a crack ****e again apparently. It amazes me that she was more or less just the sexy valet at this point and became a great worker (by comparison) in just a few years.

They’re being given a lot of time if nothing else as we’re about 15 minutes into this and there seems to be a good amount of time to go in it. Is Tazz supposed to be Jerry Lawler or something? If he is he’s somehow more annoying than Jerry if that’s possible. Jeff gets a Whisper in the Wind out of nowhere to set up the tag to Matt.

In a cool spot, Jeff is tagged back in and goes up. Matt tries to set Mercury up for a powerbomb by handing him to Jeff but Nitro makes the save and then shoves Mercury up to Jeff so he can hit a hurricanrana. That was freaking cool. Nitro accidently dropkicks Melina and Jeff rolls him up for a LONG two.

Jeff takes the Snapshot but Matt makes the save. This is awesome stuff now. MNM sets for a top rope Snapshot but Matt saves with a double cutter to let Jeff hit a Swanton onto both of them for the pin. By the way, the Snapshot is Nitro holding up the other guy and Mercury hitting an elevated DDT.

Rating: B+. This was very good stuff as they were given a lot of time and it worked very well. This was a way to let MNM look good, even though at the end of the day they weren’t even the best tag team that Morrison was even a part of. Either way this was good stuff and it worked very well. Definitely good, but the show would go all downhill from here.

Van Dam says he’ll win the title tonight.

Matt Striker vs. Balls Mahoney

See what I mean about them not advertising anything? I think you can see why based on this one alone. They had been feuding back in the day and no one cared so let’s have people pay to see the “blowoff” to it. They kept saying that Striker was a former teacher that had to resign but it was never explained why: he got in trouble for going to wrestle at night.

The match tonight is under Striker’s Rules, meaning very strict. There is no eye gouging, no hair pulling, no top rope moves, and no foul language. I didn’t know that Bill Watts booked ECW. Balls comes out to a bad cover of Big Balls. They make jokes about Striker having a picture of himself on his ass.

If there has ever been a match that belonged on TV, this is it. It’s ok, but it’s certainly not worth paying anything for. After even more boring stuff, this time mainly arm work from Balls, he hits the Nutcracker Sweet, of course not called that here, to get the win.

Rating: D. Not only was it boring, but this was something people had to pay to see without it being mentioned or advertised. Other than the opener and the main event, that’s the case all around tonight actually. You’re starting to get the idea why this show is considered awful.

Punk is getting ready.

Sabu is hurt and Hardcore Holly is replacing him in the main event. The fans, knowing what’s going on, loudly chant bullshit at this.

Sylvester Terkay/Elijah Burke vs. F.B.I.

This FBI is Guido and Tony Mamaluke. Burke is the Pope from TNA, and yet, he’s still overrated and more or less worthless. “But KB, he can talk so well!” Well that would bet true if it wasn’t bullshit. He’s talking now and he’s annoying me already. Now in TNA he’s a modern day Slick and just as annoying.

The only good thing about the FBI is they have Trinity and she looks damn good. Yep, that’s all I’m going to care about here. Terkay is more or less an MMA guy that wrestled. Apparently Tazz needs a cold shower. Can we please get to the end of this show PLEASE? We have a very weak where’s my pizza chant as I feel so sorry for the live fans.

This was a massive slap in the face of all of ECW and its fans, but hey, Vince gets to feel like he killed the damn place and his delusions of grandeur are fulfilled for one more day right? All is right with the world now. More or less this is a way for Terkay to beat people up. It’s more or less a squash.

Actually screw that: it is a squash. Naturally the ECW guys get their asses handed to them on an ECW show so that the WWE guys can look great. Oh and after the match, Terkay uses a Muscle Buster to get a big TNA chant going. Ok so not big but whatever. Just move on please.

Rating: D-. Fuck Vince. This was just damn dumb. I get that you hate ECW but if you’re going to fuck the audience like this, fuck you.

Sabu is put in an ambulance.

We get an ad for Raw, on an ECW show. This is freaking garbage.

Daivari vs. Tommy Dreamer

Daivari is more commonly known as Sheik Abdul Bashir recently and here he’s known as the manager of the Great Khali. I wonder what’s going to happen here. Dreamer jobbing would be ok I guess. Those poor fans actually think Dreamer has a chance in this. Khali is thrown out. And now no one else cares. It’s Dreamer vs. a tiny guy that never does anything else.

Dreamer gets some of his big spots in to get the crowd going a bit, but naturally as he goes for the DDT, Daivari just rolls him up with the tights for the pin. I hate this show more and more every time. Of course Khali comes out and chokeslams him on the ramp. Tazz is legit pissed off as you can tell.

Rating: W. That stands for who fucking cares anymore. I’m not even an ECW fan and I’m even an ECW critic and this is pissing me off. Tell me one reason why Daivari should have gone over like that here. If you’re going to have Khali destroy him, fine, but have that be the reason to end the fucking match. This is just mindless.

Dreamer takes forever to get up as we’re an hour and 15 minutes into this and we have two matches left, one of which is a mixed tag.

Ad for See No Evil, which is of course, a WWE thing and not an ECW thing.

I actually took a break at this point to watch a bad Disney Channel movie. That’s how annoyed I am with this show.

Heyman gives Hardcore Holly the spot in the main event. The fans pause and then know what’s coming, as Holly gets the spot. I actually can’t understand Holly’s first line as the fans are booing so loudly. This was a freaking atrocity and it’s pathetic that it has to be. The fans are just freaking dead now.

Ariel/Kevin Thorn vs. Kelly/Mike Knox

Kelly dated Knox apparently. Kelly at this point is an exhibitionist and AWFUL. I mean she’s ridiculously bad so we get Knox and Thorn. Knox has no beard at this point and is somehow more worthless than he was before. Oh damn it they’re letting him talk. Oh good Kelly is talking instead. She likes Punk, who gets a chant. That chant didn’t happen though. No one likes Punk. What people want is HARDCORE HOLLY AND TEST!!!

Thorn is a vampire and Ariel is a fortune telling gypsy or something. She would become Salinas in TNA in case you’re more familiar with them. This is a freaking disgrace. I’m glad no one bought it as it makes things seem a bit better. No one cares about this either as since both girls can’t wrestle we more or less have a Knox vs. Thorn match.

And here they are. At least Kelly looks hot. Kelly tries to get the tag to Knox but he leaves. Note: the fans chant for Punk to come make the save. To make sure it’s clear: Punk is OVER AS HELL. Sandman makes the save instead which gets a nice pop.

Rating: D-. Kelly looking hot is the only reason this passes. I just want to get to the end of this.

We get a long ad for Armageddon, which was the third PPV in four weeks. WWE was so stupid at this point that I can’t comprehend it.

Some RIDICULOUSLY hot chick named Rebecca interviews Lashley. She can’t talk but she doesn’t need to. It’s mainly about how Lashley has had to put up with a ton of bullshit, more or less confirming that he’ll win tonight, which only Vince wanted to see.

Three of the people in the chamber come to the ring together. We get the same exact video as the one that opened the show. Oh man they knew they had jack. We’re about an hour and a half into the show at this point mind you.

Heyman comes out and talks while saying nothing at all. This is nothing more than trying desperately to fill in time.

ECW World Title: CM Punk vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Test vs. Hardcore Holly vs Big Show vs. Rob Van Dam

Now keep in mind, Punk and Lashley were more or less worthless at this point, so the only two legit main event guys you have in there are RVD who was hated by the company at this point and Show who didn’t care as he was leaving in 48 hours. RVD and Holly start. Remember that as soon as each pod opens up, the person comes out with a weapon which I’ll get to as each pod opens.

Holly is booed out of the fucking building. Naturally Vince will insist that it’s because of how great a heel he is or whatever. So we have to watch Holly and Van Dam for five minutes. Oh joy. The entrances took almost ten minutes mind you. The fans are dead here by the way. We get Rolling Thunder on the cage, which is impressive but we’ve seen it before.

They’ve managed to make the Elimination Chamber boring. That’s just impressive. Note: another Punk chant goes up. I can’t emphasize this enough: PUNK IS OVER. In third is Punk and his chair to a freaking ERUPTION. Damn shame that he didn’t have a fucking chance to win here. And Van Dam kicks the chair into him so he’s down 30 seconds in.

Ok to be fair, they’re the two most over guys in there so that’s ok I guess. Van Dam is bleeding. Apparently you can get pins outside on the cage now. That’s new I think. Heyman is the evil GM here in case you didn’t know. Punk is getting destroyed by Holly here in case you weren’t sure.

Also Punk would have his first loss in the company to Holly in about a month with the justification being that Holly was the bigger star and should go over. Again: if it’s not Vince’s idea, it’s not a good idea. In fourth is Test with a crowbar. Naturally he nails Punk with it. This is fucking stupid. Test and Hardcore Holly are in a fucking MAIN EVENT OF A PAY PER VIEW.

The idea here is that the heels are all working together which is completely pointless considering the idea of the match but that can’t be Vince’s idea. Heyman “booked” this remember? And then Van Dam hits this Five Star and Punk is gone. Yep, the most over guy in the match is out first while Test and Holly get to stick around.

Test puts Holly out ten seconds later with a big boot. It was only a two but the referee calls it three. The announcers and fans are confused but since this show isn’t for the fans it doesn’t matter. Van Dam goes up on top of Big Show’s pod but a chair shot puts him down. Test hits a big elbow off the pod…and Van Dam is out. Let’s see. Why is this stupid? Number one, the most over guy left is Big Show.

Second, now THERE’S NO ONE FOR TEST TO FIGHT, so it’s just dead time now. Third, you had fucking TEST beat RVD. We’re still just sitting around after two replays of the elbow and just waiting on ANYTHING to happen. The fans have completely turned on the match at this point and don’t care at all. Thankfully the next guy in is Lashley.

He gets NO pop at all. Heyman’s security try to hold him in the pod, but using the WOODEN table in the pod with him, he breaks the STEEL chains on top of the pod. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDINS ME??? The table is still in the pod mind you so it’s not like it’s even being used. They keep ramming Test into the Plexiglas to set up Lashley vs. Show.

Yeah, that’s what this whole thing is supposed to end with: the massive showdown between Show and a heavily muscled guy. I know I’ve said it before, but Vince has to have repressed homosexual desires towards musclemen. I mean really, is there any doubt of it at this point? The fans HATE this mind you.

A spear puts Test out with a minute and a half left until Show comes out. In other words, we have nothing to do but wait for the time to run out. You might as well quit reading now as you know exactly what’s coming. Show comes in with his barbed wire ball bat and naturally he gets in no offense as it’s ALL Lashley here.

He avoids the chokeslam and they slug it out. Lashley is terrible in the ring at this point mind you, so this is even more torture. And he wins it with a spear. The main event is over two hours and five minutes into the show.

Rating: D-. This was just completely ridiculous for reasons I’ve already gone into. For another thing, SABU, the guy that has somehow made a whole career out of doing stupid stunts in a ring, is left out here in favor of Holly. Are you freaking KIDDING? This was just fucking dumb and nothing more than Vince deciding that he’s smarter than the fans once again.

And that’s it. No seriously, the show which cost 40 dollars started at 8pm and was over at 10:05pm, the last 4 minutes being the celebration by Lashley. Do I even need to insult this?

Overall Rating: I. For incomplete. Where’s the last 45 minutes of this? I know WWE cuts their shows early, but this was inexcusable. Not only does it end 40 minutes early, but there were two matches allegedly worth seeing and the Hardys vs. MNM was the only good thing of it at all. This wasn’t a PPV. It was Vince making sure that ECW died the way he wanted it to.

If Vince would listen once all night, he could have heard the fans BEGGING for this to be Punk but the rookie muscle guy gets it instead. Heyman was of course blamed for the whole thing because while he wrote the show, it was his third one or so and the only reason he went with it was because Vince wouldn’t accept anything.

Like I said, the initial idea was Punk puts Show out in about three minutes and we end with Van Dam, Punk and Lashley (if we have to) in a 20 minute war. Alas, that would have been entertaining though so they went with Lashley being given the hero push so Vince would have nice wet dreams that night. This was an abomination and not a PPV at all.

Get the Hardys/MNM match if you like tag wrestling, but other than that don’t do anything with this show so Vince doesn’t get anything out of it. This was an insult to the fans at best and an ego trip by Vince of epic proportions. FUCK I hated this.
I was unfortunate enough to order this simply because of this thought: "ECW is finally back on PPV." WOW I was wrong, you're absolutely right on this one KB. This wasn't an ECW show and didn't deserve to be called one, and for the first time ever I was happy when they announced that this wouldn't be done again. If Vince thought that this would be a success than :banghead: ECW was doomed from the start and Vince knew that, but he had to ring it dry for 3 MORE YEARS! Vince...you're evil, period.
Okay, so I repped KB telling him how courteous he was to this show, and telling him I would post my old review of it. I remember being pissed off after this piece of shit went off the air. Right after it was done I went to one of my old regular forums and ranted and ranted about it. It took me a while to find it, but I got it. Looking back it's funny as shit, but at the same time... I guess it's not, because it actually turned out to be the very last WWE pay-per-view I ever ordered.

Well, I'm about to vent and I apologize in advance if my words offend anybody because I'm not holding anything back with this one. This was the first pay-per-view I've ordered since One Night Dtand, so I was really hoping for a good show. However, it didn't turn out that way.

This was BY FAR one of, if not THE, worst wrestling shows I’ve ever seen. Everything about it fucking sucked. It got off to a horrible start with the *** ass fireworks. From that point on, I knew this had potential to be a total fuck up.

First off, we get MNM vs. the Hardy Boys in the longest match of the night, and yes, that includes the Elimination Chamber. This match was as regular as a WWE tag match you'll ever get. It had "WWE style" written all over. Two comebacks, with a couple of regular high spots. The Hardys won the damn thing, but who gives a shit?

Then we get a promo from RVD that was already shown Tuesday night. So how fucking ridiculous was that?

Then we get Matt Striker vs. Balls Mahoney in an awful match. Striker said something to the degree of it being "Extreme Rules", but there was nothing extreme about this match. The *** ass crowd wasn't into it, and the finish was fucking stupid. At least Balls won, but again, who gives a shit? It's not like this victory will turn into a push for him.

Then, guess what? We find Sabu fucking dead in the back, with no one there. So you know what happens? Sabu isn't capable to compete in the elimination Chamber and gets replaced by Hardcore ******. Fucking false advertisment by the WWE to get original ECW fans to order this fucking thing.

Then we get the one decent match of the night when Sylvester Terkay and Elijah Burke faced the FBI. It had a lame finish, but still a decent match overall.

Then we see a fucking commercial promoting Raw FOR tomorrow night. So yet another fucking disgrace to the goddamn show.

Next up is a boring ass match between Tommy Dreamer and Davari. You could see the look of disappointment on Tommy's face when he walked out during his entrance. He knew the show fucking sucked, and that his match was going to suck. Anyway, we saw another lame finish after Davari grabbed Tommy's tights to win the match. The match as a whole fucking sucked, not just the finish. It was five minutes filled with rest holds.

Then we get a fucking "See No Evil" commercial promoting the damn DVD. Seriously, do they do this shit on Raw and Smackdown pay-per-views? Or is ECW the only fucking one "worthy" enough to promote other shit during its pay-per-view?

Then we see yet another lame ass match when Mike Knox and Kelly Kelly faced Kevin Thorn and Areil. Again, five minutes filled with rest holds but this time, it’s between two heels. Then we saw Knox leave Kelly so she could get beat up. Big whoop. Then Thron continues to stalk her and what not, and the Sandman's music plays and he comes down to help her out. No big deal.

Then we get a fucking three-minute Michael Cole promo with him hyping up Smackdown's next pay-per-view. What the fuck is it with this shit? God, you'd think that they've let this brand have a little bit of dignity.

Up next, is the Elimination Chamber. Paul Heyman comes out and cuts a promo doing his usual shit, nothing special. Then the very long entrances happened and what not. Seriously, if you combined the entrances along with Heyman's promo, that is almost just as long as the whole Elimination Chamber match. The only thing good about the fucking thing was the interaction between RVD and CM Punk, but that didn't last long anyway. There were some cool spots, but it's nothing we haven't seen before. RVD had already done his spots in the first Elimination Chamber, and the spot with the legdrop on the chair happened a couple of times between RVD and Jerry Lynn. So it was really nothing special.

So, to explain the match, RVD and Holly start it off. Then five minutes later CM Punk enters and him and RVD go at it for a little while. Oh, and on a side note, RVD and CM Punk were literally the only one's in this match that weren't a fucking pussy. Not one time did they put their hands up to block a chair shot and whatever was thrown at them. Everyone else on the other hand, was covering their heads with their entire fucking arm like a goddamn cunt.

Anyway, CM Punk gets eliminated first when RVD hits him with the Frogsplash. Then Holly gets eliminated second after a total clusterfuck three count by the dumb ass referee. Then RVD gets eliminated by an elbow drop from Test off the top of the chamber onto a chair that was on RVD's face. As cool as it was, it still goes unappreciated because it eliminated fucking RVD.

So there's still like a minute left until Lashley enters, and then bam. He kills Test and when he does, there's still three minutes left until Big Show enters. Show finally enters to just get beat by Lashley after about four minutes and he's your new ECW Champion. And that's it, the show's fucking over. Lashley is your new ECW Champion. Does he desrved it? In my opinion, fuck no. He's only been in ECW for a couple of weeks. Not to even mention, he's only been in the business for a couple of years and got a free fucking ride because of his size. He didn't pay his dues.

Anyway, the show ended at 9:16 PM where I live when it started at 7:00. Does that fucking sound like getting forty bucks money's worth? I don't fucking think so. Fuck the D2D show man. It was fucking dreadful to sit through. Fuck Vince McMahon for being such a ********** ***** and not letting this show go all out. Fuck anyone who respects that ********** piece of shit. He's fucking ruining ECW's legacy with every goddamn day. I would say I'd wish that motherfucker would die, but if that happens, then that dumb ****** leaves the entire business to that big nose piece of shit and cunt wife of that fucking big nose bitch. Fuck everybody who attended the show for being such goddamn marks and not at least making the show some what entertaining by having sweet interaction like it would have been in New York or Chicago.

Last but not least, fuck Paul Heyman for letting this shit go down. I know he has a wife and kid, but did he forget about us? Did he forget how much we respect and admire him and fucking trust him to do what's right for us, the fans? Vince never believed in any of that because as I said, he's a no good **********. Heyman on the other hand though, he's not supposed to give us this sort of crap. He's supposed to stick up for his fans and do what's right to actually entertain the fans who spend forty fucking dollars on this god forsaken pay-per-view. He should have put his foot down; I don't care what it would have cost him. He could easily make a great living someplace else. He doesn't need Vince's ****** ass money.

Damn, the show was just a huge fucking letdown. I couldn’t be anymore fucking disappointed. It’s like your favorite football team going undefeated during the regular season just for them to get beat in their first playoff game. That’s how this shit feels right now.


So was that "Justin-like" or what?

But yeah... I had to edit some of that to meet the WZ rules, but you get the jist of how I felt that night. Looking back at it... I did overreact. I remember after posting this, I saw the video of Paul Heyman crying, and I instantly forgave him, because I knew he was just as disappointed as I was with this show. But man... I don't think I've ever been more pissed at Vince than I was that night. In reality, I should have just been pissed at myself for trusting WWE to put on a decent show with that kind of card in the first place.

Anyways, it's fun to look back at that and see how different I am today than I was back then, lol. I would never let a wrestling show get me as fired up as that one did today. Maybe that's a bad thing, but that's how it is, thankfully. And we could perhaps give credit to December to Dismember as the reason for me not caring for the business as much as I used.
Underrated show. It's the most poorly booked PPV of all time, but the Hardy/MNM match & Elimination Chamber matches are both good, I've seen PPVs with no quality matches. Victory for December 2 Dismember.

I remember making a thread about this show at the time. Basically when everybody was saying what an awful show D2D was I pointed them to a little PPV called Cyber Sunday. My argument was that D2D was better because it was a poorly booked show with mostly talentless individuals. Cyber Sunday was a properly booked with the best guys on the WWE roster and all of them failed. Yeah, I know, in my usual way I botched it up but it antagonized enough people to make it worth while. It wasn't supposed to make that much sense. But I believed it, dammit! And I still do to this day.

Give me the two good matches from D2D and the interest it stirred up inside me the first time I watched it (''They haven't booked anything, what is going to happen next?'') over a PPV with no good matches and no historical significance. Over The Limit would be a good example of this, at least I'll remember December 2 Dismember.
Cyber Sunday is coming up Jake. I'll have to keep that in mind. The tag match here to open it was indeed good, but my problem with the chamber is that even inside it the thing was messed up. It's hard to screw up an EC but they did. There are about five minutes of people just standing around waiting on the next guy to come in, one of which is the last guy. Is there a point to just standing around? It's not like there's anything as far as a mystery goes. This just made my head hurt as by the end of the show the tag was mostly forgotten. That and ending at a quarter past 10 is absurd. 40 dollars for a two hour and 15 minute show?
I described the Chamber match as ''good'', basically I mean ''not bad''. It's the worst of all the Chamber matches but I still think it has some positives. Punk was on fire for the first couple of minutes, RVD was treated like a star and the reaction to Lashley's victory was interesting. It's a talk worthy match, you can't really say the same for a lot of the better ones.
I got to see December To Dismember for Free that night somehow on my TV without even Ordering it because I had just gotten Survivor Series the week before. The only Matches I wanted to see were the Main two with The Chamber and Hardyz/MNM which I liked really. I think the Idea that CM Punk would Eliminate Big Show in the first 4 Minutes would have been awesome since he was leaving anyway at the time,not sure why Vince didn't go for it but its in the past so oh well. Sadly this probably will go down as the Worst WWE/ECW PPV. Good Review though KB.

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