Daniels returns to ROH!


Ain't it sleep first then eat?
To what had to be a big surprise, Daniels, one of ROH's biggest stars ever (and my favorite wrestler) made his return to ROH at the Big Bang PPV. Now I didn't get to order the PPV (Although I will later this week), but I could imagine how everybody was caught off guard from this.

Christopher Daniels is apparently still signed with TNA coming from these reports but at the same time, Wikipedia says that he was let go by Hogan and Bischoff. Although I shouldn't always believe what's posted on Wikipedia, we'll have to wait and see if Daniels is still with TNA or not.

Let's be honest, TNA has completely dropped the ball on Daniels for so long now. He's worked his ass off for that company, to only get nowhere. I sure as hell wouldn't be surprised if he was let go by Hogan and Bischoff, considering the fact that they've done nothing with him ever since they arrived. Daniels deserves better and by returning to ROH, he should get the credit that he deserves there, be in better matches, and help ROH grow as well.

Although supposedly he's in ROH for just a few dates, I feel he belongs there. My question to you is Daniels better off in ROH than in TNA and do you believe he still has more to offer?
I, too, am a HUGE fan of Christopher Daniels, so of course I feel he still has a lot to offer.

I must be honest and say that my interest in ROH has declined heavily in the past few months. Outside of reading the results every now and then (and honestly that was only to see what Davey Richards did for the night), I haven't kept up with the company at all. However, this is the sort of thing that will immediately raise my interest back in the product.

Christopher Daniels, if he truly was released from TNA, is the perfect candidate for ROH to build their company around right now. Daniels did everything there was to do in ROH once upon a time, but being exclusive to TNA for the past couple of years, new guys have emerged and there's a shitload of people there that Daniels could have epic matches/feuds against. Davey Richards, the new and improved Austin Aries, Tyler Black, Briscoes, Claudio Castagnoli, and Kenny Omega are just a few of the names that immediately pop into my head, as far as potential matches and feuds go.

Moreover, there's also the potential of Daniels starting a new Prophecy, which I would be 100% for. There are some young guys in ROH who could really use the rub from Daniels, and a new Prophecy would INSTANTLY make them credible.

So, yes... I'm also looking forward to seeing just what Ring of Honor does with him, and while I'm extremely disappointed at TNA for their ******ation regarding Daniels, at least Daniels is the type of talent to not sit at home and mourn about it, but instead take it as an opportunity and continue to try and make something of himself in the business.
I don't know but, for some reason, this screams Brian Pillman to me. Perhaps it's just the Bischoff connection but I'm sure Hogan and Bischoff know how over Daniels is with the old school fans and keeping him around in the x division would be good for it. Might be a Pillman for the 10's! Either way we've got some good matches coming up!
What with the MCMGs working a few dates in May, and now Daniels' shock return last night, it looks to me like TNA is relaxing its rule against tallent taking bookings from certain indie feds (i.e. PWG, ROH and a few other ones I haven't heard of). I dont know why TNA is for all intents and purposes helping ROH by letting its talent work for them, but it's a good thing for ROH (TNA has some great tallents that the'd like to use (again)), the wrestlers (Who can rebuild relationships with ROH for when TNA goes tits up), and of course the fans (who are seeing 'old friends' perform in ROH again for the first time in years).

I wonder who else will be allowed to moonlight in ROH.
I'm not going to jump the gun here and blame TNA for anything or accuse them of "misusing" Daniels because no other major promotion would give Daniels the opportunity he has gotten besides TNA, so I thank TNA for giving us Daniels besides some set backs lately. But to me this looks like some type of working relationship with TNA and ROH that seems to be forming and it would make sense to do so. Look at it this way: When guys leave TNA they go to ROH. When most guys leave ROH, they go to TNA.

Austin Aries, Petey Williams, Sonjay Dutt, The Sheik aka Daivari, Jimmy Rave, Awesome Kong, and now Daniels. TNA even books guys like MMG, LAX, and Samoa Joe from time to time. And look at the guys in TNA from ROH like Desmond Wolfe, Homocide, Samoa Joe, and Jay Lethal. There's a pattern forming here and both companies maybe recognizing that they need to form a working relationship. TNA is pretty liberal and is pretty good with forming and working with other wrestling companies anyway, so why not?
I believe this is the beginning of a cross promotion angle between TNA & ROH. It just makes too much sense. I don't see Hogan and Eric being that stupid and actually "releasing" a talent like Daniels. Besides his profile is still up on TNA's website and if he really were "released" his profile would have been gone immediately. I expect to see more TNA wrestlers showing up at ROH events in the near future. I think Joe is next. This thing will build into 2011 and is all part of a master plan to derail WWE.
Fucking right! I am super excited about the return of Christopher Daniels to ROH. I think TNA is missing out on what Daniels has to offer if he truly is finished with the company. Fortunately for ROH, they were able to scoop him up immediately upon his departure from TNA. Daniels isn't exactly a spring chicken anymore, but he is still a tremendous talent in the ring and will serve as a mentor for the up and coming young talent on the ROH roster.
This is great, and it works out for everybody. TNA gets rid of one more person on a overcrowded roster and even though I don't agree with who they dumped, it's gonna be easier for the bookers. ROH gets another great worker to add to their talent, and they obviously are gonna draw some more viewers just from picking up the Fallen Angel. And the fans? Hell, imagine what the guy can do and you've got your reward right there!
Im glad to see him back in ROH. TNA dropped the ball and they werent really doing anything with him. hopefully we may see the Prophecy come back but with new members and maybe bring back one of the original members too.
Agreed. TNA did drop the ball with Daniels. He has way too much talent to be underused the way TNA was with him. Some of the best matches and rivalries I watched in TNA were with him in it. But it is great to see him back in ROH. Imagine the matches he can have in it against guys like Roderick Strong, Tyler Black, Austin Aries, Davey Richards and others. Hell the possibility of Richards and Daniels in a match, that to me would be epic. And I can promise that if Daniels went after the ROH world title and Tyler Black, you'd have one hell of a match right there. I'm excited about this. I just wish that Nigel McGuinness and Bryan Danielson were still there.
I've never got the Daniels thing, just seems a spot monkey with no character, certainly no loss to TNA and i doubt he'll sell an extra seat at ROH.
I've never got the Daniels thing, just seems a spot monkey with no character, certainly no loss to TNA and i doubt he'll sell an extra seat at ROH.

That's rubbish. Christopher Daniels is one of the founding fathers of ROH and has always been extremely popular. Daniels is a great ring technician- much more than just a spot monkey (I never got the "spot monkey" term). If you've never seen Daniels outside a TNA ring, you may be pleasantly surprised if you looked some stuff up. I loved in TNA as well, but some people don't care for the always serious character that he played. In his ROH days, he had alot more personality and was much more playful with the crowd. Daniels is an asset and will hopefully draw back some of the old school ROH crowd who had slowly but surely been dying off.
That's rubbish. Christopher Daniels is one of the founding fathers of ROH and has always been extremely popular. Daniels is a great ring technician- much more than just a spot monkey (I never got the "spot monkey" term). If you've never seen Daniels outside a TNA ring, you may be pleasantly surprised if you looked some stuff up. I loved in TNA as well, but some people don't care for the always serious character that he played. In his ROH days, he had alot more personality and was much more playful with the crowd. Daniels is an asset and will hopefully draw back some of the old school ROH crowd who had slowly but surely been dying off.

Don't get your hopes up. I see Daniels returning to TNA very soon. He's more loyal to TNA than he ever was with ROH imo.

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