Could you see Kurt Angle back in the WWE?

CM Steel

A REAL American
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Kurt Angle, one of wrestlings biggest names. Who made history while in the WWF/E. But now wrestles in TNA/Impact Wrestling as their face of their company. So may look at it as Kurt Angle is a big fish in a small pond in TNA. Now what if when Kurt Angle's deal with TNA runs out or anything in where Kurt can't stay in TNA due to money or politics. Could you see Kurt Angle back in the WWE?

If Kurt has any bad feelings about the WWE he surely can let the past be the past and focus on business with the E and nothing more. Two and a half years ago many wrestling fans never thought that Bret "The Hitman" Hart would ever return to the WWE after WWE chairman Vince McMahon screwed him for the WWF championship 15 years ago. But he did on the first RAW of 2010.

The same thing with the Rock a year after that when Rocky returned from Hollywood to give back to the WWE in his program with John Cena. Not to mention Mick Foley a year til this date. And the return of Angle's old rival Brock Lesnar the night after Wrestlemania 28. With rumors that the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair will be returning to the WWE very soon as well. So could Kurt Angle be a lock in the future if both parties sat down with one another?

Kurt Angle could have the same deal as Brock Lesnar. Not wrestle at every WWE event. But be brought in whenever the E needed him for a program. And who knows with retirement in Angle's future, could the E sign Kurt to a WWE legends deal after what Kurt has brought to the company years before him joining TNA/Impact Wrestling?

So really. Could you see Kurt Angle back in the WWE?
Well certainly he is so old to wrestle in wwe but i don't mind to see him back in wwe as a legend but certainly his career will be ruined in wwe as a wrestler cause you have to admit he wasn't that good even in tna recently so obviously he can't be better in wwe either.
Obviously no because of three reasons
1.More dayoffs
2.less travel
3.will be not used properly in wwe
I could definitely see Kurt Angle return to the WWE and conclude his career there. Will it happen, I have absolutely no idea, but I certainly think that it could.

That's no disrespect to TNA. I think he has really enjoyed his time there and still does. He has been a tremendous asset to them. It has been a working relationship that has truly benefitted TNA and has been a good fit for Angle himself on both a personal and professional basis.

At the end of the day, though, WWE can ultimately and will invariably offer two things that TNA simply cannot match: money and exposure. If Kurt Angle wants to make a shit load of money and really go out with a bang before he hangs the boots up, he can do both far more so in WWE. If he wants one more Wrestlemamia moment, one more big payday, and ultimately, to be recognized in the WWE Hall of Fame, then I could definitely see him return once his contractual status allows it. Because let's face it, he owes his successful career largely to the WWE, where he established himself as a professional wrestler in the first place. If he had left amateur wrestling and gone straight to TNA, I'm not sure he would have had the career that he ended up having.

I'm talking about one more run, a 1-2 year burst before he calls it quits for good. So the lack of days off or the rigors of the traveling schedule would not be an issue, as he would only be doing it for a very short period of time. The idea of not being used properly would be both inaccurate and irrelevant as again, he'd be looking to come back for 2 or 3 high profile feuds before retirement and heading off to the bank with his huge payoff. And anyone who thinks Angle's age or health would preclude a successful return to WWE is dreaming. The man can clearly still go as he continues to demonstrate in TNA. After all, rumors of Sting to WWE surface every year (rightly or wrongly), and Angle is younger and in better shape than Sting at this stage of their careers.

As I said earlier, I don't see this happening until Angle has reached the end of his career, which probably isn't any time too soon and since he appears to be happy in TNA and they see to be happy with him, this probably isn't happening tomorrow. But when the time ultimately does come, how do you think Angle would like to go out? Challenging the undefeated streak of the Undertaker at Wrestlemania? Or winning the Royal Rumble as a surprise entrant and earning an opportunity to face someone like Punk or Bryan in the Main Event at Wrestlemania? Or wrestling Devon in the Impact Zone? Seems like a no brainer to me.
If it's a matter of money, I can see it happening. Kurt is approaching the last years of his active career and surely would like to earn all he can toward his retirement.

Even as we don't know the inside story of what caused him to leave WWE, I don't know that there would be lingering bad feelings. After all, wasn't the company concerned about his health when the disagreements arose? If so, I can't imagine why there would be impediments that can't be overcome.

Since Kurt left, some things have changed in WWE. It used to be that everyone was forced to keep the same rigorous schedule, no matter how big a star he/she might be. Now, special deals have been cut for people like Undertaker and Brock Lesnar. Management will allow modifications to the policy to be made for performers with the largest reputations.

That's the key, has to be someone who's done it all and is considered a future hall-of-famer, someone whose credentials are so impressive that if anyone else on the roster complained that "You're doing it for him, why can't you do it for me?"......and Vince McMahon's answer might be: "When you've accomplished what '_______' has, then we can talk about that kind of deal for you."

I think Kurt Angle easily qualifies. To capture him as an attraction (and remove him from the competition) WWE might be willing to work something out. It would be interesting to see.
I could see it happening. Maybe a 1 year deal where he just does Raw and PPVs. Get a solid 12 months of dream matches. Then he could retire at Wrestlemania. I just don't want to see him end his great career in an amusement park.
Could I see it? No.

Would I want him to compete in the WWE? Absolutely.

Anyone who thinks Kurt Angle wouldn't add some "prestige" per say back into the WWE needs to get their head checked out. Angle would provide some main event entertainment that the WWE desperately needs and it couldn't come any sooner than right now, especially with the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania right around the corner. I mean look at the guys right now who are "main event" material: Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio, John Cena, CM Punk, Sheamus, Ryback, Big Show. Then you have 3 guys who are part-timers. Guys like The Rock, Undertaker, Brock Lesnar. Then after that, you sort of get a big talent drop after that. The Mid-Card wrestlers; Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett, The Miz, Kofi Kingston, Daniel Bryan, Kane, R-Truth etc. The WWE is pretty solid in the main card spot, but they're lacking in the main event section. Adding Angle would boost the credibility of that main event section. Angle is a very well athletic wrestler who i believe can pick up some pieces for the main events in the WWE's future Main Event PPV's. Like I said, Angle would help out alot. It may take a while for him to get there but in the longrun it would payoff
I'd love to see it. But think there is a low chance. Kurt likes the TNA schedule. He has been written off as a physical wreck many times since 2003. He has had a few scrapes with the law and done some erratic things on Twitter and said some odd things in interviews. Nobody knows the real reason Vince let him go 6 years ago - perhaps it was his erratic behaviour - who knows?

I would like to see him back - but only on a part time - Undertake kind of schedule. He would be a valuable Rumble/Mania/SummerSlam and Survivor Series attraction. Done correctly- he could be brought back to seek his loss revenge on Lesnar - that would be awesome.
I can see this happening totally. I was sad when he left but understood the reasons why he did. I feel he needs to come back. Kurt could call vince today and say i want to come back and Vince would send his jet to come and get him.

I also feel Kurt if he wanted back in the WWE could negotiate his deal his own travel terms and dictate his own direction as far as character goes.

Kurt Angle is a HOF a multiple world champion and a legit wrestler. I feel Kurt really doesnt need the money but hey if the WWE wants to pay him a huge sum why the hell not. Kurt deserves one last big payday before calling it a career and his pay day will not be in TNA!!! Come Home Kurt come home
I'd LOVE to see Kurt Angle return to the WWE. He's still more than capable of wrestling. I can't believe people on here are saying he's "too old". The guy is only in his early to mid 40s and still wrestles every week for TNA. He would obviously need a Undertaker/Shawn Michaels type schedule if he were to return to the WWE. The only question is if he can stay sober and get off all of the drugs he's on.

There are so many potential feuds/matches that would be great for Angle in a WWE return. The first and obvious would have to be against CM Punk. But then there's Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus and Wade Barrett.
I have always said I would love to see Angle back in WWE for one last 2 year run. Maybe Angle needs that one last big pay day. If Angle got back in the good graces of WWE he would set himself up for a cushy job after retirement. Angle can make a good GM or even a good behind the scenes trainer.

Angle vs Punk
Angle vs Bryan
Angle vs Ziggler
Angle vs Cena
Angle vs Orton

Would all be quality matches.
He said he would he retire in TNA, but I've never believed for one second he would with the way he has talked about the WWE before. One minute he's bashing them, next he's praising them, then he's bashing them again before praising them once again, the man is confused and is just trying to fooling himself, I think deep down he still really loves the WWE and his heart is set on going back there one day. I definitely see him returning for one last run before he hangs up his boots, the right amount of money for him to retire on is there, there's new fresh opponents for him and two dream matches with Bryan & Punk just waiting for him, and the WWE now have the right schedule for him. Before, I would've said that he should end his career in TNA because of WWE's gruelling schedule, but now is a better time than any for one of my favourite wrestlers of all time to come back home.
I think that Kurt has tweeted those bridges burnt by now. Now of course with Angle and WWE, money changes everything. But personally I think TNA lets Kurt get away with more "personal demon" stuff than WWE can tolerate. So when Angle reaches the end of his current deal, he will resign.

My only scenario for an Angle return is if TNA is completely out of business. Either shut down or bought out by WWE. Then Kurt can come back for the Hall of Fame and maybe a dream match or two. Kinda like Foley is being used now....
It's possible. One thing about pro wrestling is to never say never. That's especially true when it comes to the business aspect of wrestling.

Personally though, I doubt we'll see Angle back in WWE. He's repeatedly stated that he intends to retire in TNA so, unless there's some sort of big falling out between Angle & TNA, I don't see that changing. If all the various reports I've read over the years are true, Angle has a something of a sweetheart deal with TNA. While he's not making as much money as he would in WWE, Angle more or less has run of the place. Dixie Carter gives him virtually anything he wants. Whenever he wants time off, he gets it and for how long he wants it. If he wants a push back to the main event scene, he'll get it because he's super tight with Dixie. If he wants another title run, which I think will happen someday, he'll get it if he goes to Dixie and asks for it. While Angle would have stroke in WWE without a doubt, he wouldn't be able to basically dictate his own deal.
The way he keeps talking over the last few years, he has no plans of ever leaving TNA. But obviously in the wrestling business anything can happen. I think most people would like to see him back eventually in the WWE, maybe a part time deal or something because I know he wouldn't do a full time deal as he likes TNA's schedule and he gets to see his wife a lot.

I think everyone here will pretty much same the same stuff because it's what Kurt himself has said. But as I said, anything can happen in the wrestling business.
I could see him back in the WWE, anything is possible. It's not likely just because i don't believe TNA would let him go that easy. Kurt Angle is obviously starting to get up there in age but he is still capable of putting on some great matches. I would love to see a short run from Angle and i think the majority of the fans would too. I think it would be pointless to bring him back on a deal similar to Lesnar's, but ideally he could work a schedule similar to Shawn Michaels' before he retired.
We've seen the returns of Bret Hart, the Rock and Brock Lesnar to the WWE in recent years, and we will probably see an in-ring return for Stone Cold Steve Austin as well. I could easily see Kurt Angle also being added to this list. Will it be a full-time deal where he's on the road working every house show? No, probably not, but none of the other names I mentioned had such a deal. He would work RAWs and PPVs and would probably steal the show with most of his matches. The guy's a freak when it comes to work ethic and is still phenomenal in the ring, he'd probably be one of the top 5 workers in the WWE if he were to come back.

As for if I WANT to see Kurt Angle return, the answer is yes. He's one of my all-time favourites and he's one of the few guys I would describe as the total package (the real total package, not the Lex Luger kind). He can work, he can talk, he has charisma, he's unbelievably determined and he's a legitimate athlete. He's without a doubt one of the greatest of all time and I don't want him closing out his career wrestling in Universal Studios for a few hundred marks. I want him closing out his career at a WrestleMania in front of 80 000 marks and I think deep down, or at least I hope, he wants to as well.
While we don't know exactly why Kurt left, I see no reason why he would not finish his career in WWE. I am sure he will want that one last big payday, and I am sure there are some opponents there he would like to face. Kurt vs Punk or Bryan would be worth a comeback alone. I agree with Pedigree1 that if Kurt called Vince today and said he wanted to comeback(assuming he didn't have a TNA contract) Vince would send the jet to get him. Even if he came back for one more match before he got in the HOF I would be happy. I have wanted to see Kurt wrestle for the WWE again for a long time, and while I don't know if it will happen, my guess is that it will.
The only way i would like to see Kurt Angle back in WWE would be to face the undertaker at Mania, to of the greatest, I would like to think that could happen and it would be an epic match.
This isn't completely off topic but what former WWE wrestlers would you like to see return? Angle is definitely at the top of the list for me. But what about others? I wouldn't mind seeing Hulk Hogan, RVD, Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy, Shelton Benjamin and MVP all return. There would be so much for them to do. Well... obviously Hogan couldn't wrestle. But he could be GM (he's never done that in the WWE before) and I just want to see him go back so he can be in their video games and other merchandise. There could be so much they could do with the others if they returned. SmackDown could get interesting again if they sent Hardy over there as the top babyface. Anderson is doing nothing in TNA and his entire run in TNA has been a waste. He was entertaining as Mr. Kennedy at least as a heel on SmackDown in 2006. RVD coming back with a lighter schedule would be sweet. He can definitely still "go".
He probably won't come back, with all his tweets against the WWE(and a few specific wrestlers) but it would be awesome if he went for one for one more match at Wrestlemania(he'll probably want the payday) I would like to see him against:
CM Punk
Daniel Bryan
John Cena
Or if he's back by the time Kurt Angle(maybe)comes back... Chris Jericho
Remember, anything can happen in pro wrestling...
I really don't see him returning. I knew Rock and foley would return cuz they had nothing against the company. Didn't see hart returning until his HOF induction. That when I knew he COULD return. Kurt angle has been bashing them on twitter, he's been taking shot at them inducing vince at certain points on Impact and has said on interviews that he won't return. He made it pretty clear. After all that BS, Vince won't let him back even if Kurt wanted to. If Kurt left because he disliked the schedule or whatever, why the hell would he return?

Sure bret came back but at the end of the day, what happened in Montreal was all on vince.
all over this place some moron is always saying "never say never in rasslin" "one big pay day to retire on", "he'll get a nice reduced work load and make appearances" or "one last big run one last bang.." Do any of you know how delusional you are? Your speaking about your own standards and weaknesses not any wrestler. Kurt Angle's departure was a type of exile, which is close to being fired in some context..

When a man puts his foot down or says never thats an indicator he means it. Angle isnt apologetic over anything, neither is Vince, theres no way to reconcile their conflicting viewpoints and i doubt either loses sleep at night over that reality.

You arent going to retire off of one last run either..

The regular roster is going to raise cane over a wrestler whos about their age or just 7 years older coming back to a light load and having it his way like its Burger King.. It will cause locker room unrest.

And Angle's last run was his last big run. Now your suggesting a "last last run" concept.. His look and character are so divergent in TNA from his WWF days that he might as well had retired anyway..

Angle is not coming back and the Angle we knew in the WWF is dead anyway..

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