Cena VS Orton Numbers


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Alright gang, since Hell in the Cell is tonight we get another Cena vs Orton Matchup, i know it has happened once or twice before, but im actually looking forward to this one. HELL IN THE CELL, has poential to be a classic match. This is probably one of the all time great feuds that have lasted over the years. I stumbled across some numbers and wanted to get opinions.

There have been 315 total matches involving these 2 in the same ring (tags, singles, 6-mans, rumbes) this counts house shows, ppvs, tv.

-84 times these guys have been involved in PPV/TV show matches.

-120 times Cena vs Orton has happened(TV/PPV/House shows)

-20 times is the total number of TV/PPV/Special event

12-7 (no contest) is Cena's Record vs the Viper. (Televised singles matches)

Basically Cena wins the numbers game, and im very Pro Randy Orton, hes one of my all time favs, i just believe he is one of the best in ring workers of all time and i have enjoyed almost all of the matches i have seen him perform.

I am rooting for Orton to pull out the victory tonight as there are stipulations in this match. I wouldnt mind seeing Orton get a title shot against Brock.

who are you rooting for tonight?
According to some site, this will be Cena's 100th main event, which is why I think Cena will pull it out tonight.
I really want Orton to win tonight. I do not want to see Lesnar-Cena AGAIN. Not right now.

And also, I'd like to see Orton-Lesnar, which I believe has never happened. Would like to see Orton break away from the Authority and become a loner character who hates everybody. That's what he's best at IMO.
Well, looks like we are gonna a get cena Brock 4? What a fresh storyline. Can cena redeem himself like he usually always does ?
I thought it was a terrific match....and being fans of pro wrestling, I still believe it's not the number of times a pair of guys have faced each other, or how the storyline affects the match-up.....I just want to see good contests, and feel this one more than measured up. They gave us everything; good wrestling moves, good spots, fine ending.

After Cena won, I hoped for some sort of reconciliation. In response to the rumor mill spouting a face turn for Orton, I figured it might be appropriate for Cena to turn to his defeated opponent and offer congratulations for a great match. When Cena lingered in the ring as the referee attended to Orton, my hopes for this grew. It could have been a start toward a mutual appreciation, which also might have justified having these guys meet once again, an issue that many folks on this forum have been criticizing to the skies.

But no, Cena just left the ring with Orton lying there. On one hand, I suppose it makes no sense to heal the breach that suddenly, but they could have made a start towards it.....

With Bray Wyatt returning to (apparently) start up with Dean Ambrose, I can't guess what John Cena and Randy Orton are going to be doing next.
Everyone complains about their feud even though the matches themselves are usually really good and this was no exception. I really enjoyed it, even if they went overkill with the failed finishers. But I am glad that this will probably be the last time they fight as enemies.

I've only been around since the last TLC and I'm already sick of seeing them together.
Well I don't see cena wanting to shake ortons hand after the match as that would put Orton over as a face. And with Orton 's popularity it wouldn't be I'm Cena's best interest. Cena wants to hold his spot as the companies top face, and you can't blame him I think everyone would like to be in that position, it just sucks for us pro wrestling fans who are sick of always seeing cena at the top. He doesn't really do anything that excites us imo.

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