Casual Gaming.

There once was a time when Video Games were the calloing card only of geeks and nerds. When the first person shooter genre consisted mainly of Doom and Quake, and the only person who knew of them didn't go out of a friday night. Ok, thats a bit of a stretch, but as of late, Video Games have really come into a vogue, where even parents and middle aged people are finding themselves playing computer games. I partly attribute this to the popularity of consoles like the Wii (may you die a slow painful death) that are easily accessible and easy to use to the general public.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I'm not quite sure, but there is something unnerving about a housewife talking about something that was "epic" or complaining about "noobs". It makes me cringe when some people count themselves are "hardcore" gamers after playing Halo 3. Adding into the mix we have games that are catered to the casual gamer, with developers such as PopCap creating quick easy games such as Peggle or Plants vs Zombies to cater to a simpler audience. And therein lies the problem with me. Everything is aimed for a simpler audience. Look through a game catlogue recently, in comparison with past games and you will no doubt find a certain "dumbing down" in games. It seems they don't make em like they used to. The games are easier, shorter affairs. they are made to be less complex and generic for the sake of the more casual gamer. This is no doubt good for business, but where does it end?

Casual gaming. Is this a good thing or a bad thing for the Video Game world?
From an economic point of view, well yes. They purchase games so it benefits the gaming world. If you look at it from an age perspective, it really shouldn't matter. My uncle and dad are hitting 40 and they are into videogames. Age and sex shouldn't matter. Its how you play and if you enjoy it that should matter.
Great thread idea, MRC.

I personally think that the introduction of casual gaming is a good thing for everyone. I think that having the gaming industry available to more and more people will eventually be good for me as well. Take this example, if the video games industry continues to grow and competition for custom will be greater because of it. It is my hope that because of this, the gaming industry becomes better in a general sense. With the money that is being ploughed into the industry by all of the new found casual gamers, developers ill be able to put out a better game, with better aspects and perhaps at a lower price. Well, that is my hope anyway.

I also think that there is something very cute about video games becoming more mainstream. It is my opinion that gaming has been looked down upon for too long now and geek is definitely the new thing to be. You see it all of the time and I must admit that I am quite impressed by how the games industry has managed to bring in a world of new gamers. In the end, I think that it will be a good thing for gaming.
Wow, this post could take ages, but I'll try to keep it short.

In terms of the gaming industry, it's a good thing. Casual gaming expands the market, which pumps more money into the industry. The more money is in the gaming industry, the longer it'll last, which is what we as fans should be hoping for. Not to mention the games industry is one of the few industries keeping the global economy together. So more money is circulating, and games companies stay healthy despite the global recession.

But the gamers that don't like "casual games" are likely to be put off. When, for example, Nintendo is focusing on Wii fit, Wii sports and Nintendogs, that means we have to wait longer for the games we want, assuming we even get them. More "hardcore" gamers will be ignored so developers can create more get-rich-quick shovelware ripped off from Nintendo ideas.

But if we want developers to keep making the games we want rather than just focusing on casual gaming, we have to support the hardcore developers, Capcom, Bioware, Bestheda (or however it's spelled).
But the gamers that don't like "casual games" are likely to be put off. When, for example, Nintendo is focusing on Wii fit, Wii sports and Nintendogs, that means we have to wait longer for the games we want, assuming we even get them. More "hardcore" gamers will be ignored so developers can create more get-rich-quick shovelware ripped off from Nintendo ideas.

Far from it, Miyamoto has stated in an interview recently that he won't release another "Wii" game the likes of Wii Sports, fit, music etc not a game for the WIi lol. That in turn opens the more hardcore games like Mario, Zeldqa, Mteroid, Starfox even Kirby at a push.

Casual gaming is hardly a new fad, in fact it saved the video games industry in the early 80s when the crash happened. Without the likes of Pac-Man, Donkey Kong etc we wouldn't be acing this discussion. Add to that the likes of Tetris which is still played today (even if it is on your mobile phone). There will always be a market for casual gamers, though I see it like the PG era in wrestling. People think they don't like it but once they watch it it's not that different.
I utterly despise the current gaming industry. It's all about FPS's and XBL now, fuck tradition eh? I cant stress how sick I am of FPS's in general, between Halo and COD,uhg...I love fun platformers like Mario & Rachet & Clank. LBP looks like fun but not $300 PS3 fun, also really like Katamari. Seems like the WWE isnt the only thing controlled by little kids and pre teens as so many of them are on XBL and they need every new system and game. I love Video Games, but the current trends are very off putting for me. Oh I forgot to mention the overkill that is Guitar Hero and Rock Band.
Err, video games were generally aimed at kids to teens in the 90's and 80's, its hardly recent as one would assume a fair amount more kids would play games over adults.

Also there is a solution to the FPS and rhythm game overload your overstating about.. dont play them, its not like they have absolutely taken over, there are still plenty of other genres with gems coming out today. Even classic genres like the point and click adventure games are very very slowly returning.

I dont see an issue with casual gaming at all, although personally I consider hardcore gaming to be professional playing, I understand what you mean when you define it here. It does nothing but bring more people into the video game industry, and we can clearly see there is still room for trickier games whether that be Zelda or Operation Flashpoint. If it brings popularity then release it, I probably wont play it personally but I dont see any real sufficient reason why it should bother me.
And...I dont play the FPS's and Music Games because well I fucking hate them :) And of course there's nothing wrong with bringing in new gamers, never said that. But the whole XBL crap is just ruining what Gaming is all about for me, instead it's treated like a fad of whatever is the current flavor of the month. To each their own my friend, to each their own...

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