Candidate for worst match ever...

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Dj Martyn

Dazed and Confused
There has been talk of doing a Hulk Hogan vs. Great Khali match at WrestleMania. Khali would basically be replacing Big Show, who will not be at Mania. One source is saying that Show is about as close to being done as a person can be in this business where nobody ever retires. WWE has approached Hogan with two matches, one being against Khali and the other being against Shane McMahon. They're waiting to hear back from Hogan.

Thats from News....

And to be honest Great khali Vs Hogan, could IMO be candidate for worst match ever to grace a wrestlemania card, can you imagine how slow and boring that 10-15 minutes would be.....i would have to cry and of course Hogan would have to win..with a leg drop...a leg drop...and khali wouldnt sell it...and when khali did his double handed chokeslam off the mat, hogan would only jump 2 cm of the ground... i say boooo.
it'd make sense to make it Hogan vs. Show, because his ring attire and hysique is similar to Andre. Khali's just a big guy who can't wrestle, so yes the match wouldn't be great, but I'd say it's more about creating a spectacle rather than wrestling.
Yea true i guess, although like you mentioned Big show would be a better choice, as at least he makes an effort to sell moves. If they cant snag show to do it, then Hogan Vs shane will do me fine i guess.

P.s I live like 30 mins drive from Hull in S****horpe and i agree its not that bad..
Well this would be up there on horrible match type with Brock vs. Goldberg.

And of course pretty much every John Cena match
Hogan in a match with either Khali or Show is the worst idea this side of Bastian Booger. What the hell could Vince be thinking? Did he even watch the encounters between Hogan and Wight back when Paul's tubby ass was still able to move? Hogan had trouble slamming him then. Now he'd have a heart attack or rupture a disc. I pray to whatever higher power watches over decent wrestling that this rumor is just some kind of sick joke or swerve whipped up by the WWE machine. Then again, I said the same thing about the Donald/Rosie segment and look what happened with that.
Mr.kennedy and randy ortan for wrestlemaina would b u shit match
I think that John Cena vs The Great Khali and Hulk Hogan Vs The Great Khali are some of the WOST matches in wrestling history. I don't even think you can call it a wrestling match. Others in contention would be the following-

Rosie Vs Donald
Brock Vs Goldberg

and every other match that has john cena in it...
I agree that Khali/Hogan would be awful. But it's going to be so entertaining. Personally I cant wait, imagine the heat Hogan will get. In one corner you've got one of the most charismatic wrestler's ever, in the other corner is The Great Khali. Brilliant.

As for worst match ever it's got to be Trish Stratus & Bradshaw vs. Chris Nowinski and Jackie Gayda. So bad it's good. The only thing that's better than a wrestling classic is an absolute fuck up of a match.
Yah Khali should really be sent to OVW to work on his wrestling skills. He's about as boring as Giant Gonzalaz in Summerslam 93.
If this happens, it's going to be the most horrible piece of shit in the HISTORY of wrestling. Nothing could be worse. An old has been and a guy that kills someone everytime he steps in the ring. This is just bad TV.

On a side note, I don't think that match with Goldberg and Brock was horrible. What killed the match was the crowd. They knew both were leaving, so they fucked up the whole match by chanting boring and that both guys sucked. If it wasn't for the fans, that match might've been okay.
I agree, the brock vs goldberg match had alot of potential and to be honest, I think that if both wrestlers would have put on a good match then the crowd would have forgiven then, instead for ten minutes brock and goldberg locked up to see who was stronger then they tried to one up each other with power moves then they both kicked out of each others finishers; to be honest the match sucked and the crowd gave lesnar/goldberg as much respect as they were given.
Screw sending Khali to OVW, they've given him plenty of chances. He's nothing but dead weight. The WWE has been releasing so many people as of late. Let's see them cut him loose. Anyway, here are what I will throw in as the worst matches ever in the WWE.

John Cena vs Triple H from Wrestlemania last year.
(That match shouldn't have been the main event and we all know that)

Triple H vs Scott Steiner. All of them

Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar from Mania. That match speaks for itself.

Big Show vs Akebono. I will give anything to NEVER watch that again.

Vince/Shane vs HBK and "God". That was the dumbest idea ever made.

John Cena vs Kurt Angle. Great wrestler in Angle, turned into a shit match by putting him against a guy who just can't hack it

Oh and the worst PPV in the WWE: ECW December to Dismember
Worst Match hands for WWE was Vince's two stooges Pat Patterson and Jack Briscoe(I think that is his name) fighting for the Hardcore title in a evening gown match. It's been a few years but that match was just so awful...I'm glad they did away with the Hardcore title.

Worse WrestleMania Match:Brock vs. Goldberg (it could have been good but the entire audience knew this match didn't mean anything since both men were leaving).

As far as Cena/HHH last year, I thought it was a great mainevent....definitely better than the mainevent at WM21. However I wish they could have given more time to the Smackdown mainevent...the triple threat match could have stole the show.
Pretty much anything booked by russo. Not that there bad matches, but confusing i.e. the reverse battle roayle on TNA. Dumb.
Also, the chamber of horrors match from halloween havoc 91 was pretty wowful.
I actually liked the reverse battle royal, it was unique. However it should only be done 1-2 times a year at most. The match does need to be tweaked a bit like the King of the Mountain match.

First of it needs to be done in a bigger arena than the impact zone, say another ppv on the road. It needs to involve every wrestler in the tna lockerroom, which I believe is around 30-40 wrestlers. Have the first 20(if the # of wrestlers is 40, 15 if the # of wrestlers is 30) that get in ring qualify for the regular battle royal in which the winner faces the champion later that night!
One of the worst matches i've ever seen at wrestlemania is boogeyman vs booker t at wm22. Hogan vs. Khali would be really boring too
Anything involving smackdown rookie divas like ashley, lelya, or kristal. These women are so bad that they have trouble selling even the basic of wrestling moves.
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