Can there be a two year in a row WM main event?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I didn't know how exactly to title this thread so I'll explain here. After watching Cena vs. Triple H IV on Raw earlier, I thought about their bout at WM 22 and their rumored rematch at WM 23. This got me wondering, can WWE pull off a match that can main event two WrestleManias in a row? If so, list the match and reason.

I'm gonna say yes and it would probably be Cena vs. Punk. In my opinion, their the two biggest stars in the company today and they have the ability to draw huge money if they wrestled at WM. However, I don't think it would have that big match feel like Cena vs. Triple H at WM 22.
If punk ever draws a dime i will be amazed, he doesn't have that power to make me want to buy a ticket or spend 50 bucks to watch a payperview...if he ever mainevents a wrestlemania..god help us... many of you may not agree, but dont get me wrong hes a great wrestler(yes i said wrestler someone come sue me) but i just dont think he can draw...Cena though.sure he can it would save the match but punk v. cena..especially not two years straight..

p.s please make cena a rapper again, i hate rap but he was alot more entertaining..
Sure, Vince can do the same Main Event two years in a row at Wrestlemania back to back, and get away with it. And sure fans will still pay to see it.

Let's revisit some of those possibilities:

John Cena vs Randy Orton

John Cena vs Edge

John Cena vs Triple H

John Cena vs Shawn Michaels

John Cena vs Undertaker

John Cena vs Batista

Triple H vs Randy Orton

Randy Orton vs Shawn Michaels

He could do any of those two years in a row and people would still accept it and purchase the PPV's.

Why is that? Because Vince McMahon spoon feeds his audience and tells them what they WILL see. And they will accept whatever he gives them.

Don't agree with that? Prove me wrong.

Vince's core fanbase will NEVER say "No" to Vince. Wrestling is too much of an addiction for them to have the will power to say "No". I have to admit, I am somewhat amused by the power he holds over his fans.
It has to an extent happened before, with both Wrestlemania 9 and 10 having Bret Hart vs Yokozuna as the official main event. Of course at WM9 there was the whole thing with Hogan coming in at the last second and winning the title, and 10 had the whole Hart/Luger as the co-winners of the Royal Rumble setting up the two title matches. Also it was allegedly suppose to have happened with WM 12 and 13. Of course 12 was the Hart/HBK Iron man and it was rumored that WM 13 was gonna be a rematch of Hart/HBK but Michaels got injured and missed 13. And though it wasnt consecutive, Austin and the Rock headlined 2 different wrestlemanias (15 and 17 and another match at wm 19 although that wasnt considered the main event)
So all that to say, considering they have tried it in the past, I am sure at some point it will happen again, but considering at Bragging Rights were gonna have John Cena vs Randy Orton for what 3 or 4 PPVs in a row with only typically 3 weeks in between, I would not be surprised at all if they did it next year, possibly with HHH vs Orton because you know Triple H will be in one of the title matches, considering that with the exception of WM23 which he missed completely due to an injury, you have to go back to Wm17 to find the last time HHH was not involved in one of the title matches at Wrestlemania. So anyways all that history to say it will almost defiantly happen at some point, and if it involves any current Superstars, it will be either HHH or John Cena or both.
triple h and orton was horrible at WM 25, they could have given us a great match but they did not have a WM quality match and it blew. The match out of your list Cena vs Undertaker would be good, but personally I would like to see Cena vs Batista and Randy Orton vs Ted Jr. at WM 26. what randy and Ted did on Raw was great and they should build it up to a big show down. Cena has done all he could on raw, he has wrestled all the top stars Raw has to offer. Cena would be great for Smackdown. Cena and Batista would of been the WM 25 main event if batista did not get hurt
If punk ever draws a dime i will be amazed, he doesn't have that power to make me want to buy a ticket or spend 50 bucks to watch a payperview...if he ever mainevents a wrestlemania..god help us... many of you may not agree, but dont get me wrong hes a great wrestler(yes i said wrestler someone come sue me) but i just dont think he can draw...Cena though.sure he can it would save the match but punk v. cena..especially not two years straight..

p.s please make cena a rapper again, i hate rap but he was alot more entertaining..

Punk drew as a face (At least in the beginning) and has GREAT heat to draw as a heel. Infact, he's the best heel in the buisness right now. He doesn't get cheap heat like dissing their city mascot, it's HEAT heat. He makes himself better than everyone else, and people wanna see him lose. If WWE was smart, they would have him win the title this weekend via Batista and Taker are going at it, which leads to Batista's heel turn, which leads to a DECENT Batista title run in the future. And while Taker goes at it, let Rey and Punk go at it.

Punk's job isn't to draw people to come watch him wrestle.. it's to make you HATE him so much you come to see your favorite wrestler beat his ass! And he's doin a great job.. Well, WWE booking sucks so we see him get his ass whooped on ppv's by Taker and so forth, so once again they drop the ball.
i kind of agree with the above statements, but I could see WWE getting away with HBK-Taker at mania 26 again, just because of thte magnitude of the match. I don't think it's gonna happen, but it could. also triple h-cena work very well together,(save for the horrible mania 22 match), so I could see them headlining together again.
I don't want to say that I was happy about Triple H's quad injury in early 2007 because I really wasn't at the time. I loved the fued that was going on between DX and Rated RKO. It was one of the few tag team fueds that really got me interested. While I can't say I was happy, I can say that I was glad that we didn't see John Cena vs. Triple H at back-to-back Wrestlemanias.

People didn't look at John Cena as much of a main eventer at the time. He was still fairly new at main eventing, so no one gave Cena a chance of retaining the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania and that included me. I mean, the build was pretty good, as it coincided with the build to the Wrestlemania 22 match between Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels. I feel that seeing that particular match at two Wrestlemanias in a row would be too repetitive and too predictable.

However, I do think that WWE can get away with putting the same match at consecutive Wrestlemanias. As long as the storyline was not meant to be a "continuation" of the previous year's Wrestlemania, I'm fine.
Can there be? Sure. Doink the Clown vs Happy Humphrey could main event WrestleMania.

But really, I'm just being a semantic-arguing douchebag, and nobody likes those people.

The fact is that no, the same match should never main event WrestleMania twice in a row. WrestleMania main events are meant to be the culmination of a feud - the payoff to months of buildup, ideally. It's perfectly acceptable to continue the feud slightly after WrestleMania, but really, by the time you get to Judgment Day, it should have boiled down and moved on to something else. Or, at least, changed its structure (for example, Cena vs Orton became Cena vs Orton vs HHH, which became Orton vs HHH in Mania 24 times).

Repeating the same main event will have essentially meant that the match last year did not achieve its purpose, and the feud continued an entire year, and now we're back at the same point. That would be a significant problem. It could have also meant that the match last year did achieve its purpose, people moved on, and then they did the same thing they did last year - this is also a problem. In either situation, a core problem is exposed - a lack of creative ingenuity in planning storylines, either by dragging one out, or repeating one. Either way, no good.

Furthermore, the fact is, no-one really wants to see that twice at Mania. If I watch, let's say, Orton vs HHH at WrestleMania, even if it's a 5-star match, I don't really want to watch it at Mania again. I can dig it on a lesser PPV, with a stipulation, or on Raw - but come on, at Mania, again? To get me to shell out 50 bucks for that would be absurd.

The short answer is no - to repeat a WrestleMania main event would be to fail from both creative and marketing perspectives.
Sure they could. WWE could put HHH/Orton has the main event next year with no variation at all and people (including me) would still buy it. Maybe not because of that particular match, but you'd still watch the show.

The real question is whether or not it'd be entertaining. Well, lets use our last WM main event, HHH/Orton, as an example. In short, that match was a gargantuan failure that ruined lives, frightened small children, and bruised fruit. Now, if they were to repeat that match next year, the smart thing to do would be to add some sort of stipulation, maybe make it HIAC or just SOMETHING to differentiate it from their last Mania encounter; Punjabi Prison for all I care.

Or they could (and probably would) go the boring route, and just have them face one on one again, nothing special, and probably on a weaker buildup because I doubt they could match the awesome build up from before; unless HHH breaks into Cowboy Bob Orton's house this time around. We'd bitch and moan about how they're giving us the same ME again, made worse since it sucked the first time, and that the WWE is making no progress BUT we'd still buy it and it really won't hurt them at all. Besides, there are tons of other matches on the card that could justify the purchase; I doubt one match would stop you from watching a WRESTLEMANIA.

So to conclude, yes, the WWE could easily do the same WM main event 2 or even 3 years in a row if they really wanted to. It might be boring as hell, but it wouldn't hurt at all because we'd still buy it.

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