Can NWA find lime light again?

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
This one is made because it's so close to home with me, as NWA is the first promotion that I had attended events at and it's the promotion where I got my first taste of true wrestling. Ironically, it's territories in NWA-Carolinas, is the first "big time" promotion to give me a chance in their ring.

But anyway, the point of all this is, do you ever see NWA becoming the godfather of wrestling that it once was? Or do you believe that NWA from now on will forever be just another indy promotion?

I happen to think that all NWA needs is to find a way to get all their territory outlets some local air time, and then, they have to find a way to get NWA itself back on national television. Shoot for something like, ESPN or Fox Sports Network. Something that would really do NWA some good on national exposure.

Of course, the hardest part of all that, would be getting NWA Territories a TV deal on their local stations. However, if other small low name Indy Promotions can do it, why would NWA have a problem?
I don't think that the NWA will ever again be the central focus of the wrestling business in the US. WWE is too big to accept being one-of-many, and if I were them I wouldn't either.

That said, the main NWA promotion has a chance to be a solid alternative. I don't think that TNA will be around forever. If TNA goes down, with the right management NWA might be able to leapfrog ROH into the No. 2 spot and get a major cable deal. With a major cable deal, NWA could tour the country a little bit, and co-promote shows with affiliates. That would do a lot to build up the affiliates, who will either get local TV on their own or not.

That said, local TV is a lot less important than it was. 25 years ago, if you had a 4pm Saturday spot on Channel 5, you had something. Today, kids might not know what Channel 5 is, really. They know the network name, and they know how to find their favorite channels on the thousand-channel digital TV system they have. They know how to search for a program if they know the name.
Yeah it does make it hard for NWA to go somewhere with digital television these days, but it can't be a complete loss. I mean local channels are still there, and Fox will forever be there. Sure, locals won't have a major TV success being that they're local, but it's enough success to help the main NWA gain views, especially if they're using some of the wrestlers from other wrestling promotions.

To be honest, I just want NWA to prove that they are still the definition of professional wrestling, and I believe that they are.

They certainly know how to make a champion look legit, which he is.
I really thought they were going to re-establish themselves when they had the tournament for the NWA title. I'm pretty sure Danielson was supposed to win and if he did, he could have brought some glory back to the belt. Unfortunately, Danielson got hurt before the finals and Pearce took the belt. Don't get me wrong, I like Pearce, but there's just no comparison between the two.
I think the best thing that could happen for the NWA is to make its titles public again. It was never a true promotion, and always just rode on the most popular territory at the time. Those days are gone, but it could regain something by riding on the most popular independent promotion du jour. That is ROH, who could also benefit from being associated with something as prestigious as the NWA title. The title will always be the oldest, even if it isn't the best known, and therefore will always have a certain level of prestige to it. NWA and ROH could benefit from such an association, and they should try to do so.
After reading this, it makes me wonder. Last time I saw anything from the NWA, Adam Pearce was feuding with Blue Demon for the NWA title. I was having some fun with this feud and some of the matches were fairly entertaining as well. They had a show on Colours Television, so I was watching it. Sadly, right when they were in the middle of stuff, they just started reruns and from there on out, not too sure what's going on now. I think it's sad because it was fun seeing another promotion on the TV. Then again, I am just a huge fan of wrestling in general. I'd love to see the NWA become a player again, but if they don't stay consistent in some way and try to keep television when they do finally get it, well then, we know where we are going.
I think if TNA and ROH were ever to go out of business, the NWA would take over the number two spot in the U.S. by default. But even if those companies stay in business long term, I still think the NWA has the chance to become relevant again.

They need to first get behind the most popular territory, which is probably NWA Anarchy, and give it all the best NWA wrestlers from around the world while marketing the heck out of it. Then they need to get a cable TV deal and get on pay per view.

Sure it's a long shot, but it could happen. I think another major factor that they really can't control will just be the economy in general and the market for a wrestling audience. Because obviously right now, there is not that much room for a number 2 wrestling company let alone a number 3 and 4, and the recession hasn't helped matters either.

But at the end of the day I'd love to see the NWA regain prominence and get back in the national spotlight, and I don't think it's unconceivable that it could happen in the next five years if a bunch of different things lined up perfectly for them, like I mentioned above.
I sincerely believe that NWA can get its spot back if they just find a channel outside local TV to back them. I mean the simple fact that NWA is the most historic company today, and still fuels on the classic wrestling, would give them the biggest edge they need.

And yes, I agree that they should back NWA Anarchy as well. That or NWA Mid-Atlantic... I would say NWA Carolinas, but that branch is more to help upcoming promotions than it is to promote wrestlers.

As for a reasonable station, I would say that FSN is a great way to go. Sure, TNA did that, but FSN only picked TNA for their NWA ties. Why not pick another NWA territory?
God no. Too many hurdles for the NWA to jump over to even get to Ring of Honor level.

1. When you think of NWA you think of Flair and Race, so whatever independent rookies you throw out there will fail the old NWA bar they set.

2. When you have an alliance of companies, one will always rise to the top and leave it, decapitating any process they will make. Just look at ECW. NWA had this big tournament and it got killed by the leaving of ECW. It makes NWA look like this crappy group even this indy company doesn't want a piece of.

3. WWE. No company will ever beat WWE. Let's just face it. An alliance of companies can beat the giant WWE has become and that's what it would need to do to get it's top spot.
Ok I believe with some tweaking and some luck NWA could become at least the #3 wrestling group in the US.

But first, some things. Yes when folks think of the NWA they think of Flair, Race, the Funks and so forth and the bar has been set high. But just like WWE had to do, the NWA needs to build new stars and they are doing that. There are folks like Shatter and The Sheik who basically wrestle exclusively for NWA organizations are just a couple of examples.

As far as TV, I just want to point out that NWA Anarchy is shown in different cities across the nation and a few of the organizations have internet shows. Also PPVs aren't really a good idea. Look how well doing PPVs did for ECW or even ROH, who does iPPVs now, but the fact is, the buyrates for both weren't there. Not sure about the buyrates for the iPPVs.

And I'm not sure if Danielson would be a good idea for NWA champion, but hey I can be wrong and Danielson will have a chance to win the NWA championship at the NWA Legends Fanfest that is happening in August. The reason I'm saying I'm not sure about Danielson being a good idea is I'm remembering some of the complaints about NWA Light Heavyweight champion Mike Quackenbush and the NWA tag team champions the Skullkrushers, that they have their hands in too many cookie jars and can't seem to give proper time in defense of the title. I mean despite if folks want to say Danielson would be the better choice, Pearce has defended the NWA championship at least once a month in all of his title reigns. The question is, will Danielson be able to give that much dedication in defending the title or will other committments take precedent.
The structure of the NWA is AS it was in 1948. It don't work like that anymore. In order for the NWA to rise back to prominence it has to began to buy its territories. It can't be a lose knit alliance, it needs strong central leadership, legitimate ownership of territories to prevent withdrawals, ad countless unifications to have just one World's title. NWA Undisputed Global HONORED Crown World's heavyweight champion.

If the territories can be treated as brands who are still connected the NWA can still work. The PPVs need to feature talent from other territories mixed togethor to as well as the local shows featuring NWA stars. It can still work.
I dont see it happening. They dont have any top talent and last i knew they just pick up guys WWE released like Danielson and Benjamin (Might be wrong on that). But the way its set up now I dont se it happening.

Unlike 80's NWA where most of the major players where in with Jim Crockett in the Mid Atlantic area all of their current talent who are any good are spread all over the place. You take them from their current spot and that could kill the territory cause their big stars where taken.

I prbably made no sense at all but bottom line I dont see NWA being any bigger than it is now.
It will never reach the status that it once had but it can become sucessful again. The NWA needs to bring it's title into a more prominent spotlight and maybe get them defended on promotions that have t.v. deals such as TNA, ROH, go global with AAA, NJPW, and NOAH. This will help get people to notice the promotion again and get some interest generated. In time, they can maybe capitalize on the interest and make a t.v. deal network such as FSN. They will also need to make a territory that is their main showcase such as WCW was back in the 80s. I feel NWA Anarchy which is based in Georgia can be this as they already broadcast shows in the U.S. and Canada. This will be the territory where titles such as the World Heavyweight, North American, World Jr. Heavyweight, World Tag Team, and Womens Championship will be defended. I believe if they can do this then they will be able to suceed again but it won't be able to beat TNA or WWE.
The structure of the NWA is AS it was in 1948. It don't work like that anymore. In order for the NWA to rise back to prominence it has to began to buy its territories. It can't be a lose knit alliance, it needs strong central leadership, legitimate ownership of territories to prevent withdrawals, ad countless unifications to have just one World's title. NWA Undisputed Global HONORED Crown World's heavyweight champion.

If the territories can be treated as brands who are still connected the NWA can still work. The PPVs need to feature talent from other territories mixed togethor to as well as the local shows featuring NWA stars. It can still work.

When you've got over a 100 promotions, there's no way that ONE TITLE can work. It's just not going to work. Regional titles aren't a problem at all, and the NWA World title is still a sought after championship by many.

The main issue for NWA nowadays are the low budget indy feds that move around the cities. Like a fed by me named CWA is more viewed the NWA when it comes to South Carolina.

As for putting Anarchy as their top promotion, I would agree that this can be done, but what about NWA Championship Wrestling from Hollywood? Or even more, what about NWA New Beginnings? Those two have also become popular with NWA fans.

Now I'm not saying NWA would ever regain its number one spot, but maybe more unity can put them together to get some notoriety.
When you've got over a 100 promotions, there's no way that ONE TITLE can work. It's just not going to work. Regional titles aren't a problem at all, and the NWA World title is still a sought after championship by many.
no i dot man just 1 strap period im just saying the territory's heavyweight title should be unified into the NWA title, i can still have its own secondary titles. the issue is authority and structure, we are viewing the territoris as tenticles n an octopus. the problem is hey are more akin to worms, the kind which ca be ct in half and both sides move. the NWA will need to create a main territory which is the default sea of the NWA and then take an ownership stake in its territories to prevent them from leaving. ECW, AWA, WWF, WCW, Mid Atlantic, UWF, WWC, WCCW and TNA all used the NWA to a point then left after they could walk on their own. Ownership stakes will prevent that. TheNWA often wastes its energy and lineage on feds eager to jump ship.

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