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[This Space for Rent]
What is it with you and calling people idiots, because they share a different opinion than your own?

Don't get me wrong, I concede to the Joey Harrington/Jason Campbell issue on the note that I DON'T know Harrington like you do, nor do I know Campbell like Brian does. And you both seem to disagree as well.

I still believe Harrington could be better, if they matched up on the same team and had to play for a back-up spot through pre-season games. Not sure why I feel that way, I just do. I simply don't see Campbell as a good QB. And Unfortunately, you can't right or wrong that - because its an opinion.

However, this is more pointing that you said something utterly simple-minded and in my view, naive, in the WZ tournament banter thread. Something about people being idiots if they believed in something. (I think it was of Hogan not being able to climb a ladder) Why would that make them idiots? Do you have video proof that Hogan's ever won a ladder match? Do you have video proof that Hogan's even ever CLIMBED 'said' ladder?

I doubt it.

Now, do I think he couldn't climb one? Fuck no I don't think that. But I would vote against him IN a ladder match, depending on who he matched up against if that individual were a ladder match expert. (like say; Edge, Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels, or any number of other individuals who've had numerous ladder matches and experience in them.)

So, I'm just curious, why is it whenever someone disagrees with your view on something.. do you believe that makes them an idiot? How are you not something similar, or worse, for not seeing things their way? Hmmm...
I thought that was your little pet name for me will :confused: oh well, and you made a guy feel special, theres always the time we DP'd brooke Hogan im sure
I would never touch Brooke Hogan's body, naked or otherwise, with any part of my own body. Naked or otherwise.

I would, however, spray her with a disinfectant. Its the nice thing to do.
I would never touch Brooke Hogan's body, naked or otherwise, with any part of my own body. Naked or otherwise.

I would, however, spray her with a disinfectant. Its the nice thing to do.

and the pain keeps coming :suspic:, well at least we still have our common friend, miss anal
What is it with you and calling people idiots, because they share a different opinion than your own?

Don't get me wrong, I concede to the Joey Harrington/Jason Campbell issue on the note that I DON'T know Harrington like you do, nor do I know Campbell like Brian does. And you both seem to disagree as well.

I still believe Harrington could be better, if they matched up on the same team and had to play for a back-up spot through pre-season games. Not sure why I feel that way, I just do. I simply don't see Campbell as a good QB. And Unfortunately, you can't right or wrong that - because its an opinion.

However, this is more pointing that you said something utterly simple-minded and in my view, naive, in the WZ tournament banter thread. Something about people being idiots if they believed in something. (I think it was of Hogan not being able to climb a ladder) Why would that make them idiots? Do you have video proof that Hogan's ever won a ladder match? Do you have video proof that Hogan's even ever CLIMBED 'said' ladder?

I doubt it.

Now, do I think he couldn't climb one? Fuck no I don't think that. But I would vote against him IN a ladder match, depending on who he matched up against if that individual were a ladder match expert. (like say; Edge, Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels, or any number of other individuals who've had numerous ladder matches and experience in them.)

So, I'm just curious, why is it whenever someone disagrees with your view on something.. do you believe that makes them an idiot? How are you not something similar, or worse, for not seeing things their way? Hmmm...

I call out people when they don't make any sense and I make sure they know how stupid their statements are. You can obviously have a different opinion but when that opinion makes no sense (eg. you saying Harrington was better then Campbell and people saying Hogan couldn't climb a cage) then I'm going to tell you. If you don't like it I could give a fuck less.
Everyone does this. Everyone.

Back to the point though, I believe its more can Hogan actually take the risk, prior to his hip replacement i would say yes...

But if your talking about the TNA Hogan i would say hell no, the guy can barely move around the ring let alone attempt to do anything with a ladder which would potentially leave the guy motionless.
and the pain keeps coming :suspic:, well at least we still have our common friend, miss anal

Oh how I love thy.. I suppose I shouldn't talk too much, wouldn't wanna work up the mods who pay too much attention to my life, or anything. :lmao:

Everyone does this. Everyone.

Everyone does what? Anal.. or calls people idiots?

I'm pretty sure I try to refrain from calling someone an idiot, until I'm 100% sure they are. Generally that takes me having to have some sort of debate with them first, and not just pointing out a random action, or group of undetermined things not yet said.
I call out people when they don't make any sense and I make sure they know how stupid their statements are. You can obviously have a different opinion but when that opinion makes no sense (eg. you saying Harrington was better then Campbell and people saying Hogan couldn't climb a cage) then I'm going to tell you. If you don't like it I could give a fuck less.

I love it when you act all tough. Gives me e-chills. Not really, but it could.

And the thing is, Hogan has climbed a cage and there is physical proof of this. So, there is no need to drop below a level of ignorance to calling someone stupid. Simply post the Hogan/Boss Man Cage match from Saturday Night's Main Event, or any other that doesn't come to my mind - and prove them wrong, with actual proof. Not just a naive "well you're stupid" comment.

Oh, and while I'm sure you'll say you don't.. I know you have to give "some shit", because if you didn't - you wouldn't have replied and defended yourself. You would've simply let this thread die off without you even replying to it. (I'm glad you did though, it wasn't meant to make you look bad.. so much as me wanting to know why you feel the need to call people idiots over something.)

I also thought it was regarding ladders, not cages. I think we would finally agree that Hogan could indeed climb a cage. A ladder is another story. ;)
I love it when you act all tough. Gives me e-chills. Not really, but it could.

And the thing is, Hogan has climbed a cage and there is physical proof of this. So, there is no need to drop below a level of ignorance to calling someone stupid. Simply post the Hogan/Boss Man Cage match from Saturday Night's Main Event, or any other that doesn't come to my mind - and prove them wrong, with actual proof. Not just a naive "well you're stupid" comment.

Oh, and while I'm sure you'll say you don't.. I know you have to give "some shit", because if you didn't - you wouldn't have replied and defended yourself. You would've simply let this thread die off without you even replying to it. (I'm glad you did though, it wasn't meant to make you look bad.. so much as me wanting to know why you feel the need to call people idiots over something.)

I also thought it was regarding ladders, not cages. I think we would finally agree that Hogan could indeed climb a cage. A ladder is another story. ;)

At the moment i believe stairs would be another story :lmao:, that guy can barely walk let alone climb anything at this stage of his career,it actually makes me feel awkward watching him move slowly around the ring, though i do mark out when he rips the t:worship:
I love it when you act all tough. Gives me e-chills. Not really, but it could.

I didn't know using swear words meant I was acting tough. Saying fuck isn't tough, this is tough


And the thing is, Hogan has climbed a cage and there is physical proof of this. So, there is no need to drop below a level of ignorance to calling someone stupid. Simply post the Hogan/Boss Man Cage match
from Saturday Night's Main Event, or any other that doesn't come to my mind - and prove them wrong, with actual proof. Not just a naive "well you're stupid" comment.

If it was an actual match thread then I would have, but it was the general tournament thread so I was calling everyone in general who said Hogan couldn't climb a cage last year an idiot.

Oh, and while I'm sure you'll say you don't.. I know you have to give "some shit", because if you didn't - you wouldn't have replied and defended yourself. You would've simply let this thread die off without you even replying to it. (I'm glad you did though, it wasn't meant to make you look bad.. so much as me wanting to know why you feel the need to call people idiots over something.)

You ask questions and I replied. I'm an asshole but I'm not rude.
At the moment i believe stairs would be another story :lmao:, that guy can barely walk let alone climb anything at this stage of his career,it actually makes me feel awkward watching him move slowly around the ring, though i do mark out when he rips the t:worship:

:lmao: Okay, I'm sure you've read it somewhere but incase not.. its no secret that I'm NOT a Hulkamania, never have been - never will be. I can't stand the guy, and even as a kid I always wanted to see him suffer from whoever he faced. (except probably Sgt. Slaughter)

However, I give him credit for being incredible back in the day. And on that note, in relation to the up-coming WZ Tourney, the Hogan that'd be "competing" would be the Hogan of the 80's, in his prime Hogan. Not the "Abyss, you're 10x the Wrestler I'll ever be, brotha" Hogan. :lmao: (albeit, I get amused everytime I remember Hogan telling Abyss he's better than Hogan.)
You're stupid.

This could be offensive.. .. if I knew who you were.

I didn't know using swear words meant I was acting tough. Saying fuck isn't tough, this is tough


That just looks like a washed up actor.

If it was an actual match thread then I would have, but it was the general tournament thread so I was calling everyone in general who said Hogan couldn't climb a cage last year an idiot.

I may have actually voted against Hogan in 'said' Cage match. Not sure, but if I did - I'd need to know who his opponent was.. and also if I felt Hogan was a threat, and I merely voted against him - because I didn't want him advancing. (as I'm sure many others tried to do last year, with Edge. lol)

You ask questions and I replied. I'm an asshole but I'm not rude.

:lmao: Everyone is an asshole to a degree.
:lmao: Okay, I'm sure you've read it somewhere but incase not.. its no secret that I'm NOT a Hulkamania, never have been - never will be. I can't stand the guy, and even as a kid I always wanted to see him suffer from whoever he faced. (except probably Sgt. Slaughter)

However, I give him credit for being incredible back in the day. And on that note, in relation to the up-coming WZ Tourney, the Hogan that'd be "competing" would be the Hogan of the 80's, in his prime Hogan. Not the "Abyss, you're 10x the Wrestler I'll ever be, brotha" Hogan. :lmao: (albeit, I get amused everytime I remember Hogan telling Abyss he's better than Hogan.)

and we all know abyss is tecnically sound in the ring:lmao:.

The Hogan of the 80's was Hogan in his prime so I would have to say yes, because ladder matches in their early stages where not about spots, mostly about utilizing the ladder to gain an advantage and an eventual win, say title unification in terms of Michaels vs Ramon, or to settle an old score, sans Michaels/Bret.

Although now i would love to see an incontenance pad suspended above the ring with Hogan and Flair fighting over it, :lmao:it would sell PPVS dammit, it would do numbers!!!
Before its said and done.. Bound for Glory: Hulk Hogan v. Ric Flair - Ultimate X, with a special Hall of Fame Championship suspended in the middle.

It. Will. Happen.
Before its said and done.. Bound for Glory: Hulk Hogan v. Ric Flair - Ultimate X, with a special Hall of Fame Championship suspended in the middle.

It. Will. Happen.

If it Happens i will shit myself laughing:lmao:, I wouldn't leave the room because that match itself will crack me up as much as seeing David Flairs old WWE tron!
If it Happens i will shit myself laughing:lmao:, I wouldn't leave the room because that match itself will crack me up as much as seeing David Flairs old WWE tron!

This tron?


I was unaware David Flair even ever HAD a titantron video. When the hell did he wrestle in the WWF/E, beyond Taker beating the shit out of him in a training facility?
This tron?


I was unaware David Flair even ever HAD a titantron video. When the hell did he wrestle in the WWF/E, beyond Taker beating the shit out of him in a training facility?

Its awesome, someone got ahold of it and altered it abit, but the premise is there, david left rubbing his hands moving left to right, cut to flair looking dissapointed at his son :lmao:.

And yep he actually wrestled one match i believe before getting released:lmao:

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