Batista Heel World Champion


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Over the last few days, due to sheer boredom, I've been browsing YouTube watching various different wrestling videos. Today I've been watching alot of videos from Batista's heel turn in late 2009, leading up to his match with Cena at WM26 for the WWE Championship. Included in this, obviously, was his short WWE title reign. I personally thought that Batista's work was some of his best leading up to WrestleMania. Obviously some of you may disagree with me, which is why I created this thread - to see what your opinions were on this.

Did you enjoy Batista's reign as the WWE Champion?

Could Batista make the same impact if he were to return?

Do you prefer him as a face or a heel?
I agree with you entirely. Not only was batista comical during his heel run he was also very dominant and awesome on the stick. For one he spoke the truth about Cena and the truth about himself I miss that Batista. He was so entertaining yet still a badass you wouldnt want to fuck with. Its sad how that was only for a year before he checked out and his championship fued with Cena was awesome as well. He seem like an even opponent for Cena too that Cena couldnt always superman his way out of. Another thing was he kind of made Cena do cowardly heel things to beat him. Remember the infamous duct tape fiasco that was gold. So to answer the question I love him more as heel and I do think he would make even a bigger of an impact if he returned.
I did not enjoy Batista's reign as WWE Champion all that much. Now, his reigns as World Heavyweight Champion, that's a different story. ;)

The only good thing about his WWE Championship reign was that it served the purpose of creating the Wrestlemania 26 feud with Cena. Batista is among the list of wrestlers who look silly holding that title, the feud could just as easily have been for the World Heavyweight Championship while Edge and Jericho feuded for the WWE Championship, a swap could have been done at Elimination Chamber. Complicated booking aside.... Batista was always a good choice for a World Champion, he was believable in the role both as a face and a heel.

I'm not sure if he would make the same impact if he returned. It would be a rather big deal, but with Lesnar around he might be overshadowed. Plus I would rather see new stars get made instead of Batista going straight back into the title picture. Say he does come back and puts over guys like Ziggler, Miz, Punk, Bryan, Sheamus, etc; then I would like to see it happen. He would make them look great and a victory over a multi time World Champion never hurts one's credibility. I liked him as a face better overall, but that heel Batista VS John Cena feud in 2010 was epic.
This Batista was gold. I never bought him as a face because it nerfed his ability to be a monster and he just doesn't strike me as something I want to cheer for. My favorite moment during his heel run was a Raw match with Mark Henry. Batista sat down nonchalantly on a chair as a confused Mark Henry made his way down the entrance. And as soon as Henry got in between the ropes, Batista suddenly got up and attacked him. His mic work was much more entertaining too.

However with his age and the current state of the roster (Ryback, Masked Kane, heel Big Show), I'm not sure he'd be able to just pick up where he left off if he returned.
Heel Batista was great, I thought. His last heel run was sad because we knew the writing was on the wall and he was leaving. He was the text book, dominant monster, intimidating heel. If THAT Batista could come back, I think he really could have some very solid feuds. Batista got better on the mic as his career progressed and I thought he was great on the mic during his last run. I agree with Dagger Dias that he looked stupid with that WWE title belt. That's not his fault though.

Definitely prefer him as a heel over a face. I could never buy him as a face.
Funny Batista story. Until recently I lived in the DC Metro area. This was a little bit after Wrestlemania and a friend of mine was at a gas station and saw Batista there buying something. He tried talking to him but Batista blew him off. My friend said "You're just mad because Cena beat your ass at Wrestlemania!". Batista busted out laughing and after that took a picture with him.

Now on to Batista's heel run. IMO it was my favorite point in his career. The motive for his heel turn made perfect sense and he played the jealous role very well. I loved every bit of it and was saddened that it had to end so soon.
I was a big fan of Batista's heel turn. It suited him better, and he wasan absolute animal. The title being thrown in wasnt really needed, but it was good for him to get the strap cause the world title is kind of a second rate belt to the WWE title. I wish he just got to stay longer and hold the belt for a while more.
I'm with most other people here--I loved his turn, as well as the whole storyline. Batista played his part to a tee. Like Headman, it was unfortunate that it ended so quickly, but at the same time, the feud actually had a clear beginning, middle and end (which is pretty rare in the WWE...), so I'm fine with it. The fact that it ended so well, too, makes the pill easier to swallow (for those who don't remember, Batista got AA'd through the stage, and came out the next night in a wheelchair and quit).

Batista's connection with his character also produced this little gem:
I was there when Batista turned on Rey Mysterio at Bragging rights, and while it was something I saw coming I have to admit I liked his turn and he was much more convincing as a jealous monster heel. I was never really a Batista fan, but this was by far my favorite run that he had. I did however prefer his runs with the World title as far as that question goes. I don't know why but he didn't seem right as WWE champ. I am not sure that he could just come back and pick up where he left off though especially with Lesner here, but I am sure he would still have a lot of fan support if he returned face.
Did you enjoy Batista's reign as the WWE Champion?
Not really lol, I thought that match vs cena was rushed and thrown together to fast.

Could Batista make the same impact if he were to return?
He could probably make an even bigger impact now due to there not being as many big names these days. Him coming back as a Heel or a face would work, im assuming if he came back he would be a face though. Especially if Punk is going to continue on as a heel.

Do you prefer him as a face or a heel?
I prefer him as a heel because i feel like he is better on the mic and is more intimidating. But my favorite run of his was his first world title reign on smackdown.
I liked him as a face, but hated him as a heel because he was such a crybaby. He should have remained a face character who stomped on everyone else just like Lesnar did. People loved Lesnar for being so darn good. Batista as a face character is someone I would have wanted to see beat Taker at WM.
Did you enjoy Batista's reign as the WWE Champion?
It was predictable. Everyone knew he was leaving and rushed everything. I did like how he left though it was amusing.

Could Batista make the same impact if he were to return?
Yes, why wouldn’t he? I mean the guy is an impact player. The only thing is I wish he knew more wrestling. People give Cena heat for his performances but what about Batista. Other than that heel or face I didn’t mind, just a little bit more wrestling from him. Also Enough with the freaking spear already.

Do you prefer him as a face or a heel?
I would have to depend on the situation. If they have a heel already running rough shot over everyone why do you want another heel. Same goes with a face, kind of like Jericho.

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