Backlash 2003

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member


Raw: Johnathan Coachman and Jerry Lawler

Smackdown: Tazz and Michael cole

This is the first ppv after Wrestlemania 19. Triple H is still the World Heavyweight Champion after successfully defending his title against Booker T,and Brock Lesnar is set to defend his title against John Cena, after defeating Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania to become the new WWE champion. Of course the main event is Rock VS Goldberg. After beating Stone Cold Steve Austin at Wrestlemania, Rock said he had done it all, and was ready to retire, until Goldberg debuted, and speared him on the Raw after Wrestlemania.

A video package of Goldberg's WCW highlights are shown, and Rock's WWF/WWE highlights are also shown.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Team Angle(champions) VS Los Guerreros

Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas are out first. The crowd is giving both of them loud "you suck" chants. Haas is holding up a picture of Angle. Haas and Benjamin are dedicating this match to Kurt. At the time, Angle was out due to neck surgery. Eddie and Chavo come out to a pretty good pop.

Eddie and Haas start things off. They exchange a series of holds, and Eddie keeps getting the best of Haas. Eddie goes for a series of pinfalls, but only gets a 2 count on all of them. Once Chavo got into the match, the crowd went pretty dead. He tried to get a reaction out of them by laying on the turnbuckle, but nothing really came of it. Eddie and Chao used a couple of "blind tags" in this match to play up to their "lie,cheat,and steal" gimmick. Haas and Benjamin did the same thing also, which managed to get a good amount of heat from the crowd. Towards, the end, Eddie hits a frogsplash on Haas, but Shelton makes the save. Haas gets the 3 count for the win, while Benjamin was holding Chavo's legs, and Team Angle retains.

Match Rating B: After the match, Eddie and Chao steal the tag titles. This was a good way to start the show. The "lie,cheat, and steal" stuff from the Guerrero's was entertaining. Eddie and Shelton had some pretty good encounters, and although the crowd wasn't into Chavo, he did good in this match also.

Backstage segment: Tests hits on Torrie Wilson. This is odd because Test is with Stacy Keibler. Test eventually grabs her, and gives her a nasty kiss. Torrie walks off angry. Apparently, Sable saw everything.

Rikishi VS Sean O'Haire with Roddy Piper

Piper is out first with a basket of coconuts, and he cuts a promo on O'Haire building him up to be the next big thing. O'Hare is out first, and Rikishi comes out pissed off, and chases Piper around ringside.

This match starts on the outside, and Rikishi and O'Haire brawl. Piper frequently interferes in this match, which kind of kills the flow of it. There's a point in this match where Rikishi and O'Haire superkick each other at the same time. It was a cool spot in the match. Rikishi finally catches Piper towards the end of the match, and hits him with a coconut in the head, which busts him open. Piper's distraction allows O'Hare to hit his finisher(which is sort of a variation of the attitude adjuster) for the win.

Match Rating C: This was solid. Although, I think this match could've done without the constant interference from Piper. It took away from what could've been a good match.

Backstage Segment: Sable tells Stacy at a buffet that Torrie has been coming on to Test. She tells her about the kiss, and Stacy walks off angry. Sable is trying to stir up some trouble here

RVD and Kane talk about the title match they have coming up. RVD vents his frustrations to Kane about the special guest referee.

WWE World Tag Team Title Match: RVD and Kane(champions) VS The Dudleys With Chief Morley(Val Venis) as special guest referee.

Bubba and RVD start things off. RVD is in control of Bubba. He tags in Devon, and he dominates him as well. With the Dudleys and RVD in the ring at the same time, we get loud "ECW! ECW!" chants from the crowd. Once Kane, gets in the match, he dominates both Dudleys for a while. Remember Kane was still wearing the mask back then, and man was he ever on a roll back in these days. The Dudleys eventually start to take control of the match with some good tag team work. The take turns beating the crap out of RVD while he's isolated in their corner. Devon comes off the top rope, and hits a diving head but on RVD's gentles. This was always one of my favorite moves from the Dudleys. Kane tries for a choke slam on Bubba, but gets a low blow from Morley. Morley goes for a clothesline on RVD, but hits Bubba instead. Devon takes out Morley. Lance Storm is out. He takes out Devon with a clothsline, and Bubba gets him with the Bubba Bomb. Bubba then hits RVD with yet ANOTHER FUCKING CLOTHESLINE. Morley gets the 3D from the Dudleys. Another ref comes out. RVD hits the frogsplash on Bubba for the win.

Match Rating C+: This match started out good, but it just turned into one giant brawl towards the end. This match was exciting, and RVD was just awesome in this one, but the interference towards the end just killed this match for me.

Backstage segment- Stacy confronts Torrie in the women's locker room about the Test situation. Torrie tries to explain her side of the story, but before she can, Torrie calls her a "bitch" and begins to beat her up. It takes about three divas to pull her off Torrie. This is sort of funny.

WWE Women's Championship: Jazz With Teddy Long VS Trish Stratus(champion)

Teddy long and Jazz cut a promo about being #1 in the women's division. A video package is shown of the beat down Dudleys, and Jazz on Trish a week before this ppv on Raw. Trish Stratus is out next.

Jazz starts out attacking Trish's lower back. Her lower back was messed up in the attack. Trish does a good job of selling the injury. Jazz continues her dominance with a series of slams. She loosens up the turnbuckle padding, and the ref goes to fix it. Meanwhile, Trish is able to get a roll up. This should've been a 3 count, but since the ref was distracted, we only get 2. Trish has Jazz in the corner, and it looks like she's going for a hurricrana, but Jazz reverses it into a half Boston crab. You see, WWE women's wrestling wasn't always like it is now. Trish eventually reverses it into a Boston crab of her own, and then an STF, but Jazz gets to the ropes. Trish is on a roll now. She hits Stratus-Faction on Jazz, and the match should be over here, but it's not. Teddy Long throws one of his shoes at Trish to interrupt the count. Long tries to blame this on a fan, and for some reason the ref is confused by all of this? Trish goes for her finisher again, but Jazz reverses it into a sit down cover. She holds the ropes for a 3 count, and we have a new Women's Champion.

Match Rating B: This was a good match. Trish did a great job of selling the back injury, and Jazz looked strong here. Teddy Long did interfere, but it wasn't as frequent as Piper's interference in the other match. This loss also didn't make Trish look weak.

Locker Room Segment: HBK, Booker T, and Kevin Nash: Booker T asks Shawn if he's ready. Shawn tells him not to worry, and that this isn't his first "rodeo". Booker then expresses his concern about Nash. Nash tells Booker and Shawn, to leave Triple H for him.

Rey Mysterio VS The Big Show

A video package is shown of how Rey embarrassed Show for two straight weeks on Smackdown.

Big Show is out first looking mad as hell. The match starts out with Rey trying to avoid Show. Once the two finally clash, Rey tries to fight Show in the corner, but Show keeps knocking him down. Big Show dominates Rey for most of this match, until Rey lands a series of kicks on him. Rey looks like he's on a roll, until Show hits a hard slap to his back. Rey rolls out of the ring, and grabs a steel chair. Show knocks the ref down, which allows Rey to hit him with chair. He goes for the flying senton, and connects, but he's only able to get a three count. Mysterio hits 3 619's in a row. Rey goes for the senton again, but Show catches him for a hard chokeslam, and the win.

After the match, EMT's come out and put Rey on a stretcher. Show comes back out and takes out the EMT's. Show grabs Mysterio while he's attached to the stretcher, and slams him against the ring post.

Match Rating D: There's nothing really worth watching about this match. Show pretty much dominates the entire match, while Rey gets a few shots in here and there. Typical David VS Goliath match without a happy ending.

Lilian Garcia Interviews Triple H, Ric Flair, and Chris Jericho Backstage: Triple H praises Flair and Jericho. Jericho goes on about how he stole the show at Wrestlemania 19 in the match with HBK. Flair cuts a good promo on Booker T.

Backstage: Stacy and Torrie continue to fight. Scott Steiner comes in to help Stacy after she gets knocked down. Test interrupts, and questions why Steiner is helping her. I can't believe they spent this much time with this story on a ppv.

WWE Championship: Brock Lesnar(champion) VS John Cena

A video package is shown of how Brock injured Cena's leg on Smackdown by giving him an F5 into the ring post. Cena threatens Brock with one his freestyles. Cena is in this match because Kurt Angle had to take time off for surgery. He won a tournament on Smackdown to become the #1 contender. Highlights of Lesnar's destruction are shown, and we also see footage of Cena busting Brock open on Smackdown.

Cena comes out in a Yankees jersey,and is wearing his signature chain. Cena is from Boston, so this is a great way to get heel heat. He cuts a freestyle promo on Brock, and he bashes Boston. Remember, this is heel John Cena we're dealing with here. Brock is out next wearing a bandage to cover the wound Cena caused.

Brock starts off dominating Cena. Michael Cole keeps going on about how Cena is the real deal. Lesnar takes Cena to the outside, and slams him into the announce table. He grabs the WWE championship, and shoves it in Cena's face. Cena is able to get the upper hand by throwing Brock into the steel steps. Cena gloats by holding up the WWE championship. This is something we would be seeing a lot of in the future. Cena causes Brock to bleed from the wound on his forehead. Brock and Cena go back and forth for a while, until Cena catches him in a rear naked choke. Now the way Lesnar gets out of this is just amazing. He rises to his feet with Cena still attached to him, and bangs Cena into the turnbuckles by running back and forth into them. Keep in mind, he's doing this with Cena STILL on his back! Brock is back on top now. Cena Irish whips him into the corner. Brock almost hits the ref. but he manages to stop himself. While Brock is covering the ref, Cena hits a low blow. He gets a roll up, but only manages to get a 2 count. Cena is desperate at this point. He goes for his chain, wraps around his fist, and prepares to punch Brock with it. The ref stops him. Brock is able to catch Cena with the F5 for the win.

Match Rating B+: This was pretty good match for Brock's first title defense, and he looked dominant in this one. Heel John Cena was great in this match. Everything from the opening promo, and the heel tactics he used during this match were awesome. Cena was an awesome heel back then.

Six Man Tag Team: Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels, Booker T VS Triple H(World Heavyweight Champion) Chris Jericho,Ric Flair

A video package is shown of Kevin Nash's return to WWE, and him coming to the aid of HBK during a beat down at the hands of Triple H. The video goes on to show the tensions between the six men.

HBK and Jericho start this match. They exchange a series of roll up covers, which all result in a 2 count. HBK tags in Nash, and begins the assulat on Jericho. He knocks Flair off the apron, and taunts The Game to come into the ring. HHH hesitates, and the distraction allows Jericho to get a cheap shot in on him. Triple H and Booker T are now going at it. HHH keeps Booker isolated in the corner, which allows Flair and Jericho to take care of him. Booker fights them off, but then HHH catches him wit a spinebuster. Flair and HBK are in the match now. HBK dominates Flair with a series of punches and a back body drop. We would see this to go wrestle each other at Wrestlemania 24 five years later with Flair's career on the line. HBK hits the flying fore arm. He pops up HBK style, he tunes up the band, and nails Sweet Chin Music on Flair. This is weird because you rarely see HBK set up for the superkick, and nail it without any interruption now a days.

HHH comes in and hits Shawn with a pedigree. HHH, Flair, and Jericho take turns beating the crap out of Shawn, until he gets a tag to Nash, and the moment has finally arrived.....Triple H and Kevin Nash are in the ring together. Nash dominates HHH,Jericho,and Flair. Flair goes for a series of chops, which Nash no-sells. We have a frenzy at this point with everybody attacking each other. HBK is still on the mat, selling the beating he just took. Booker eventually is able to take out Flair and Jericho with a series of kicks. He raises his finger in the air, and now you know what time it is. That's right ladies and's spinaroni time!

HBK finally gets back up, and starts fighting with Flair. Towards the end of the match, Nash throws Flair into the ref. Nash hits a powerbomb on Jericho. With the referee out the picture, HHH whacks Nash with a sledgehammer. As the ref comes back around, HHH goes for the pin, and gets the 3 count for the win. After the match, HHH hides the sledgehammer under the ring.

Match Rating B+: This match had PLENTY of star power, and the ending helped build the feud between Nash and HHH. This match was also a good way to work Nash back into the swing of things, since he hadn't wrestled in a while. He didn't have to do much in ths match, and that worked well for him.

A recap of Big Show slamming Rey into the ring post while he was on a stretcher is shown. Cole says Rey is stable at the hospital.

The Rock VS Goldberg

A video package is shown of how the feud between these two started. Rock came out the night after Wrestlemania where he finally defeated Stone Cold at the big show. The Rock came out the next night on Raw, and said he was done with wrestling because there was nobody left for him to beat. Goldberg debuted, speared Rock, and here we are.

Backstage promo with The Rock: Terri Runnels is conducting this interview. Rock is nervous and jittery. He won't stop looking around, and moving. He mocks Goldberg's facial expressions, and goes on to call him a, "whisker-biscuit-bald headed-bitch". This wasn't one of Rock's best promos, but it was still entertaining.

Rock is out first, and Goldberg is out next. He has his usual long entrance to the ring. No matter how many times I see it Goldberg's entrance always gives me goosebumps.

Rock is hesitant to get in the ring at first, but he gets in soon enough. The two have a long stare down. The crowd starts with "Rocky" chants, but then things shift to a "Goldberg" chant. They lock up, and Goldberg easily throws Rock down. We get another lock up, and Goldberg throws Rock outside the ring this time. As soon as Rock gets back in, he slaps Goldberg in the face. The crowd loves this. Goldberg retaliates by annihilating Rock with a series of punches,knees, and a shoulder block. Rock starts to fight back. He throws Goldberg into the ropes, but Goldberg comes back, and hits him with a Rock bottom?!?!? That's right, this match is still at the beginning, and we already have a finisher. Not only that, Goldberg used Rock's finisher! Goldberg goes for a spear, but Rock is able to get out of the way, and Goldberg hits the ring post with his right shoulder. He lays on the outside for a while, clutching his shoulder in pain.

Rock gets Goldberg back in the ring, and locks in the sharpshooter. Goldberg gets the ropes. Earl Hebner has to break the hold, and Rock shoves him out of the way. This allows him to get a low blow on Goldberg. Rock sets up for a Rock Bottom. Goldberg springs up out of no where, and hits a spear. Goldberg spears him with the injured shoulder? Wouldn't it have made sense for him to use the left one? Both men are laying on the mat. Rock is up first, but Goldberg manages to get the upper hand. Goldberg hits a shoulder block. This time he actually uses his left shoulder. Jonathan Coachman makes sure to praise Goldberg for being "smart". Goldberg nails a powerslam on Rock. Only this time he goes back to using the right side of his body! Seriously, is Goldberg not thinking at all in this match.

Rock goes for a series of clotheslines on Goldberg, but can't knock him down. He eventually gives up, and hits the spinebuster. Rock is again setting up for the Rock bottom. He hits it, but only gets a two count. After a series of punches, Rock lands another spinebuster. He goes for The People's Elbow, and hits it. Rock only gets 2 count, and he's really frustrated now. Goldberg gets up, and hits another hard spear on Rock. Rock takes FOREVER to get up from this damn spear. When he finally gets to his feet, Goldberg hits a THIRD spear. Goldberg signals for the jack hammer. He hits it, and gets the pinfall for the win.

Match Rating C: This was a big time match. You could even go as far as calling it a dream match because of the star power these guys had.The Rock did a great job of being scared of Goldberg. His facial expressions and body language were just priceless. The crowd was hot the entire time, but this match really didn't have any flow to it. Goldberg went WAY overboard with selling the shoulder injury. I can understand The Rock's selling of the spears because they were three hard spears. In the end, Goldberg won his debut match with WWE. The fans popped for him at the end, and everyone went home happy.

Overall PPV Rating B: This was a good ppv. Backlash is always the first ppv after Wrestlemania, and this one was pretty good. Brock Lesnar's first title defense was awesome, and we all began to signs of John Cena as a main eventer. The six man tag match was full of wrestling all stars, and the match it self wasn't that bad either. This was also during a time where tag team wrestling wasn't dead in WWE. The Dudleys and The Guerreros didn't win the gold, but they helped add credibility to the tag team division. The only match I really didn't care for was the Rikishi VS Shan O'Hare match.
I thought this show was probably the least worst "Backlash" in the series up to that point. Almost each match was credible except for the fight of Sean O'Haire and Rikishi. I for some reason hardly ever thought Roddy Piper was too great of a wrestler and he interfered to actually take away from the bout instead of to enhance it. Rikishi was not too bad but also did not act as quickly as he did during earlier years. I felt the match of the night was the contest of six men. Triple H delivered a decent promo to Kevin Nash about how he was not ready to play the game. I thought it stood out as one of the more memorable promos of the career for him after the split of the brands. For some reason I did not understand how he and Jericho were able to co-exist given the history of those characters.

Was I among the few people who thought The Rock was being extremely sexist in that interview with Terri when he said he had never made a white baby? I just felt like he bitterly disrespected women with the way he looked at her and with that tone he used. It was one of the at least four times throughout the time in the WWE when he had blatantly degraded a woman including the segment of "This is Your Life" and the time when he implied Lillian wanted to please him in a certain way. It kind of turned me away from wrestling for a while too which was why I brought it up. Also, March was "Women's History Month" too.

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