Austin Region, New Orleans Subregion, Second Round (9) Kane vs. (25) Dean Ambrose

Who Wins This Match?

  • Kane

  • Dean Ambrose

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
This is a second round match in the Austin Region, New Orleans Subregion. It is a standard one on one match. It will be held at the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans, Louisiana.



#9 Kane



#25 Dean Ambrose

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
This should be an easy win for Kane, however, I don't put anything past this tournament anymore.

Kane has had the better career, more longevity, has beaten bigger names, is a former WHC, ECW, and WWE Champion, has remained relevant throughout his career, and has actually won a feud. I can't remember the last feud Ambrose won. Anyways, Kane has been main event status for a lot of his career and he remains someone that can be put into the main event at any time and it be ok. Ambrose hasn't quite gotten there yet. I mean, I can't recall a babyface that loses as much as Ambrose does.

This should be simple, vote Kane.
Yeah, definitely Kane. Ambrose has, at this point in time, had a fairly decent midcard career and has lost a load of main event matches. Kane, on the other hand, is a multiple world Champion and was the guy to take the title of white hot Steve Austin for the first time. Kane should win, in my opinion.
Squash match.

Kane has held just about every title in the WWE. Some of them multiple times. He took the WWE title off a prime Steve Austin. Ambrose could have defeated Brock Lesnar 2 nights ago and it still would have been less shocking than that. When Kane won the world title he defeated the Undertaker in three consecutive title defenses on PPV; thoroughly winning their feud. I don't think that has ever been done before.

If neither Goldberg nor Triple H could beat Kane when they were rampaging through the roster and world title scene in 2003, then how would anyone expect Dean Ambrose too?

Easy match for Kane.
Other than The Undertaker, I would describe Kane as the most dominant wrestler of the past 20 years. For the majority of his career, Kane was seen as a legitimate threat to guys like Austin, HHH, Taker, Rock, etc. every time he stepped into the ring with them. The guy has managed to stay over for nearly 20 years with a shitty gimmick and really doesn't get enough credit for his ability both on the mic and in the ring. Ambrose may be viscous in whatever the hell PG world WWE lives in, but Kane was a true monster who reveled in his sadism.

Longevity, accomplishments, overall ability. Vote Kane.
If neither Goldberg nor Triple H could beat Kane when they were rampaging through the roster and world title scene in 2003, then how would anyone expect Dean Ambrose too?

I forgot about that. Kane destroyed Goldberg in a match on Raw right before WM 20. It didn't have a finish though because 'Taker's gimmick interfered. Kane was in control that whole match though and was kicking Goldberg's ass.
Dean Ambrose might have did the improbable when he bested Chris Benoit in the last round. But beating Kane in this tournament verges on the absolutely fucking impossible. Kane has had one of the bets careers ever for a big man and I am struggling to think of any reason why Ambrose would go over here. Ambrose's greatest hope is that the match goes long and Kane becomes complacent and tired. But Kane has never showed himself as lacking cardio and I don't even think that would be a problem. Kane could be just as destructive as Ambrose dreams of being and uses all of that to beat Ambrose in a squash.
Kane, easily.

I mean as much we like DA, he has a long road ahead of him and Kane is one of those guys who has established an iconic name for himself as he winds down his career. 20 years, what a story!

Big Red Machine baby!
This is one on one matches they've had on TV:

Kane victories (pin) - 2

June 22, 2015 – RAW: Kane defeated Dean Ambrose.

June 20, 2014 – SmackDown: Kane defeated Dean Ambrose.

Ambrose victories (pin) - 2

November 25, 2014 – Main Event: Dean Ambrose defeated Kane.

May 3, 2013 – SmackDown: Dean Ambrose defeated Kane.

Bullshit DQ or Countout results - 6

October 17, 2014 – SmackDown: Dean Ambrose defeated Kane by disqualification.

September 22, 2014 – RAW: Dean Ambrose defeated Kane by disqualification due to interference from Seth Rollins.

July 18, 2014 – SmackDown: Dean Ambrose defeated Kane by disqualification.

June 17, 2013 – RAW: Kane defeated WWE United States champion Dean Ambrose by disqualification.

June 16, 2013 – Payback WWE United States champion Dean Ambrose defeated Kane by count-out to retain the title.

June 10, 2013 – RAW: Kane defeated WWE United States champion Dean Ambrose by disqualification.


So in their recent head to heads this is more even then I thought HOWEVER this is a good 15 years after Kane's peak. If this is happening so long after his peak then goodness me there's no chance during it. If it was not peak it would be a DQ ending but as it's peak Kane wins.

Though did Kane kill Katie Vick? If so then the voting Benoit style arguments are coming out.
Kane wins this, and makes an improbable move into the 3rd round. As Lee said, he's been at least even with Ambrose just in recent history, but his best days were long ago and he was a fucking monster then. He's had a great career, and is a definite Hall Of Famer when the time comes. I'm hoping not much argument needs to be made here.
Kane has had a better career than Dean has, so Kane takes it. Kane has been relegated to jobber in recent years, but Dean hasn't won a feud in ages and loses all his big matches in an era that can be considered his prime, so its gotta be Kane.
Dean Ambrose should clearly win this. A lot of you are engaging in revisionist history saying Kane has been some sort of dominant main eventer his entire career. He was a dominant main eventer for exactly ONE YEAR and that was his debut year in his gimmick. He has been on a downward for 20 YEARS and has never had as good a year as that one, while Dean Ambrose has only improved his standing with every following year.

Let's rundown Kane's entire career:

1995- He spent 1995 as Isaac Yankem, DDS, a total goober, who lost to everyone and their mother. Every version of Dean Ambrose can definitely beat him.

1996- He kept a jobbing streak as Yankem, disappeared, came back as Fake Diesel, where he beat a couple of jobbers, lost to Undertaker and then disappeared again. Both gimmicks were total failures and Dean Ambrose will definitely beat them.

1998- This was Kane's original year and best run to date. Kane made his debut at the tail-end of 1997 and beat Mankind in his one and only match that year. But in 1998, he had a big main event run and traded wins with Austin, Mankind, Rock, and Undertaker all on the top of the card. The only guy who beat him and never got beat was Ken Shamrock, but he was also pretty protected at the time. Kane had a great year where he could tear through Ambrose like Brock at WM32, but he's never been booked like this again.

1999- This was our first rendition of "midcard Kane" and it was only a year after he had debuted. He lost to guys like X-Pac, Billy Gunn, Hardcore Holly, Billy Gunn and Viscera, but they were treated as significant because it was Kane's first foray into midcardville. He had one main event in a six-pack-challenge at Unforgiven, but mostly stayed down the card. Dean can take this Kane for sure.

2000- Kane rebounded, but was pretty much the current Dean Ambrose. Kane racked up tons of losses in 2000, but they were almost entirely against other main eventers like Rock, Triple H, Undertaker, Rikishi and Steve Blackman. Okay, the last two were exceptions. He lost to Rikishi, but he was getting pushed. Steve Blackman was a Hardcore match, and obviously different rules. Either way, it was a dominant run, and he can't complain much. Dean Ambrose and 2000 Kane one can go either way.

2001- During the Invasion, Kane got the privilege of putting over an influx of incoming talent. Whether it was RVD, Booker T, Rhyno or William Regal, Kane had their back by lying on his. He also got to lose to Edge, Christian, Test and Albert in 1-on-1's, and only racked up wins when tagging with Undertaker and Big Show. And even then, they also lost to Dudleys, Booker T & Test, and other teams. This was surely the start of the downfall of Kane, only 3 years into his WWE debut.

2002- 50/50 booking with Kurt Angle, X-Pac and Test, then missed most of the year due to injury, and came back for one main event with Triple H (which he lost) and then lost to a rookie Batista a few times to end the year. He didn't do much, and while he was booked strongly while feuding with Angle, he lost most of those matches and ended the year losing to a rookie who wouldn't get a main event run until 3 years later. From here on out, it's doubtful we will find a Kane who can actually beat Dean Ambrose in a straight 1-on-1 with no shenanigans.

2003- Lots of comments saying that Kane went toe to toe with Goldberg, so he obviously can beat Ambrose, but that is so misguided. Yes, Kane had a main event run in 2003 which included multi-man matches with Goldberg, but he lost every single big match that year. In fact, I'm gonna give you the list of all the people he beat 1-on-1 in 2003: Lance Storm, Matt Morgan, Rosey, Hurricane, RVD, Jericho, Val Venis, Rico, Rhyno, Brian Lawler, Stevie Richards, Maven. That's it. All jobbers save for RVD and Jericho who were midcard mainstays. Kane also lost to Jericho and RVD in 50/50 booking,
but the list of people Kane also lost to also include Edge, Chris Benoit, Rene Dupree, Eric Bischoff, Bubba Ray, Spike Dudley, Matt Hardy, Tajiri and Eugene. All midcarders, some even lowcarders. I think we can all agree that if a you lose to Matt Hardy, you lose to Dean Ambrose.

2004- This is the beginning of OBSTACLE KANE, where he's stayed at for most of the rest of his career. He's the big guy people beat on their way to someone better. Whether it was Edge, Orton, Jericho, Benoit, Matt Hardy or even Snitsky, he lost to all of them while they were getting ready for the main events. He had at least got one main event this year against Benoit, but lost decisively. You could say Dean is similar, but Kane has made a career of losing in match-ups exactly like this one. A big tournament match where he puts over the new guy on his way to the top. And of course, the Matt Hardy rule still applies.

2005- Lost to Batista on his way to Triple H and lost to Edge on his way to Batista. Do you see the pattern? He took a hiatus and came back to tease a main event push, but just ended up tagging with Big Show and feuding with the likes of Cade and Murdoch, and Val Venis and Viscera for the rest of the year. Tag Team Kane isn't in Dean's league either, and he clearly showed that in later years.

2006- More of "Obstacle Kane". He was basically the pre-Cena. Whether it was Triple H, The Big Show, Edge or Randy Orton, if you were facing Cena, you got to beat Kane first. Kane also lost to Mr. Kennedy on his way to Undertaker. He got to beat guys like MVP and Carlito, but you can't really compare them to Dean Ambrose. Clearly, if Kane can play the obstacle against everybody as they move up, he can lose a tournament match to a guy with an actual upside like Dean Ambrose.

2007- Kane did a lot more 50/50 booking this year, but he was still the big red obstacle. Losing to Khali on his way to Cena. Losing to Henry on his way to Taker. Lost to Finlay on a regular basis in a pointless feud. Can't really say Finlay was on his way to anything either. He got to rack up lots of wins against jobbers and undercarders this year, but Dean has never been one of them. Dean can beat him handily.

2008- Started the year off with a win over Chavo as ECW Champ, but then got drafted to a huge stacked Raw roster and got lost in the shuffle. He lost to everybody on Raw, including Punk, Mark Henry, Jericho, and most notably, Rey Mysterio, in what was probably one of the worst Raw feuds of all time. He also lost to career midcarders like Kofi and Morrison. In fact, I looked it up, and his only TWO 1-on-1 wins since getting drafted were over Evan Bourne and Matt Striker. That's just sad. We're talking 6 years before Corporate Kane and Dean is already the clear favorite.

2009- He had meaningless 50/50 booking with Rey and Khali in rehashes of two terrible feuds of the past few years. When not doing that, he was playing his classic role of the obstacle, losing to Punk on his way to Jeff, and losing to Batista on his way to Taker. The Punk losses are telling, because CM Punk in 2009 had a very similar character and position on the card to Dean Ambrose. Ambrose can clearly beat him.

2010- His last real push in the main event scene, where he beat Undertaker twice via interference and then lost to Edge a couple of times. But before that, he was just the obstacle again, losing to HBK on his way to Undertaker, and losing to CM Punk on his way to Big Show. Of course, Kane did get wins against low midcarders and undercarders, but no one in the upper midcard/main event role like Dean. Dean could've easily been the Edge to slap Kane silly a bunch of times in 2010.

2011- He was gone for most of the year, but for the little he was around, it was another case of being the "obstacle". Lost to Edge on his way to Del Rio. Lost to Mark Henry on his way to Orton. Tagged with Big Show for the bulk of the year and beat guys like The Corre, but never really faced a big threat of their own.

2012- He donned the mask again and teased a big monster run, but it didn't really happen. He loses his first feud against Cena on his way to The Rock. He loses to Bryan on his way to Punk. He loses to Big Show on his way to Sheamus. He got wins over the Slaters, Ryders, Sandows and Barretts of the roster, but he never delivered on the big fights. He was the same ol' upper midcard enhancement talent, but this time, with a leather mask. Dean Ambrose could clearly beat him in 2012, and he actually did, right in his WWE debut.

2013- Tag teamed with Bryan and put over The Shield in every single match they had, at a time when Dean Ambrose was the defacto face of The Shield. After splitting up, he puts over Bray Wyatt in his debut and then comes back as the Corporate Jobber. Even right before getting corporatized, he was being used as an enhancement talent. Dean Ambrose can definitely beat this Kane.

2014- As Corporate Kane, he was enhancement talent the entire year and even lost clean to a career midcarder like Ryback. He only won a handful of matches that year, against the likes of Jack Swagger and Adam Rose. Dean Ambrose could totally crush him, which he actually did once on main event.

2015- Corporate Kane was not just enhancement talent, but a straight up jobber. He had a huge losing streak and lost almost every match. He had one teeny push against Seth Rollins later in the year, but he was just an obstacle on Seth's way to facing Roman. Some voters will say that Kane's victory over Ambrose on Raw while he was a jobber is conclusive of his dominance, but Dean was feuding with Seth and had to fight off his interference during the match, before Kane got the victory. Unless you're expecting Seth to also interfere in this bout, Dean can beat 2015 Kane with his eyes closed.

2016- He's done nothing of note this year, except get thrown out of a battle royal by a rookie in his debut. Dean Ambrose can easily beat THIS Kane as well.

I get that there's a lot of nostalgia for 1998 super monster Kane and even his upper echelon run in 2000, but Kane has made a career of putting over guys like Dean Ambrose and that's exactly what he should be doing here.

Dean Ambrose should clearly win this. A lot of you are engaging in revisionist history saying Kane has been some sort of dominant main eventer his entire career. He was a dominant main eventer for exactly ONE YEAR and that was his debut year in his gimmick. He has been on a downward for 20 YEARS and has never had as good a year as that one, while Dean Ambrose has only improved his standing with every following year.

You list a lot of reasons why Kane should lose this match, while only listing one reason Ambrose should win. And it's not even a true statement. You think Ambrose is better off now, than he was as leader of The Shield? What has he won, that's mattered? What has he won, at all, lately? What impact has his career had?

You say 1998 was Kane's best year. I would put that year up against all of Dean's career, and still give Kane the vote. Kane was important enough that he could step away from any amount of time, come back, and be placed in the main event without much argument, like he was against Rollins last fall. And, while he's readying himself for a Hall Of Fame induction, Ambrose is putting on lackluster "hardcore" matches at WrestleMania.
You list a lot of reasons why Kane should lose this match, while only listing one reason Ambrose should win.

If you look up anyone in the past 20 years who was similar to Dean, chances are he beat Kane a couple of times. Whether it's Rob Van Dam, Ken Shamrock, Matt Hardy, Spike Dudley, or the midcard versions of Edge, Christian and Chris Jericho, Kane would lose to all of them because Kane has been a glorified enhancement talent for literally every single year since his first year in the company. This isn't just a reason why Kane should lose, it's specifically a reason why someone like Dean Ambrose should beat him.

Now, if you want reasons that are specific to Dean Ambrose, then there's a a lot more:

1. Dean has beaten Kane cleanly twice already. The only times Kane beat Dean, it was via interference. Dean has already proved he can beat Kane in a clean 1-on-1. Kane has never been able to do it himself.

2. All the people Dean has lost to, Kane has lost to them first. Be it Cena, Seth, Bray, Triple H or Roman, Kane has lost to all of them multiple times. Dean has at least gone 50/50 with Cena, Seth and Bray, which we can't say the same for Kane. If you want to hold Dean's losses against them, they should at least be people Kane could conceivably beat.

3. Dean and Kane both have the same amount of PPV singles main events (5), despite the fact that Kane has been around for 17 more years, and for the entirety of the monthly PPV business. This shows that Dean is higher on the card than Kane ever was in the same stretch of time. And like I said above, Dean lost to Bray, Cena, Seth and Triple H, all of whom Kane has lost to multiple times.

4. Dean is just a far better wrestler, and far better on the mic than Kane. In fact, all of Kane's big matches have kinda sucked, especially when he was World Champion on Smackdown. Dean has put on consistently great main events and simply delivers when needed.

5. Dean has tons of upside, and I disagree with the notion that he isn't better off than in his Shield days. He won the US title in his first year, he got his first PPV singles main event in his 2nd year, and he got 3 more singles PPV main events in his 3rd year and they were all for the WWE Championship. He's now in his 4th year, and competed in 3 back-to-back main events where he competed for the WWE title twice and was the Royal Rumble runner-up. Clearly, Dean's standing in the company has only gone up with every year, while Kane's just keeps going down.

Vote Dean Ambrose! Dean Ambrose is clearly the superior one here. Kane is just the Big Red Obstacle on Dean's way to facing Austin.

(On another note, Dean vs. Austin is the money-match and a booker would be crazy to pass that up by having Kane beat Dean here.)
-Before Kane was Kane, Jerry Lawler convinced him he was a dentist and that Bret Hart must be eliminated from the WWE. It did not go well.

-Then he was convinced that he was actually Diesel. That did not go well.

-Paul Bearer got a hold of Kane and reminded him of who he was in an effort to destroy the Undertaker. Kane destroyed everybody, but could not get past the Deadman.

-After feuding with his brother and Paul Bearer betraying him, he joined the Corporation so that they wouldn't throw him the loony bin. They kicked him out.

-He then teamed with X-Pac and got a girlfriend. He was betrayed by both.

-Formed a tag team with his brother, tried to make it on his own, was not successful, reformed that tag team with his brother.

There was also a miscarriage, a mistaken case of necrophilia, teaming with Big Show, losing to his brother (again), May 19th, I could go on, but here are recent events in the career of Kane.

-Formed a highly entertaining tag team with Daniel Bryan.

-Was convinced by Stephanie McMahon that he was Director of Operations, and was working for the Authority becoming in essence someone who is expendable enough to protect Orton and Rollins.

Throughout most of his career, Kane has always been a side dish. Both Ambrose and Kane have lost to the main event players but have also been part of that main event. While longevity may favor Kane, the Ambrose potential and ceiling is much higher while Kane faded into a background player.

Both have been entertaining, but due to entertainment, potential, and the fact that for so long Kane has not been as relevant as people think he is, I'm voting Ambrose.
4. Dean is just a far better wrestler,

Kane has always been one of the best big men in the ring for his entire career. He can go at it with wrestlers of all shapes and sizes. Seriously, your statement is just blatantly false. Meanwhile, Ambrose has basically 3 moves he does in an entire match. What's that you say? That's his character's style? See below.

and far better on the mic than Kane.

Also, Kane has portrayed his character on the mic perfectly. Seriously, do people not understand that your character is going to dictate your style on the mic and not the other way around? Do you think Ambrose would still cut the same style promo if he played some rich guy in a business suit? It's like when people complain that someone like Reigns isn't like Jericho on the mic. It makes no sense.

And of course Kane's career is on the way down. He's pushing 50. People complain on here that not enough new stars are being pushed, yet use some of the veteran's ability to put over the younger guys against them? Typical IWC logic.

Kane wins this easily. If you really want to pull out all the titles, go ahead and make yourself look stupid.
How is Ambrose better than Kane as a wrestler?

I mean what are we referring to? Popularity? In ring skills?

Put up anything and in all aspects (except working with chainsaws) Kane has Ambrose beat comprehensively. Ugh.

Kane should win this and win it easily because, whether Ambrose has "a lot of upside" or not, he hasn't come close to Kane's level or accomplishments. Ambrose has been his most over for the last year, yet he hasn't won a feud and continues to lose every big match he has.

Vote Kane.
I like Ambrose alot, and can't wait for the day WWE turn him heel again and let him unleash his evil "John Moxley" style persona, the possibilities are endless.

But, yeah...he loses to Kane here. If we are looking at both guys in their primes then Ambrose is an upper-midcarder who loses most of his feuds (he should be winning them in my opinion), while Kane was an unstoppable monster who took the WWE title off a RED hot Stone Cold Steve Austin...the first man to do so.

Ambrose may well (and hopefully will) end up with a career like Kane, but for in-prime Kane would chokeslam Dean to hell.

Vote Kane.
Everyone is wrong, nothing about this match is definitive.

Both guys are on the same level. Kane has more accolades and legacy but Ambrose can be more entertaining by himself and has put on some more entertaining main events.

I'm voting based on the best arguments and Negative Feedback is winning over the "Kane should win cuz Kane" arguers.
Ambrose supporters: "Kane is a jobber. Dean is edgy & cool. He came from the indies & will be a big deal someday. Lunatic Fringe for life. "

That's cute, but sadistic demon spawn trumps leather jacket lunatic. Kane has tortured and destroyed people. What has Dean really done that shows a mean streak? Some random indy gimmick matches? Kane was a dominant force for a global company & will always be remembered for being everything Dean wishes he was.

I'll give you all that Kane has lost more than he has won in recent years, but there is a clear reason for that. He is versatile & can have a great match with damn near anyone. If he wasnt such a good hand to have then he would not still be around & able to be put in higher ranked matches on the card as needed. Dean wishes he will have a career like Kane. In 20 years Ambrose will be back on the indy scene as a nostalgia act, getting hit with light bulbs and being billed as " Former WWE Superstar & member of The Shield". His edgy gimmick and flawed lack of wrestling ability will bite him in the ass & he will not be around as long as Kane has.

Overall career legacy? Kane.
Championships? Kane.
Peak dominance? Kane.

This really is not a hard vote.
Breaking Fourth Wall here:

Glenn Jacobs should win this just for being able to reinvent himself. Remember Isaac Yankum, DDS? Like Undertaker, Kane was supposed to be a throwaway character. However, Jacobs was to make Kane into his own personal Silly Putty. Demon, Corporate, Big Red Monster, he done it all. Vote for Kane.
I'm voting based on the best arguments and Negative Feedback is winning over the "Kane should win cuz Kane" arguers.

You can't be serious...

Kane gets the "Kane is Kane" arguments, because he's still relevant enough that everyone knows his past championships and accomplishments. People know all about how amazing the Big Red Machine was when he broke onto the scene.

What accomplishments does Dean Ambrose have, that compare to that of Kane's? How many world championships? How any tag titles?
In terms of accomplishments, Kane wins easily. But considering your decision on accomplishments would be unfair for Ambrose as Kane has had a long career while Ambrose hasn't.

Kane is good in ring work and mic skills. But Ambrose is much better and entertaining too. Ambrose's losing feuds is WWE's fault, not of Ambrose. If you consider wins-losses then Reigns and Cena will be in the finals considering that they lose rarely.

So I like Kane but I love Ambrose considering Kane is good but Ambrose is better.
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