Atrocious E-Fed Wrestling


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
Better known as AEW, brought to you by Uncle Shocky.

Commissioner Shocky is proud to bring you the newest members of this wonderful new E-Fed. It's serious business damn it.


Hey Fuck You Buddy!!!

Commissioner Shocky is proud to welcome Maxx, the head of the nation of Islam. What he lacks in creativity, he makes up for with cheap heat by exploiting real world situations. Good Job pal.

Next we have Gus and Heidi!!!!

I Just Wanna be Loved

What's professional wrestling without a great love story. Well maybe not so much a love story, more of a story of a guy that stalks a girl, takes pictures of her with his cell phone camera, and then claims that they are a couple, quite touching.

Leader of the Washoe Valley Crew, Gus is an expert in the lost art of Backdoor Wrestling. Gus is typically known for humping his collection of stuffed animals, which he calls practicing his new holds.

And last but certainly not least, D."It's still Real to Me Damn It!!!"C.

I'm me playing me

DC is a well respected E-Feder. He's so respected that he hasn't realized when reality stops and his character begins. DC is so well respected that he has earned his own Cry Baby Award, a title which he has won, and is in the lead to win once again. E-Feding is serious business, as DC is quite quick to tell you or anyone within ear shot.

Stay tuned for further developments.
20. Advertising, Since some people have decided to abuse the Advertising system here at WZForums, from now on All Advertising on WZ is BANNED. This means Signature Advertising is no longer allowed. Any Discussions Forums, or Wrestling site links (unless linking to sources of news stories) are not allowed on this Forum. Putting Advertising in your Signature will first result in a Warning and the Advertising being removed, if it is put back you will be automatically banned. This new rule also includes Banners with addresses in them, or anything else that could be interpreted as Advertising. Blatantly breaking this rule will result in a permanent Ban.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH wait... yours still an active member... rules don't apply to you. My bad, my bad...
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH wait... yours still an active member... rules don't apply to you. My bad, my bad...

How is he advertising? It's his e-fed that he took over from you guys. He brought it to WZ, so it's WZ's secondary e-fed now.

In other words.. it belongs to our site. Which doesn't make it advertising.
It's AEW, but its not called that.

But now, I've already lost this fight because all your going to do is say "AEW can mean anything"
American Eagle Wrestling?
Awesome Elephant Wrestling?
Angelic Evangelistic Wrestling?
Holy crap.. I have NO idea why I didn't realize it before. But I understand perfectly now..



:lmao: You should get a career in advertising.

The story of Will...
Advertiser by day, novelist by night.

Edit: I just re-read that post, and I would like to say sorry. In my defence, I am very sleep deprived.

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