Are we going to see the another Hogan-Rock type reaction at WM 28 with Rock-Cena?

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I dont think it would be the same Reaction. Hogan and Rock were both Certified Legends at that Point, Cena has a long way to go (although i dont like him) the Fan Demographic has changed since then so it will be similar but not the same.
My main concern around this match, is Rock's ring rust.
If Rocky doesn't wrestle in front of a crowd from now until then, I see him stumbling a bit. Even the best needs practice, Hogan was still a semi-active competitor when he faced Rocky back then, and Hogan wrestles a very slow style which works for him. If Vince expects the Rock coming out, doing an eyebrow, getting a Rock bottom reversed into an STFU and an epic tapout to break a million buys, I'm missing the appeal.

Cena will be a legend. He could retire tomorrow, and he has a for sure first round hall of fame and legends contract, he's been (arguably) WWE's top draw for half a decade.

If Cena/Rocky can toss on a finisher spam Undertaker/HBK style match, they'll get some reactions, but I think Hogan/Rock eclipses it by a mile. The audience has evolved over the past decade, IWC or not, and fans are too in the know to mark out as bad as they did for WM 18.

Rock gets cheered, even if he sets a bus full of orphans on fire the night before. Cena get's booed because he's Cena. Cena doesn't have the fans attention and respect anywhere near as much as Rocky did 10 years ago.
Am I the only one who is awaiting a screwy finish here? I'm thinking The Rock turns heel and cheats to win at WrestleMania. It's the only way to maintain Cena face despite the massive boos.

I'm hoping that next year, they have The Rock, Stone Cold, Foley and Jericho all as heels running around screwing the top faces.

It could be fun.
I think Cena will receive a One Night Stand 2006 type of reaction. Mania 28 is going to be in The Rock's backyard, so you just know the majority of the fans are going to be on his side. I expect Cena to receive a viscous and hostile reaction, and I'm sure the live crowd will start a couple of venomous chants.

Cena will have his supporters, but the anti-Cena haters will overpower them.
didn't read the responses, nothing wrong with them just tired. But this is what I"ve been saying all along, its why I believe there will be a John Cena heel turn (won't be suprised if I'm wrong though). I'm not going to start wishing for a heel turn or a thread about why he needs to be or not. But the facts are this, The Rock is ALREADY more cheered than John Cena, this will be The Rocks COMEBACK match (even though he may not have more). And above all else, it will be in The Rocks HOME TOWN. Vince isn't dumb, he can see this coming from a mile away that it will be almost 100% Rock fans there and there is "NO CHANCE IN HELL" of Cena getting any kind of a face reaction from the fans. Not against the Rock, at Wrestlemania, in Miami. He barely got one against the Miz. It will be Rock passing the torch, and it may end with a face Cena, but the reaction, I think, is going to be much stronger than the one at WMX8 for Hogan, not because Rock is bigger than Hogan (although I argue he is) but because John Cena isn't the totally loved face that Rock was going into the match.
It will match Rock/Hogan. Cena is going to get booed out of the fucking building as soon as he throws the first punch against rock. Im going to be screaming at my tv for that asshole to die and so will the millions of fans.

I went to WMX8 and it was fucking insane. Hottest crowd in history. The whole building was fucking shaking. Even the rock couldnt fucking believe the reaction. He broke character and got legit pissed. It was fucking epic.:worship:
It will match Rock/Hogan. Cena is going to get booed out of the fucking building as soon as he throws the first punch against rock. Im going to be screaming at my tv for that asshole to die and so will the millions of fans.

Oh no, it's going to be much worse than that. Indeed, he'll be booed out of the building and then some. We all know that the most vocal fanbase are the older guys- veterans of the Golden Era, New Generation, and Attitude Era. Especially amongst the Attitude generation, Cena is hated.

Then add in the fact that it's at The Rock's hometown, and you'll get that compounded with the favoritism for the hometown hero "representing the hood."

Still, it won't change the fact that Cena is gonna win this unfortunately.

And no, there is no "torch" to pass, and there never was. Rock had "the torch" long before he went over Hogan. And Cena has had "the torch" for even longer when he'll go over The Rock.
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