Are the WWE, hypocrites?


Championship Contender
Wrestlemania has been and gone and still no surprise appearance by Hulk Hogan which had been rumoured and to be honest I'm not even that bothered as his wrestling days are over long ago,
Its no secret why the WWE wants nothing to do with him which is fine but when their announcing recently of the second upcoming Mae Young classic and the Fabulous Moolah female battle royal, Do they really have their priorities correct?
They have blacklisted Hogan who said one disgusting word in a private conversation but its ok to celebrate Moolah who previously used to rape and drugged her women who worked for her using them as slaves and even pimping them out keeping money from them and pretty much holding all womens wrestling back for decades? I know they pulled the Moolah name in the end but that was only because of a sponsor threatening to pull out the original plan of only a few weeks ago was dedicate it to her, I know with Moolah nothing was ever proven and it was only accusations but whats their excuse for Mae Young who is known in her earlier days for entrapping men taking them home then beating them, Stealing their money and threatening to accuse them of rape if they went to the police about her this was proven and she was charged for this.

I only found this out recently and I used to like them both but I'm completly disgusted by the two of them now since hearing it and feel the WWE are just hypocrites for celebrating these two, Also Greg Valentine says similar in public like Hogan and nobody really cares, Jimmy Snuka murdered his girlfriend and nobody in WWE cares, Mike Tyson in their hall of fame after he was charged with rape and could go on about loads of others.
Personally they are coming across as hypocrites when they pretend to take the high ground. I'm interested what everyone else thinks of the way they turned on Hogan while celebrating Moolah and Young.
Jimmy Snuka murdered his girlfriend and nobody in WWE cares,

Nobody in WWE cares so much that they actually removed Jimmy Snuka's name from the Hall of Fame. Remember, when Snuka allegedly murdered her, the police ruled it differently. It wasn't until DECADES later that they police reopened the investigation and charges were filed.

I'm not defending Snuka, and I'm not saying that he didn't do it. I don't know, and he wasn't convicted by a jury of his peers.

As far as Hogan goes, the reason that the hammer came down so hard on him was because he was at the time a prominent part of one of their weekly television productions.

In fact, WWE is starting to mention him more and more. Something that wasn't done even a year ago.
Back in those days of Moolah and Mae Young, remember, professional wrestling was in its infancy and barely a hair removed from a carnival act. Now, none of that excuses reprehensible behaviour, but no one should really be surprised.

We have a movement going on today where people want to vilify and have us forget every historical figure that did anything more evil than leaving the toilet seat up. What Moolah and Young may have done has never been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. However, I wouldn't be terribly surprised. Those two women didn't thrive in (much less survive) the wrestling industry without being as tough as any of the men in it, and taking whatever shortcut they could.

As for Snuka, there's nothing like going after a man on death's door, who's so senile he doesn't remember what happened yesterday, and try to pin him with something. Charges should have been dealt with at the time, not decades later. There wasn't any new evidence, nor any new technique for analyzing evidence in this case.
Wrestlemania has been and gone and still no surprise appearance by Hulk Hogan which had been rumoured and to be honest I'm not even that bothered as his wrestling days are over long ago,
Its no secret why the WWE wants nothing to do with him which is fine but when their announcing recently of the second upcoming Mae Young classic and the Fabulous Moolah female battle royal, Do they really have their priorities correct?
They have blacklisted Hogan who said one disgusting word in a private conversation but its ok to celebrate Moolah who previously used to rape and drugged her women who worked for her using them as slaves and even pimping them out keeping money from them and pretty much holding all womens wrestling back for decades? I know they pulled the Moolah name in the end but that was only because of a sponsor threatening to pull out the original plan of only a few weeks ago was dedicate it to her, I know with Moolah nothing was ever proven and it was only accusations but whats their excuse for Mae Young who is known in her earlier days for entrapping men taking them home then beating them, Stealing their money and threatening to accuse them of rape if they went to the police about her this was proven and she was charged for this.

I only found this out recently and I used to like them both but I'm completly disgusted by the two of them now since hearing it and feel the WWE are just hypocrites for celebrating these two, Also Greg Valentine says similar in public like Hogan and nobody really cares, Jimmy Snuka murdered his girlfriend and nobody in WWE cares, Mike Tyson in their hall of fame after he was charged with rape and could go on about loads of others.
Personally they are coming across as hypocrites when they pretend to take the high ground. I'm interested what everyone else thinks of the way they turned on Hogan while celebrating Moolah and Young.

It's funny you mention this.

On the Network, I am going through the PPVs. Today I was up to WM6.

There was a match between "Rowdy" Roddy Piper v Bad News Brown. Now, Piper covered half his body with "black" and "blackfaced" (now, anyone who is white, another than Robert Downey jr in "Tropic Thunder" (I don't know why that guy always gets a pass) gets called a "racist" if they blackface these days).

Now, WWE allowed Piper to do this, meaning that they didn't find it offensive then. Yet, somehow, they found Hogan's one word in an illegally taped conversation over a decade ago to be "racist" enough to ban Hogan.

Now, I am not advocating for Piper to be blackbanned, but showing how WWE only are "triggered" by this when someone cries about it. Instead of saying "No" to it because it may offend, they only respond AFTER the horse has bolted. Also, they portray Bad News Brown, a black man, as a stereotypical street thug with a "black power" glove.

So, WWE are reactive to racism, not proactive, and if they can get away with doing it without complaint, they will, and then throw the talent under the bus when someone demands blood.
Back in those days of Moolah and Mae Young, remember, professional wrestling was in its infancy and barely a hair removed from a carnival act. Now, none of that excuses reprehensible behaviour, but no one should really be surprised.

We have a movement going on today where people want to vilify and have us forget every historical figure that did anything more evil than leaving the toilet seat up. What Moolah and Young may have done has never been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. However, I wouldn't be terribly surprised. Those two women didn't thrive in (much less survive) the wrestling industry without being as tough as any of the men in it, and taking whatever shortcut they could.

As for Snuka, there's nothing like going after a man on death's door, who's so senile he doesn't remember what happened yesterday, and try to pin him with something. Charges should have been dealt with at the time, not decades later. There wasn't any new evidence, nor any new technique for analyzing evidence in this case.

I agree what you say about Snuka.

The funny thing is, many of the descriptions you use (e.g. senile) could be used to describe Chris Benoit as well, if you believe concussion was involved. The police pinned it on a dead guy with scant analyzing of the evidence they had.
Wrestlemania has been and gone and still no surprise appearance by Hulk Hogan which had been rumoured and to be honest I'm not even that bothered as his wrestling days are over long ago,
Its no secret why the WWE wants nothing to do with him which is fine but when their announcing recently of the second upcoming Mae Young classic and the Fabulous Moolah female battle royal, Do they really have their priorities correct?
They have blacklisted Hogan who said one disgusting word in a private conversation but its ok to celebrate Moolah who previously used to rape and drugged her women who worked for her using them as slaves and even pimping them out keeping money from them and pretty much holding all womens wrestling back for decades? I know they pulled the Moolah name in the end but that was only because of a sponsor threatening to pull out the original plan of only a few weeks ago was dedicate it to her, I know with Moolah nothing was ever proven and it was only accusations but whats their excuse for Mae Young who is known in her earlier days for entrapping men taking them home then beating them, Stealing their money and threatening to accuse them of rape if they went to the police about her this was proven and she was charged for this.

I only found this out recently and I used to like them both but I'm completly disgusted by the two of them now since hearing it and feel the WWE are just hypocrites for celebrating these two, Also Greg Valentine says similar in public like Hogan and nobody really cares, Jimmy Snuka murdered his girlfriend and nobody in WWE cares, Mike Tyson in their hall of fame after he was charged with rape and could go on about loads of others.
Personally they are coming across as hypocrites when they pretend to take the high ground. I'm interested what everyone else thinks of the way they turned on Hogan while celebrating Moolah and Young.

Again another thread about moolah, the story about moolah as become interesting because of more and more women's have come out to say that all theses accusations are bullshit and never happened. So who's telling the truth about this, who's knows reaĺly because moolah is dead, and pretty much everybody that have accuse her are dead as well so you can't really have them defend their side of the story.

As for the rest of thoses people's mention, what they did are either not common knowledge(Mae young) or their not big enough name for mainstream media to actually cared about it. The only reason Hogan is still blacklisted is because he's hulk Hogan which is still a huge name in mainstream media, not as big as it once was but they still will pick up anything he does in the news so WWE needs to be careful with, kinda like why they had to drop the moolah name for the battle royal.

The company isn't hypocript their just trying to be safe and protect they're brand from bad publicity.
Well, the thing about the situations regarding Hogan and Moolah are different. There are all kinds of allegations that Moolah did this or did that while we know for an absolute fact that Hogan repeatedly used racial slurs during a heated phone conversation. I'm not saying that Moolah didn't do any or all that she's accused of but the fact of the matter is that I have no idea whether she did or not. It's entirely possible that all of it's true, some of it's true or none of it's true. I'd say some of it's true and some of it's exaggeration while some of it's not true at all but as to what's what, who can say? A reason I think some of it's exaggerated or just plain untrue is because wrestling is and always will be full of bitter people who either didn't make it into being big stars and/or pissed away money and opportunities as quickly as they came by them; we've all heard numerous shoot interviews that essentially follow the same formula in which the wrestler or wrestlers shooting paint themselves in a positive light while burying someone they don't like, feel did them wrong or achieved a level of success that they're bitter for not attaining themselves.

Is WWE hypocritical? Sure, to some degree and so are most of us in some ways at one time or another. Not saying that makes it right, it's just how life is. For instance, just look at the whole thing with Mauro Ranallo and JBL; it's widely known that JBL bullied lots of people during his career and Vince tolerating and even encouraging it flies straight in the face of all the various public relations messages WWE has put out over the past number of years. It makes WWE look bad, there's no question about that, and it really wouldn't have become as big of a deal as it did if Vince wasn't so concerned about trying to constantly paint WWE as this idyllic paradise of equality and respect that doesn't exist anywhere outside of a Disney production.

When it comes to past actions or words said or done by wrestlers, nobody's perfect. Every single one of them have faults and failings, some of which may be looked upon as especially disgusting in today's society but were the norm at some point. From a personal perspective, for instance, the Ultimate Warrior struck me as a horrible human being based on what I've read about him and heard from his own lips. Even though I was never a fan, I can't deny that he left a huge impact on the pro wrestling business and I don't think that him being a hardcore conservative should undermine that. Celebrating the good someone did rather than focusing on the negatives....well that's what pretty much everyone does. I mean, there's an extremely, extremely high probability that someone like Ric Flair used the N word at least once in their lives in some sort of a manner intended as a joke or as an insult, especially considering how the word was more commonly accepted in his youth. It's not something to be praised, but it shouldn't undermine or overshadow the greatness that was his pro wrestling career.

If you're looking for saints, you're damn sure not gonna find any in pro wrestling. At some point somewhere along the way, all of them have done, said or been accused of things that very few would want to be remembered for.
Of course they are, this isn't news. The WWE was, is, and always will be a carny operation. Now they are just a publically traded carny operation. The WWE has never actually had integrity, they just have reactive PR management. There are obviously countless example of double standards when it comes to the Hogan situation specifically. The Ultimate Warrior saying horrific things about gay people and being honored with an annual award because no one in the mainstream media seems to have picked up on it or care anymore. Roddy Piper literally wrestling in black face. The entire Triple H/Booker T angle where Triple H said that Booker had "nappy hair" and tried to tip him a dollar in the locker room. Then he beat him.

But take all of that and put it aside. The msot damning thing about the WWE, and the McMahon family in general, is their affiliation with the current White House. It cannot be understated. Linda McMahon is literally in the cabinet of Donald Trump. The same Donald Trump that questioned Obama's birth certificate on the basis of his skin color and clearly nothing else. The same Donald Trump that made the "good people on both sides" argument when white nationalists killed a counter-protester. The Trump that encouraged police brutality against minorities, and physical violence against black protesters at his campagn rallies. The same Donald Trump that has had praise heaped on him by David Duke, former leader of the KKK, and countless other white nationalists. The guy that had an overt white nationalist in his cabinet in Steve Bannon (who has written directly racist and factually incorrect articles for Breitbart regarding blacks, Jews, latinos, you name it). The same Donald Trump that mocked a diabled reporter openly, said reprehensible things about latino Americans, talked about Pocohontas in front of Native American WW2 heroes, the list goes on and on and on and on and on. By ANY reasonable standard this is an objectively racist and prejeudiced president. TO an unprecedented degree for the modern era of the United States.

That is the guy this family supports. Not just to the level of giving him a vote. To the level of participating in his administration, being part of his cabinet.

They don't view racism and lying as problems. It's who they are.
It's all about PR. Fans went directly to Snickers and they were displeased so WWE changed the name of the Women's Battle Royal. If there's even a sliver of truth to the allegations it does affect Moolah's legacy b/c her actions involved wrestling. Considering the Women's Revolution WWE is pushing it doesn't seem smart to celebrate someone that seems to be the anithesis of that. Hogan has an ongoing lawsuit IIANM which brings up the reasons he was blacklisted.
Steve Austin beat his wife.

Ultimate Warrior made homophobic and sexist comments IN PUBLIC.

Michael Hayes made racist comments AT WORK and was even suspended for it, but not blacklisted like Hogan.

Road Warrior Animal made racist tweets and is still in their Hall of Fame.

Linda McMahon chose to work for Donald Trump. Not to get political. Not all Trump supporters are racist. But if you are a racist, you're probably a Trump supporter. And for the McMahon/Triple H family to get all cozy for a photo op with Trump turned off a lot more people than Hogan's leaked audio.

These are wrestlers, not role models. There are only a handful of guys, Sting, Daniel Bryan, Owen Hart, etc. that are pretty much seen as "good" people universally. Most of them are scumbags. In that sense, yeah, they overreacted with Hogan saying some words in private.

That being said, those words were bad. Even if you replace all the N-words in his rant with "African American" it's still a disgustingly racist statement.

He never needs to be on WWE TV again. Years from now if they want to do a Hogan documentary for the WWE Network or a DVD release or something, and they want to end it on a happy note, they can end it with either Hogan hosting WrestleMania 30, getting that banner night at Madison Square Garden, or his birthday celebration on Raw. Either of those would be a fine "end" to his career.

I do think they should sign him to a strictly merchandising deal. Just so they could include him in video games and release his action figures and t-shirts and whatnot. But he never needs to be on TV again.
Of course they are, this isn't news. The WWE was, is, and always will be a carny operation. Now they are just a publically traded carny operation. The WWE has never actually had integrity, they just have reactive PR management. There are obviously countless example of double standards when it comes to the Hogan situation specifically. The Ultimate Warrior saying horrific things about gay people and being honored with an annual award because no one in the mainstream media seems to have picked up on it or care anymore. Roddy Piper literally wrestling in black face. The entire Triple H/Booker T angle where Triple H said that Booker had "nappy hair" and tried to tip him a dollar in the locker room. Then he beat him.

But take all of that and put it aside. The msot damning thing about the WWE, and the McMahon family in general, is their affiliation with the current White House. It cannot be understated. Linda McMahon is literally in the cabinet of Donald Trump. The same Donald Trump that questioned Obama's birth certificate on the basis of his skin color and clearly nothing else. The same Donald Trump that made the "good people on both sides" argument when white nationalists killed a counter-protester. The Trump that encouraged police brutality against minorities, and physical violence against black protesters at his campagn rallies. The same Donald Trump that has had praise heaped on him by David Duke, former leader of the KKK, and countless other white nationalists. The guy that had an overt white nationalist in his cabinet in Steve Bannon (who has written directly racist and factually incorrect articles for Breitbart regarding blacks, Jews, latinos, you name it). The same Donald Trump that mocked a diabled reporter openly, said reprehensible things about latino Americans, talked about Pocohontas in front of Native American WW2 heroes, the list goes on and on and on and on and on. By ANY reasonable standard this is an objectively racist and prejeudiced president. TO an unprecedented degree for the modern era of the United States.

That is the guy this family supports. Not just to the level of giving him a vote. To the level of participating in his administration, being part of his cabinet.

They don't view racism and lying as problems. It's who they are.

Didn't know you would bring your politics onto this site.

The McMahons have been friends with Trump for years. They are not supporting the current President as much as they are supporting an old family friend.

I heard that McMahon and Trump became friends because Trump was one of the few millionaires who didn't act embarrassed at how Vince McMahon made his millions. They have been friends for over 30 years, and Trump Plaza hosted WMs 4-5, and a match at WM23 involved Trump (his feud with Vince around then was just a work, in case you didn't know).

Did you object to Trump going into the WWEHoF, or being part of those Wrestlemanias, or once being GM of RAW? Or is it since he became President for the opposite side than the one you support, leftie?

I don't see how Vince's associations with Trump contradicts what he did to Hogan (BTW, I think Hogan's ban is ridiculous, and more attention should be paid on the illegal invasion of his privacy, but people would rather get offended by things few cared about 20 years ago). I suppose you think Trump going after Obama was because he was black, and not because he was a Democrat.

No, the hypocrites is every single person "throwing stones" at Hogan, and people like Moolah, when there are things in their life they pray never comes out, or else others will think less of them. No-one is perfect, though a lot seem to think that they are.

He who is without sin.......

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