An Open Letter From Wile E. Coyote to ACME Corporation.


Twitter -- @FightOnTwist
When I write for my sports blogs, I occasionally include random non-sequitur posts about random things. I wrote this one today. Thought I'd share it for the humor value.

To: ACME Products

From: Wile E. Coyote

Re: Product Line

Date: 4-20-2011

To Whom It May Concern:

I have been a loyal user of ACME products for about as long as I can remember, but it is time for me to express my utter disgust with your product. For far too long your company, which has had no problem taking my fucking money mind you, has shipped me substandard products that have failed me countless times. I have had it. Your shitty products have cost me my main goal in life; capture that fucking bird and eat him, one too many times. Need examples? I'd be happy to provide them for you.

Let's start with those fucking death-traps you refer to as "rocket powered skates." Do they work? All except for the brakes! The braking systems of those things fail to kick in every time. Do you know what happens as a result of this? I shoot right past that god-damned bird and, inevitably, fly off a fucking cliff, plummeting to my doom. You'd think after years of market research you could have addressed this glitch. It is, after all, DEADLY!!!!! Do you think Ford continued to sell Explorers with Bridgestone tires on them after they fucking blew up and killed people? No! They immediately did a recall to get those dangerous pieces of shit off the road.

This isn't even the half of it, however. How about your god damned "Batman outfit?" Yeah, you remember that one; the one where the fucking WINGS FALL OFF!? Please explain to me how this is supposed to aid me hunting when it's basic purpose, FLYING, is faulty? While I'll admit that the outfit itself is a rather stupid idea for hunting roadrunner, I still expect this product to work.

Oh, now to the "dehydrating boulder." This motherfucker's a real gem. Low and behold, you've made a product that actually works. There's just one problem; it doesn't do anything except crush ME! The son of a bitch only actually expands and crushes something when it's me. Good lord, can you make one fucking product that works on the roadrunner? Lord knows it's not the "earthquake pills."

Don't even get me started on your TNT and rockets. Those things explode on me if I look at them wrong. I don't think I've ever blown up anything besides my own ass using your dynamite. Not one fucking stick of dynamite has ever detonated when that damn bird is around, but let me walk over for one second to examine the situation and check the fusing and connections and BOOM!!!!! I'm farting bomb fragments out my ass for the next six weeks.

Due to your ineptitude and unwillingness to recall and correct the problems with your products, I have retained the services of a lawyer. Enclosed you will find every receipt and shipping order from my purchases of your dog-shit excuse of brand. Additionally, I've also included hospital bills and medical expenses that have resulted from your negligence. I have decided to take my business elsewhere and sincerely hope that one of your faulty products causes an rather timely demise to your manufacturing plant. But just in case, I've placed every last remaining ACME product I've purchased into a box that should find its way into your office in about ten minutes.

In sum: Fuck you....and yours.

Wile E. Coyote.
Haha, thanks man. I'm working on some other stuff, too. Since people like this maybe I'll post some of my other pieces I've written and stuff in the future.
It would have been better without the swearing.
It would have been better without the swearing.

Some open letters I write don't contain any swearing at all, others I add swearing in there because of the wholesome nature of the topic. In this particular instance Wile E. Coyote was a kids cartoon and he never spoke. I used over the top profanity because that's how I'd imagine Wile ever writing this letter.
I've always imagined Wile E. as quite an eloquent character who just didn't choose to speak, that's why the swearing seemed off to me.

Great content aside from that.
I've always imagined Wile E. as quite an eloquent character who just didn't choose to speak, that's why the swearing seemed off to me.

Great content aside from that.

I guess it comes down to how you imagine the character. I have one archived that I wrote as a Stormtrooper to "Director Sidious and Assistant Director Vader RE: Uniform Quality and Formation of a Union for Deathstar Troopers" and I didn't use much swearing in that. Most of it was content related.
Ah cool, it'll be interesting to see your others. It is pretty funny.
Conversely, I do have one that's laced with profanity. It's from Mario to Princess Peach. I'll start posting more of them. Most of my stuff is sports related, but I like to mix it up for those that read it.

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