AF4 - Justin Cooper vs. Johnny Scumm (Mayhem Title)

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
The man from the "High Society" Justin Cooper won't be celebrating with his second Mayhem title win for long as he is set to defend it against Johnny Scumm who has his first chance at a singles title in a one-on-one match. He will be definitely looking to prove himself and take advantage of the rough environment to capitalise on a victory whilst Cooper will be clutching the title close to his chest. Can Scumm defeat Cooper, one of the division's greatest competitors or will Cooper show why he is the one of the best?

Deadline is Tuesday, January 24th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
Baller has finally fought off the pecking penguins on the outside and rolls back into the ring. He runs at Scumm and drop kicks him from the back. This causes Scumm to go through the ropes and land on the outside apron. Baller turns his attention over to the opposite team’s corner. He is horrified when he is met with the sight of Saboteur on top of the turnbuckle. Saboteur goes for it all with a spinning wheel kick from the top rope. Baller immediately jumps out of the way and avoids the aerial kick.

Cohen: Sweet move by Baller!

This leaves Saboteur rubbing his tail bone as Baller quickly comes over to him. He grabs him on the back of the head and throws him over the top rope. The penguins on the outside begin to comfort the fallen Saboteur. Baller turns his attention to Scumm, who is now standing in a daze on the outside apron. Overlast is kneeling on the outside as he reaches underneath the ring and pulls out a pair of cable cutters. Baller walks over to Scumm and grabs on the shoulders of his tuxedo. Overlast comes from behind and begins to cut the back of Scumm’s tuxedo with the cable cutters. This allows Baller to easily pull off Scumm’s tuxedo, and the referee calls for the bell!

Harrys: Here are your winners, Mick Overlast and Mr. Baller!

The footage pauses and a Camera moves its focus onto Johnny Scumm, who is watching the footage back in the Locker Room post-match. He has a controller in his hand which he drops to the floor. At that point, Becky Serra walks in, shaking her head.

”Just can’t seem to get the job done, can you Scumm?”

“Shut your mouth Serra. How about next time we’ll put you in the ring in front of Baller and Overlast and laugh as you take the punishment”.

Becky retreats a couple of steps. She looks almost afraid.

“What did you want coming in here anyway? Come to gloat on behalf of the two pricks who think that an under handed move is the way to win matches?”

”No, actually I’ve co-“

“You see Becky, what you’ve gotta do when it comes to matches, is fight. You can’t think that taking advantage of a situation is going to do you any good. Take any match and it comes down to two things. Giving the pain and taking it. They’re two things I know I can do. But you see, when you’ve got a partner like Saboteur worrying more about his animal farm at ringside, you have two men who want to beat you. You can give them the pain, but two on one? It’s not the greatest situation. Add in some cable cutters and you have a fucking nightmare. Nothing more, nothing less. I’ve issued out the challenge to the spandex-wearing imbecile if he wants to come and accept it. Who knows, maybe Ty Burna might do something right as the co-owner? Not that it’s highly likely, the man only has his head up the arse of one person and that’s himself.”

“Scumm, do you wanna like…calm down? I came here to tell you so-“

“CALM DOWN?! Becky, you really are coming here to just tug on every single one of my strings aren’t you?”

Becky retreats even further as the chain on Scumm's jeans is detached and he wraps it around his right fist.

“Don’t worry Serra; I’m not going to hurt you. The only woman I’ve hit is Saboteur.”

“Come and see me in a few days Scumm, there was something I wanted to tell you, but I’ll wait until you’ve…calmed down”.

With that, Becky leaves the locker room, leaving Scumm on his own. With the chain wrapped loosely around his fist, a large part of it dangling from his hand, Johnny looks around the room.

“Calm…down? CALM…DOWN?!”

Shouting the words “Calm down” continuously to himself, Scumm swings the chain at the television, planting it directly through the centre of the screen. He walks around the locker room, almost beastlike, still shouting the two words. He sees a pair of Sunglasses beneath the locker labelled “Armando Paradyse”.

“Calls himself a Champion? He couldn’t defend that belt even once.”

Swinging the chain up and back down, he cracks the glasses straight in half. He continues to pound the metal down on objects belonging to other wrestlers, before pounding in the locker door of Justin Cooper, one man who Scumm has never agreed with.

“Cooper…one day, I’ll get you. One day, it’ll be sooner rather than later.”

Scumm walks over to the locker room door and opens it, standing in the doorway facing in. He grins, sadistically, then turns around and walks away, slamming the door behind him.


Three days later, at WZCW HQ, Johnny Scumm comes through the doors. At the end of the first corridor are Becky Serra and a Cameraman.

“Thanks for coming Scumm; I’m surprised that you even arranged this.”

“Yeah, you’re lucky. Can we get it over and done with quickly or what? I’m not doing this because I really want to.”

“Follow me and I’ve got a small interview that I can hold with you, then we’re done. Actually, there’s something I can ask you now. Have you been keeping up with Ascension and Aftershock?”

“I put Ascension on because there wasn’t anything else that would entertain me more than watching Jack Skinner having his arse kicked in for yet another consecutive week in a row and by a woman! But Aftershock didn’t interest me. Who really cares about Darren Bull, Ryan Raynes, Armando Paradyse, Justin Cooper, hell Titus even?”

“Well…Titus is the Heavyweight Champion and there was that Mayhem Title- We’ll come back to that later.”

Serra and Scumm arrive at a small interview room. They both take their seats, with Scumm slouching opposite Serra. The cameraman tries to fit both Becky & Scumm in the picture, worming around the room.

“Oh by the way, I’ve heard that after Meltdown, they found that the locker room had been trashed, did you hear about that?”

“Haven’t heard a single thing Serra. Probably that idiot Saboteur’s penguins. Now, can you get on with this interview? I know you’re not the brightest spark, but I’ve got a life.”

“Well, we already started when I asked you about Ascension and Aftershock. But my first question relates to the Mayhem Division. What are your current thoughts on the Mayhem Division, now Alex Bowen has taken a break?”

”Bowen taking a break doesn’t mean anything. Bowen was weak; he just liked to maim people. I could’ve taken him on at anytime and got an easy victory. He just never wanted to let me prove it. As for the title picture, it makes me sick to the core. Armando Paradyse…the Mayhem Champion? Don’t make me laugh. He’s nothing more than a joke. Mix that with Justin Cooper trying to win it, we’ve got the “Comedy Division”, not the Mayhem Division”.

”Well actually, you didn’t watch Aftershock, so I’ve got news for you. Armando isn’t the Champion anymore”.

A grin comes across the face of Scumm.

“Cooper is.”

The grin is soon wiped from his face, turning into a scowl.

“You’re kidding me?”

Scumm puts his head in his hands, stifling a shout.

“The guy had chances, over and over again and wasted them, yet he still got in that match, now he’s WON it? You’re joking. You’re lying.”

“I’m not Scumm. It was a Mayhem Championship on a Pole match and he climbed up and got it.”

“Cooper makes me sick. Paradyse was a joke of a Champion and Cooper is a joker of a person. Once I’ve worked my way through Saboteur next week, Cooper will be in my targets. That gold isn’t his for long, I just wish I had my hands round his throat right now…”

“That wish might come true Johnny and sooner than you think.”

“Huh? It’s not soon enough! I’ve already issued the challenge to Saboteur and I can’t get to Cooper as soon as I-“

“It seems you have a penchant for not letting me finish my sentences Scumm. You’re not fighting Saboteur next week at all. You will be facing Cooper, on Aftershock 4 and it will be for the Mayhem Championship. The match will be fought under “Mayhem rules”. You will have the chance to beat Cooper and become a champion all in one night, if you’re good enough.”

“If I’m good enough? Serra, you obviously don’t watch when I fight, do you? Of course I’m bloody “good enough” you bimbo. You’re quite obviously more breast than brain…”

Scumm stands up off of his seat and starts to pace around the room. Serra’s eyes try to keep up with him, but he’s pacing too quickly.

“So, a match against Justin Cooper… for his Mayhem Championship, under Mayhem rules? It seems that Mr. Ty Burna, or whoever may have set this match up has some sense after all. The match against Cooper is what I need for two reasons. One, it’s the opportunity for Johnny Scumm to finally win a Championship and prove that I am what I say I am and two, it gives me a chance to kick Justin Cooper’s teeth right down the back of his throat.”

“So you would say that you’ve got what it takes to win the match Scumm?”

Scumm approaches Serra and puts his face directly in front of hers. Becky looks scared as Scumm licks his lips.

“I know I’ve got what it takes Becky, you need to stop doubting me missy. Listen to me closely. When Cooper steps into the ring with me, he won’t know what’s hit him until he sees me parading around with his Championship. Sorry, that will be MY Championship. Say I pick up a pair of brass knuckles, I can pound his pathetic head in until he bleeds, or I could grab a steel pipe and beat down on his torso and his legs, hoping I break his ribs and stop him from ever walking again. Then again, I’m a fighter, so I could stop all motion by hitting Cooper with the Facebreaker, crushing the skull. Finally, I have the Memory Loss. Locking that in, Cooper will have no choice but to tap as he writhes and when I feel he’s tapping and the bell has rung, I won’t let go until Cooper is unconscious. Easily put, I’m gonna win this thing Becky and you and everyone who will be watching knows that.”

“Good for you Scumm. One more thing, what makes you think, if you win the Title, that you’re not going to lose it on your first defence?”

“Becky, listen to this. I have a plan. Not only will I become the longest reigning Mayhem Champion in the history of WZCW, beating that weed Bowen’s reign, but I will also perform a ritual, should I win the Mayhem Championship next week. In the middle of the ring, I’ll take any object that’s sharp enough and in my grasp, cutting my head open clean, unless of course…it’s already taken a cut. Following that, I will allow my own blood to cover my Mayhem Championship, decoration to the new level you might call it. Only then will you and I truly be able to call it “Johnny Scumm’s Mayhem Title”. Nobody will take it from me. It will be mine and mine forever, mark my words. Look Serra, this interview is over, just watch Aftershock and I will prove to any doubter why the Mayhem Championship is officially Johnny Scumms.”

Scumm storms out of the interview room, yet again slamming another door behind him. He pulls his Phone out of his pocket and dials a number. Storming down the corridor, he puts the phone up to his ear.

“Yeah, meet me at mine, 2 hours, I’ve got some gear I need to pick up, you’re gonna have something very important to do for me. I’ll see you there.”

Scumm walks out of the WZCW HQ and turns out as the Cameraman decides to not follow Scumm, instead murmuring “fuck it” and shutting off the Camera. Where Scumm’s gone he doesn’t know.


A little beep is heard and some terrible quality footage can be seen. It seems like Johnny Scumm is recording on a Camcorder, or possibly a phone camera.

“Welcome, Scummbags, to a little training session that my genius mind has conjured up. Standing next to me is a good friend of mine, Christopher Kline, or Chris K as I’ve known him since the backstreet days. He doesn’t really even know why he’s here, but all is to be revealed”.

Scumm picks up a black gym bag and places it in between the two of them.

“Chris, I’m fighting Justin Cooper, you know, the guy who had multiple shots at a title, missed out on all of them then just got lucky the other day, winning the Title, you know that guy? Either way, we’re fighting over the Mayhem Title, something you know I’ve been longing for ever since getting involved with it. It’s a Mayhem rules match, so we need to get hardcore. Open the bag, see what’s in there. This is the start of training.”

Chris opens the bag and pulls out some typical Mayhem rules objects; a Kendo stick, a Cheese grater, a Steel pipe and a few metal trays and trinkets.

“What’s this Scumm? Some sort of madman’s collectibles?”

“It’s training Mr. Kline. Pick up that stick.”

Chris picks up the Kendo stick and holds it down by his side.

“Do your worst. My arms are up, give me the best you can.”

“…You sure Scumm?”

“Do it.”

Chris picks up the Kendo stick, ready to swing. He pulls his arms back and swings, smacking it right into the side of Scumm

“ARGH! More, bring it to me Chris! You see Cooper, this is the making of a true champion, someone who can take the pain and dish it out when he needs- ARGH! to. Come Aftershock, you will be looking at your new Mayhem Champion! ARGH-“

Chris can be seen swinging the stick at Scumm’s body, gradually being covered in red welts. Chris has the stick still in hand, but as he swings, he knocks the camera over, onto the floor.


No more footage can be seen, but shouts can be heard from Scumm, followed by the words “again” and “more”. All that can be left to do it to wait until Aftershock, to see who will prevail in a Mayhem Championship match.
It’s Like A Prison
Season 1 Episode 1

The scene begins inside a small run down house in the confines of The High Society. It’s a Monday morning, around 11pm judging from the sky, and things are running as usual. Justin Cooper is writing down some notes at a table while drinking a cup of freshly made tea. To the right of Cooper is his newly won Mayhem Championship, a title he has worked so hard to achieve. As Cooper is writing, Vladimir comes running into the room in a panic.

Vladimir: Justin… … terrible… … fire, the people are freaking out.

Cooper: What? Compose yourself Vladimir before running in an interrupting my duties.

Vladimir gathers himself and points outside toward the right hand side of the house they are in.

Vladimir: Someone’s house is burning Justin and it spread onto the others. The people are trying to leave Justin, the society is revolting!

Cooper jumps to his feet and grabs Vladimir.

Cooper: Tell me this is some sick joke Vlad? You better be playing with me right now. Do you understand what it would look like if something happened under my control? Now explain what is happening and you better be as clear as possible. I don’t want any misconceptions.

Vladimir: One of the men was working and his jacket accidently caught fire on the spot. He threw it up in the air and it landed on the roof of a house and then the entire thing went up in the flames. With the strong winds and everything the other homes stood no chance. Now the people are panicking in streets and they are trying to knock down to the fence Justin. They’re revolting against us Justin, you must stop this quickly!

Cooper: How many are trying to leave or revolt as you keep putting it?

Vladimir: Most of them Justin, I think the troops are the only group not trying to knock down our fence at the moment. You need to bring these people to peace; you must do something to stop this.

Cooper: I don’t need this Vladimir; I’ve worked very hard to give these people the best that they could have. I allowed them to watch television, I made it so people could get married, I’ve done so much for these fools and this is how they repay me? Do they not understand that without me they would still be living in the dark ages and walking around naked? I made this society more than just some crazy retreat like it once was. Now when people look at The High Society they see power. I can’t allow those fools to ruin what I have created.

Cooper is visibly angry but he does not react with violence. Instead he relaxes himself down by closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

Vladimir: What are we going to do Justin?

Cooper: Simple. I’m going to talk to them.

Vladimir: Is that it? I mean, do you think just talking to them is really going to do any good when they are rioting?

Cooper: I’m not going to talk about ponies Vladimir; I’m going to explain to them just how pathetic they are without us. Do you really think they would have any success in life if it wasn’t for me? I’m the guiding light for them and if I turn against them now. All the little puppets will be forced to reattach themselves to my strings and I will control them once again.

Vladimir: Can you really do that just by talking to them?

Cooper: I’m Justin Cooper, the leader of The High Society, and Mayhem Champion, I can do anything!

Five minutes later a shot of a burning house and people panicking like mad is shown. From adults to children, everyone is freaking out and in an insane rush to get to safety. One of the people turns toward a large fence and then decides to run toward it. This man begins to shake the fence and moments later he has more people doing the same thing. Soon enough at least 20 people are trying to knock down this fence, which they do successful. A few run through the broken fence however a majority are hesitant to head out of this fenced area.

"Come on everyone follow me!”

“Move out everyone”

“Watch out for the big puddle of mud”

This man runs through the broken fence and to the outside of the society. Before anyone else can make their way out of the area Vladimir and Justin Cooper arrive on the scene. Slowly everyone begins to stop but some people continue to yell and act like mad men.

Vladimir: Nobody moves or else. You are all very lucky that this man beside me cares so much. If it was up to me I would have you all thrown in the prison for this type of behaviour. You are all like pathetic outsiders with this revolt. How dare you do this? After everything that this man has done for you, he sees this. What type of humans are you? Do you not have any respect for the man that saved each and every one of you from a life of uselessness?

Cooper steps forward and motions for Vladimir to stop speaking. Unlike Vladimir Cooper does not speak straight away, instead he goes around and looks each person in the eye. After that Cooper looks over at the burning houses and then the broken fence. Finally Cooper turns back to the people who now have lowered their heads in shame.

Cooper: I look at all of you and I see how much you haven’t grown at all. Most of you are still the same pathetic people that begged me for a place in this society. I watched as you all pleaded for a chance to live a better life. You came to me in a time of need and I answered your called. Not one of you would still be alive if it wasn’t for me, I freakin’ saved you from yourselves.

Cooper walks around the group and gets right up close to the people left in the area as his troops attempt to put out the fire.

Cooper: I helped you through tough times and this is how you repay me? You cause damage to buildings that we all built together as a sign of unity and trust. We were joined by that experience and now you all watched it burn to the ground instead of trying to put it out. I ask each of you to give me an excuse as to why I shouldn’t throw you out of this society and back onto the streets where you belong. I ask you all to give me a reason as to why I shouldn’t leave you to die in the gutter like I should have done for most of you years ago. I want you all to ask yourself, why do I deserve to be here after that?

Cooper moves over to the fence and raises his voice.

Cooper: After destroying this fence why should any of you people still be here after tonight! I’ve worked to long and hard for you people to screw this up. My legacy will be this society and making it the greatest union in the history of western civilisation. If any of you dare screw this up for me there will be hell to pay. I will not allow any of you to wreck this and I don’t care if you have family or if you don’t but at the end of the day I will kick you out onto the street with nothing more than the clothes on your back to survive.

One of the people falls down onto their knees and grabs onto the leg of Justin. The woman begins to cry as she looks up at Justin who isn’t pleased with his physical contact.

Woman: I’m sorry… … I never meant for anything like this. Please don’t kick me out, I need this place. Please.

Cooper calls for security, in the form of his own private guards, to pull this woman off him. She is dragged away from the main group of people as Cooper wipes his leg.

Cooper: I want to make this very clear to all you, leave it you want. You have an open window now and I want you to take it. I don’t want any doubters to be leaving amongst us here in the society. So now is your chance to break free if you really want to leave. I want you to take this chance and head out to a new life. Before you do I would like to one more thing.

Cooper walks over to the broken fence and climbs one of the bent poles.

Cooper: Just like you I was once seen as pathetic, I was seen a joke. Now I’m in a position of power and I’m no longer a joke. I’ve stepped up and now I am a contender. I’m moving forward with this society and WZCW. I’ve come further than anyone in the company; I am now a serious player. I’m not the guy that the people laugh at anymore instead I’m the guy people are telling their friends about. I went from being put in a match with a guy dressed in cardboard to being in a title match last week and now I’m better than ever. I’ve stepped up my game and I’ve become a better person through this society. If you all want to be like me then I strongly advise you all to make the right decision. You know deep down that this is the only way to live. It’s 2012, the New Year is here, and now Justin Cooper has arrived.

Cooper jumps down from the pole and stands next to Vladimir.

Cooper: The battles I have had are legendary and now I cannot wait to see what is next. My time has finally come and I now hold this (holding up the Mayhem Championship) after fighting for so long. I have taken my spot at the top of a division that needs me. Nobody else can do what I can. I have the chance to prove that I belong as a champion in WZCW and this week I will achieve that. I’ll be facing a man named Johnny Scumm who believes he can beat me. Blinded by his our arrogance this man thinks he has a chance. Don’t you agree Vladimir?

Vladimir: Of course sir, nobody stands a chance again you.

Cooper: I’m the greatest Mayhem Champion of all time and that is a fact. Unlike Armando Paradyse I will not fall in my first title defence. It’s a sink or swim situation and this week I’ll swim like never before. Johnny Scumm can try and break me but he will end up being broken himself. I have the mental advantage in this match and that will give me a victory. Scumm acts like he is a tough man but I see him as a phony. He portrays someone he is not. You people are lucky that I am so true to myself and I don’t sell out like Scumm does. He is a product of a machine and we are the outsiders who are superior. We are better than them and I am better than Scumm. This man can dream about holding this (taps the title) because that is the closest he will ever get to it. If any of you people disagree I want you to step out of here now. You must have the belief that I will always win. You must all support me and anyone who thinks otherwise must leave.

Cooper now places the Mayhem Championship on his shoulder as the crowd stir a little. Small groups of people discuss their situation and what they will do. With the fence broken and a chance to leave the society Cooper awaits his people decision. Slowly people begin to kneel down signifying that they are staying with the society. Soon enough everyone is keeling before Justin. With a sinister grin on his face Justin motions for the people to stand up and head back to their houses to put the fire out. With the people all walking away Justin turns to Vladimir.

Cooper: You see I control them Vladimir. Fear keeps people loyal my friend.

Vladimir: What do we do about the few that left? We can’t just let them walk away from this place.

Cooper: Ready the troops, I want them all back here before sunset. When they are all back, thrown them in the prison and alert me as to who made a run for it. I want to talk with them when you arrive back here.

Vladimir nods and goes off to ready his men to find the few members of the society that ran away from the cult. The scene comes to an end as Justin stares at his Mayhem Championship, shining it a little and giving it a small kiss.
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