AF 1: Sean Cruz vs. Armando Paradyse

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Former tag team partners face off as both are gunning for a Mayhem Title shot. Will Cruz finally get Bowen to accept his challenge, or will the King of Mayhem continue to evade giving Cruz his title shot? Or will Paradyse prove himself the more worthy contender?

Deadline is Tuesday, December 6th at 11:59 PM EST.
The scene opens to Armando Paradyse laying in his bed staring at the ceiling unable to sleep. Lying next to him asleep is Ariana Hart. He sighs and rolls out of the bed and stumbles into the living room. He turns the t.v. on and begins to watch this past weeks Meltdown. He watches the triple threat match he was and and pauses it in anger.

All these damn multi-man matches. I can beat anyone one-on-one but it's a different ball game when there is another man who can come in and steal whats yours. Vance and Chuck are wasting the best talent they have on match fillers. I have more potential than anyone on the roster and can put on five star matches all the time.

What's wrong? Can't sleep Armando?

Sorry to wake you. Was the t.v too loud?

Just a little. Whats going on? Ever since Meltdown you haven't really been yourself. It's like you have changed in the past few days.

She walks over and sits next to him on the couch. She drapes his arm over her and and lays her head on his chest.

I'm worried about you.

It's just that after I returned to WZCW a month ago that I would be Mayhem Champion already. I'm just not given the chance. I have all the talent that Bowen does. All the skill that Matt Tastic does. And more charisma than Sean does. And I should have ended him by now but they won't give me a chance.

Why do you want to end his career?

Me and him have been through alot. Without me, he wouldn't be here. And instead of thanking me, he through me away. I was tossed aside when I got injured and ditched for his new "friend" Alex Bowen. We almost won the tag team titles together. I was so close I could taste it.

I don't know alot about wrestling or about the beef you have for Sean but maybe it's time to forgive and forget. You can use a friend in the business.

I can get a friend. I can probably ask someone higher up on the roster for some back up if I needed it but I don't. I can handle Sean, Bowen, Steele, Cooper and anyone else in my division. Now I think we should go to sleep. I got a phone call earlier and Chuck Myles wants me to come in and talk to him about something.

The two get up and walk back into the room. The camera fades out then back in to Armando sitting in Chuck's office.

Armando I'm glad you're here. I wanted to tell you personally that Vince and I have decided to make a sister show to Meltdown and Ascension. We have a huge roster right now and seems like there is only so much room on there.

Armando gives him a weird look and Chuck stops talking. Armando takes a deep breath and exhales slowly trying to control his anger.

So let me guest this straight. I just lost my spot on Meltdown or Ascension because you can't stop signing rookies? I already lost my spot to Stan Rogers as Showtimes tag team partner. Paradysetime sounds way better any day of the week.

Armando calm down. You will still be on Meltdown or Ascension. It's just a little too crowded. You are not going to be on the new show forever. And I have more good news. On the very first "Aftershock" you will go one-on-one with Sean Cruz! You are the top two contenders for the Mayhem Championship and have some unfinished business so I'm booking the match.

You are really giving me a match against Sean?

I sure am Armando. I know you have been asking for one since you got back and now you finally have it. I'm giving you a chance to run with the big dogs.

Armando gets up and shakes Chucks hand. He exits the office and heads toward his car but on the way there he runs in with Johnny Klamor

Armando! I seen you were in Chuck Myles office. What was going on?

He is telling me about my match on Aftershock. The new show is going to be a bang. I have a singles match against Sean Cruz.

That's great. You can also see Alex Bowen vs Matt Tastic in a Mahyem rules match.

So that's the main event huh. Well Alex you can expect to face me at All or Nothing. I'm going to beat Sean in a few days and then I'm going to destroy the rest of the competition that gets in my way. Nothing can stop me from achieving my goal here in WZCW. I'm going to win that title from you.

Armando gets in his car and drives off. Leaving Johnny by himself outside. He writes something down on his notebook and goes back inside. The screen cuts out.
Sean rose from his slumber quite early today. His bones and muscles were tingling with excitement. Soon, he would finally be standing in true opposition to his principle rival; Armando Paradyse. The two had been tag team partners, almost like brothers at one point in time. But a single twist of fate had ruined their friendship and turned them into bitter enemies. For a time Armando’s villainous change of heart had wounded Sean, coupled with the even more shocking rampage of Alex Bowen, it was almost too much for Sean to bear. But now he stood firm, his resolve strengthened by the adversity. However, the monotony of his morning routine was broken. The other side of his bed played host to an empty space where Nikki usually lay. He began to worry and nearly tore the house down looking for a note, or anything that would suggest where she had gone. After searching the house for an hour and a half, he returned to the bedroom to check his phone for any messages. He walked through the door and saw her lying peacefully beneath the covers.

Sean: Hey! Where’ve you been?

Nikki replies in a poorly acted groggy voice.

Nikki: Hmm? I’ve been here, thanks for waking me up.

Sean: No way, don’t play that game with me. Where were you last night?

Nikki: I don’t know what you’re talking about, just come back to bed.

Sean: No way! I want to know where you were!

Nikki finally breaks character and reveals her secret.

Nikki: Fine. You want to know where I was last night? I was stopping a jewel thief from picking the museum clean.

Sean tosses her a look of irritation and she continues in her story.

Nikki: I was out with my girlfriends. We left kind of late and you were already asleep. I didn’t mean to worry you, I’m sorry.

Sean: Couldn’t you have left a note or text or something?

Nikki: I thought about it, but then I assumed I would be home before you woke up and already had a plan for getting in without you noticing.

Sean: I don’t know… Sounds fishy.

Nikki: It just seems that way because you’re all antsy about your big match against Armando. It’s finally time to take him down, huh?

Sean: Yeah. Once I’ve beaten him, I’ll go right after Alex. That’ll be the end of everything. I’ll finally be able to settle my mind and move on peacefully.

Nikki: It’s pretty unnerving that two people so close can go down a road like this. I mean, the stories you used to tell me made it seem like you guys were attached at the hip. And now it’s come to this? It’s sure to be a dirty fight.

Sean: Considering Armando’s recent track record, I want to be prepared for anything. But I won’t go down that road with him. I’m going to keep it clean and beat him fair and square. That way there’ll be no debate concerning which of the two of us is the better performer.

Nikki: This I have to see. I'll be down at ringside cheering you on.

Sean: Hopefully it won't last too long. If the match goes too far, he'll resort to dirty tricks to win. I want to see everything he has in his arsenal before he gets lazy. I can still recall a few of his moves, so a steady stream of counters would work in my favor. I'm not pulling any punches either. A night in the hospital will give him ample time to slow down and think about all the wrong he's commited.

Nikki: You seem pretty excited about this, Seanie.

Sean: You know me. I just love these do or die situations.

Sean flashes a huge grin the would inspire confidence in anyone. On the surface Sean is calm, cool, and collected. But deep in his heart, he's afraid of what will happen if he loses this match. If he doesn't make it past Armando, there's no way he can make back to Alex and clear his name of the substance abuse scandal. So much more is riding on this than just a little slice of vengeance.
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