3MB the greatest job ever


Dark Match Winner
So long as you have no ego and just want to get paid, this has to be one of the best wrestling gigs ever. They are on TV every week sometimes even twice, sure they loose but again who cares you are getting paid. These three dudes could be working a HS school gym for $45 a match and "winning" or travel the world get paid 40-50K a year to put over other guys.

You get future endeavored when you start thinking you belong at the top or should be "winning". These 3 guys will outlast 60% of the roster so long as the understand their role.
You are absolutely not wrong. Not in the slightest. Sure they have talent, quite a bit between the three of them. (I personally think McIntyre is more talented than Slater & Mahal and could do quite well on his own given the chance again, but I digress.) Some people want to be on top, be in the main event, & get the title. While others just want to be there, be part of the show and collect a check. Sometimes that's enough and sometimes enough is good enough.
First, they're making way more than 40-50k.

Second, everyone wants to move up. It's like the old adage that substitute teaching is t easiest job in the world. In theory it's true, but the money is in permanence. Until you've made yourself indespenible, you are expendable. They can use locals in every city to stare at the lights, if they wanted to.

Third, and finally, the art of jobbing was perfected by the likes of Lombardi, Horowitz and Sharpe. 3MB doesn't hold a angle to them.
Yes. You are right.
But i feel Drew can play the same role as Randy Orton played years ago.
I see Drew's attitude is similar to Orton's attitude. He can play a very crucial role for WWE. I feel WWE is not utilizing Drew in an efficient manner.
I want listen from all of you who saw this post of mine.
I suppose it isn't an awful position to be in when you analyse it like that. From Slater and Mahal's standpoint it is a good place to be. McIntyre is different because he is more talented that some of the guys above him and he must be frustrated over his lack of opportunity. I'm sure McIntyre is glad that he still has a job and is on TV but I highly doubt he is satisfied.
Unquestionably correct. Sure they are jobbers and in all likelihood will amount to nothing more, but if they are able to come to terms with that and be OK with that, they can make a comfortable living in their chosen profession in the largest professional wrestling company in the world. After all, Santino Marella has carved himself a very secure niche in this fashion. He's going nowhere up the ladder, yet probably has as much job security in WWE as anyone.

This is a common misconception in the IWC. If you're not a champion, you're being misused and/or your career is a failure. This is simply not the case. There is a fundamental need for jobbers on the program, always has been, always will be. If I were the 3MB guys, I'd accept my position and run with it (especially Jinder Mahal). Better to be a jobber in WWE, than floundering elsewhere.
The only people who like Drew are the people from the UK or that pond area. Its funny everytime I hear something about how awesome Drew is, its always some one from the UK. Its funny actually because the only reason they like him is because he wears the UK symbol on his attire. Its funny. Oh and the accent... goshh.... its like if Im watching Austin Powers wrestle.
.... (especially Jinder Mahal). Better to be a jobber in WWE, than floundering elsewhere.

Yes, the creation of 3MB was probably salvation for him. At first, Jinder was brought in as a foil for The Great Khali, first to order the giant around, then to be ultimately overcome by him. Any program with Khali is going to be short, and I wondered what would become of Jinder once it ended.

Well, what happened was Jinder being put in an unlikely mini-feud with Ryback, who was finally getting over his initial program of beating up two stiffs at once. Instead, he got to crush Jinder, a guy who had actually won a couple matches. While this represented baby steps for Ryback, it might have been the saving grace for Jinder, as it kept him employed until the 3MB concept was brought into play.

So, here he sits; still employed, still obnoxious.....and getting TV time, which some poor guys backstage would kill for. When 3MB reaches it's inevitable end, I'm betting he'll be the first one future endeavored.
The only people who like Drew are the people from the UK

Stop right there.

Hey, do me a favor real quick. Go view my user profile. No, it's ok. I'll wait....

Ok. Are you still viewing it? If not, open it again. Now, scroll down toward the bottom take a look very closely at the part that says Location. Read the word that's after that.

I live in TEXAS, as in.... In the US. Same as you, apparently. NOT the UK. And I am a Drew McIntyre fan.

Last time I checked, I didn't live in the UK. Do your research next time, you clearly don't read enough posts here as I have mentioned my fandom of McIntyre quite often. So has Mustang Sally, who also does not live in the UK.

Alright, now that that's out of the way....

I personally hate that 3MB turned into comedy jobbers. Slater deserved better and so did Drew. Jinder sucks so if he gets future endeavoured after the inevitable split then I don't care. The upside is they DO get consistent time onscreen even if it is to job to the stars or someone needing a push. I'd imagine it is a bittersweet feeling to them. They get to be onscreen for the main shows of the most well known federation in the world, yet they have to be humiliated so often. Greatest job ever? I would hardly call being paid to lose constantly "the greatest job ever". At least they get to make a living as pro wrestlers though and get more time onscreen than others that "creative currently has nothing for" that I'm sure are begging for any type of angle, so they certainly have it better than some.
Drew mcintyre is a good wrestler he should get another chance maybe a possible push in the future!

heath slater is what i call a good wrestler but at the same time is the funny wrestler, like santino marella the guy who gets hurt and everyone laugh's i think heath should turn face like santino did and would get really big with the kid's and the immature adults out there.

jinder had my interest for A little while! key word " A Little While"
i am not interested in jinder anymore, jinder is the weak link and i wonder why he was put in the 3mb anyway? could they not put curt hawkins in it instead?
i want jinder mahal to have a whole new makeover for his gimmick, moves, and name.

to answer your question no 3 man band ain't the biggest jobbers ever!
but whoever makes the entrance's/finisher's for wwe 2k14 video game seems to think so, cause it's like every current superstar outside of 30 years of wrestlemania, is beating up one of them.
Stop right there.

Hey, do me a favor real quick. Go view my user profile. No, it's ok. I'll wait....

Ok. Are you still viewing it? If not, open it again. Now, scroll down toward the bottom take a look very closely at the part that says Location. Read the word that's after that.

I live in TEXAS, as in.... In the US. Same as you, apparently. NOT the UK. And I am a Drew McIntyre fan.

Last time I checked, I didn't live in the UK. Do your research next time, you clearly don't read enough posts here as I have mentioned my fandom of McIntyre quite often. So has Mustang Sally, who also does not live in the UK.

Alright, now that that's out of the way....

You took way too long to simply "prove" that a blanket statement like "Only people who..." is inaccurate. What a silly thing to get upset about.

Anyway, besides guy from Texas who is way too proud of the fact that he likes a jobber....

3MB is a great gig. Kind of like being the 12th person on an NBA team. Front row seats to every game, good money, travel, some playing time...maybe win a ring. Pretty sweet. If your ego can get out of your way, there are plenty of solid careers out there. Good for 3MB. Maybe this will keep them out of the drug nightmares a lot of guys striving to overachieve fall into.

Relax Dagger whatever, I didn't say ONLY over-achievers use drugs. Ugh...basement dweller who posts here every day--no wonder you're so angry.
The best jobber in the WWE when he has been given the role is Ziggler and I think he should do more jobbing because he is so good at selling. Reigns spearing Ziggler is amazing to watch. I am not a Ziggler hater I do think there could be a place for him in the main event if booked correctly but if I was WWE creative he is too good at selling to not have him jobbing
You took way too long to simply "prove" that a blanket statement like "Only people who..." is inaccurate. What a silly thing to get upset about.

I wasn't upset, I was giving him a hard time.

Anyway, besides guy from Texas who is way too proud of the fact that he likes a jobber....

So what if he's a jobber? If you are a fan of someone it shouldn't matter if they are a jobber or a world champion. Everyone has a right to like the wrestlers that they like.

3MB is a great gig. Kind of like being the 12th person on an NBA team. Front row seats to every game, good money, travel, some playing time...maybe win a ring. Pretty sweet. If your ego can get out of your way, there are plenty of solid careers out there. Good for 3MB. Maybe this will keep them out of the drug nightmares a lot of guys striving to overachieve fall into.

This part I do agree with. They do have it rather good. At the same time though, like I said in my previous post, it may be a bittersweet feeling. If you got time onscreen weekly but had to be humiliated in promos and/or matches, it wouldn't be something you would be as quick to brag about. "Hey, who wants to come watch me lose?" isn't something you hear anybody say often or you yourself would say to anyone but possibly your closest friends that you trust to not ridicule you over it. The silver lining is they are pro wrestlers working for the WWE, a job most only dream about having.

Relax Dagger whatever, I didn't say ONLY over-achievers use drugs. Ugh...basement dweller who posts here every day--no wonder you're so angry.

I have my own place that I pay for with money I earn at my job and do not live with anybody from either my side of the family or the in-laws. Nice try. Next time I'd try resorting to something better than that old stereotype. Not all mods live in their parents' basements. I also have never used drugs, nor do I ever plan to. Plus I wasn't even angry and still am not.
The best jobber in the WWE when he has been given the role is Ziggler and I think he should do more jobbing because he is so good at selling. Reigns spearing Ziggler is amazing to watch. I am not a Ziggler hater I do think there could be a place for him in the main event if booked correctly but if I was WWE creative he is too good at selling to not have him jobbing

that's a 1st, dolph ziggler is to good a wrestler and a seller to have him a jobber, he's talented the main event needs good seller's alberto del rio really needs to learn some selling himself, all the main eventers need's to improve in the selling, but to suggest dolph should be holded back cause he's good is beyond me...
This thread reminds me of something I just read yesterday about Lex Luger. He said from the very start, Hiro Matsuda told him it's all a work, so don't worry about the finish.

People like 3MB, Santino and Hornswoggle will have jobs for a while. There has always been a place for jobbers, clowns and oddities in this sport. Whenever my husband and I are watching and I say, "Poor Drew," he reminds me that Drew does have a job, is making a living and has a spot thousands of others can only dream about.

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