16 Batman Arkham Asylum -v - Donkey Kong Country 113


  • Batman

  • DK

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!

One of the oldest heroes takes on one of the oldest video game characters. Who wins? You decide.

I'm sorry D.K., but Arkham Asylum is better than Donkey Kong Country.

Donkey Kong Country is a very good game, don't get me wrong. One of my favourite platformers of all time not named "Super Mario Bros." and was one of my favourite games when I was a kid. However, it was just that; another good game. The difference is that Batman: Arkham Asylum is a great game. Arkham Asylum managed to break the stereo-type for super heo video games and prove that they can be as good as (or in many cases, better than) any other kind of game. Arkham Asylum managed to take the character of Batman and and for possibly the first time in history allowed a person to feel what it was like to be him. We felt what it was like to face a seeminlgy never ending stream of problems from Joker kidnapping Commisioner Gorden to titan powered mutant plants, armed with nothing more than two fists and a slew of gadgets to take on psycopaths and armed thugs alike.

Few games have been able to so accuratley allow a player to feel immersed in the environment and feel the true strength and weakness' of the protagonist, while simultaneously being just an absolute joy to play whether your a Batman fan like myself, or just some who appreciates an amazing work of art that brings an entire world to life. From dealing with The Riddler constantly taunting you in your ear, to the always memorable Scarecrow hallucinations, Arkham Asylum succeds on all accounts.
What might be a difficult choice here for some wasn't that tough for me. Don't get me wrong, Batman Arkham Asylum was a good game and one of the better recent games. However.... Donkey Kong Country was one of the best for its time AND is still as good today as it was 15 years ago. It has stood the test of time for being an extremely enjoyable game and I voted for it because I like it better than Batman Arkham Asylum. Both are good games though and both deserve to move on.
I cannot think of anyone voting for Donkey Kong for any other reason than nostalgia. Arkham Asylum is like a million times better than Kong in every concievable way. Batman is my favorite superhero but when there were talks of this game being released I though it would be just another superhero game where you have to blast through enemies in a particular stage and then just move on to the next.

What we have here in Arkham Asylum is almost an action-RPG that involves Batman. You get to be Batman in every single way. The detective mode should be specially mentioned here as there is nothing remotely as innovative as that in Donkey Kong. Also the freeflow combat system is simple at the same time better than any combat system that any superhero game has ever had.

The most critically acclaimed superhero game deserves to go through in a landslide here. Vote Batman: Arkham Asylum.
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