Recent content by z MUFASA z

  1. Z

    WWE needs legends to sell wrestlemanias?

    Wrestlemania is made for legends. Its the All-Star game of wrestling, only the best get to go and they always show why they're the best. Its not made for guys to make a name for themselves thats what the other 11 months are for. The Austins, Rocks, HHHs, Undertaker, etc. where made for his...
  2. Z

    **MERGED** All Ryback Discussion (Keep all of it in here!!)

    Going for the WHC would be great for him & Big Show would be the perfect person to put him over, an established veteran and to see Ryback do the Shell Shocker on Big Show would be a crazy sight to see. But to be honest all Ryback would have gained through chasing the WHC would be, the idiots who...
  3. Z

    **MERGED** All Ryback Discussion (Keep all of it in here!!)

    Actually Daniel Puder went on to win that years $1,000,000 Tough Enough and Puder was an All-Around great wrestler and MMA star. But as to your question I think WWE messed up with Ryback anyway. They should have did what LaBar said, make Ryback's WWE Title chase more like Ryders. Have Ryback...
  4. Z

    Thanks for your loyalty, here's the title

    I say without a doubt Regal should win the WHC on the next UK RAW pending we are not into a champion as much as we are with Punk. I think for a true professional like Regal (also the only man to have a great match with Goldberg) it would be a truly great moment in wrestling history to win it...
  5. Z

    **MERGED** Royal Rumble 2013 & Aftermath Discussion (Keep it in here!!!!)

    I really dont think so and personally, the new belt looks worse than this one. At least this one has the WWE logo as the main centerpiece to distinguish what it is. But what I think would be really cool is to have CM Punk retain the title at Survivor Series, then on RAW the next night to...
  6. Z

    When should Swagger return & how?

    I think that now that we have an US Champ that is so against America and is so European why dont we repackage Swagger to return as a guy who truly is "The All American-American". We can make the title something relevant with guys fighting for it and bringing it to their home land. Like we can...