Recent content by wwefan247x

  1. W

    Would Bobby Lashley Go To TNA?

    lashley wont be able to go to tna for at least 3 years...he did not get fired, he wanted to not only leave wwe, but pro wrestling all together, but even if he wanted to go to tna he will have to wait cuz he had over 3 years on his contract with wwe b4 tna fans an fanboys give it up...
  2. W

    Kip James Interview:Kip going back to WWE? Shoots on TNA a bit..

    kip james is old and washed up like steiner and a lot of others in tna, and lets face it most of the under guys in tna will never make in in the big leagues....i know there is a lot of tna fanboys on this site ryan clark ( dude in charge of wrestlezone is one of them) but tna will never have a...
  3. W

    ECW on Sci-Fi : ECW Reborned 23/01/07

    no offense but dude u need to get a life
  4. W

    Will WSX over take TNA as the number two brand

    A lot of people thought tna was going to be cancelled right away too, if spike is thrilled about tna's ratings mtv has to be at least pleasently surprised by wsx( mtv has higher ratings than spike, I don't know why with shows like super sweet 16...yuck)
  5. W

    Will WSX over take TNA as the number two brand

    u may be right, although I enjoyed some of the action I thought the explosions were kinda cartoonish dare I say borderline lame, but i have to admit it was not hard to watch were tna in my view is hard to watch i think the last good match rhino and christan in the cage match a few months ago...
  6. W

    Will WSX over take TNA as the number two brand

    one thing to point out is tna did not get a 1.0 rating right away, but aftyer it was put on thursda(apprently it is the most watched night of tv) and in primetime made it get 1.0-1.1 Wsx's first try and it only being a half hour got a 1.0, is tna and wsx getting these ratings becuz it is a...
  7. W

    Will WSX over take TNA as the number two brand

    I just was searching the on screen guide for my dish network and tommarow wsx goes head to head with the last half hour of impact, although it will be the 4 time it aired though
  8. W

    Will WSX over take TNA as the number two brand

    I meant Mtv might move wsx to thursday so it won't go head to head with ecw, yet still be on a night were wrestling fans are looking for their fix
  9. W

    Will WSX over take TNA as the number two brand

    Last WZ reported morale is down in tna because of treatment to "big" stars get compared to the "generic" stars....Well the higher ups at tna might have their morale lowered as well...cuz they may realize that they are not a company on the rise, but rather their fan bas is a small percentage of...
  10. W

    Why does Kurt Angle and RVD are Whiner?

    well the is a good topic, wwe gave them(kurt and rob) the industry on a platter, kurt,...well, who knows what happened to kurt he messed up. He makes it sound like vince did'nt give a damn about him or his family, he makes vince sound like the vince we see on tv. I remember during angle's last...
  11. W

    Has WWE ever been this bad???

    let me clarify tna got a .8 this week not ecw, ecw got a much better rating 1.5
  12. W

    Has WWE ever been this bad???

    I love how fans try to make tna sound cool....give it up, tna sucks most of their fans are wwe fans but their is no wwe show on thursday so they settle for the cheap boring product which is tna
  13. W

    Has WWE ever been this bad???

    I don't know what u guys are talking about, raw is averaing 4.1-4.2 in ratings which is way up then what it has been, smackdown is getting 2.5-3.0 only product that maybe be dry is ecw but even tthere worst show is doing better the tna's best show as far as ratings go, this week they got a...
  14. W

    Kurt Angel - Arrogant or what?

    One of the many reason's vince let kurt go is becuz the other wrestler did'nt like his attitude in backstage the same atitude that is pissing alot of folks off in tna apprently jarrett is one of them according to this site a few weeks ago it reported, and a career in mma, ok fine, but he want to...
  15. W

    Kurt Angel - Arrogant or what?

    isn't beating* smackdown I meant to type forgot to add beating..... sooner or later though he will stop with those stupid lies cuz fans will feel insulted that kurt is TRYING to lie to them