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  1. W

    A Look Back: What WWE's ECW did right

    WWE ECW originally had potential. I liked the format of the show with the dimmed arena, brick & fence entrance set & coming through the side of the crowd, the ring cameras were placed facing the announcers table, Joey Styles & Tazz weren't bad at commentary IMO, ECW logo on the mat, the overall...
  2. W

    Will This New "Era Of Legitimacy" Bring More Violent Matches?

    I remember when WWF/E was still PG in 97' which was pre-Attitude. WWE IMO was definitely pushing the boundaries of PG during those days. 97' was entertaining even w/ a PG rating IMO, it had some swearing, edgy angles, street fighting, aggression, some bad attitudes and toughness, tension was in...
  3. W

    **MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

    I don't think Cena will ever turn heel because of his merchandise sales. Somehow I think they're look for an effective way to clearly establish Cena a face to the women & children and at the same time a heel to the Attitude Era fans & 17-35 male demograph. Cena can continue saluting the troops...