Recent content by TheTheDude

  1. T

    What can TNA do to win you over?

    First. Vacate all the titles. Second, maybe bring in a comedian to somehow win the title, Jack Black, perhaps. Third, Cages on top of cages, on top of cages. actually. They just need to shut up and start wrestling again. I had this yesterday's ep on in the background, and I was amazed at how...
  2. T

    TNA's Missing Ingredient...

    Please, I do not want any more of TNA's idea of comedy. Do you not remember Shark Boy's transition into the Austin Parody? Half of Impact (when it was just an hour) dedicated to people in shark masks crying around Shark Boy lying "comatose"
  3. T

    Could TNA Use Different Announcers?

    Mike Tenay has always been one of the reasons I can't fully embrace TNA's product. It's not high on the list of things, (ie burying homegrown talent at the expense of a well known name is number one, Jeff Jarret is number two) but its still there. Tenay used to annoy the crap out of me on...
  4. T

    TNA's trouble with themes

    A few people have mentioned ECW's memorable entrances... Sure the Sandman just isnt the same without Enter Sandman, and why would you want to watch a Gangstas match without Natural Born Killaz blaring in the background? but the fact remains, ECW pretty much fit into a nice little hole in the...
  5. T

    Crossover Main Events - Pathetic or Smart?

    Its sort of like how Nitro used to spill over into Thunder In Paradise. Im not a big fan of the overrun. Im not a big fan of Raw's overrun either, but then again, by the time the Main Event on Raw rolls around, ive already lost interest. To me, the overrun into Reaction just says either: 1...
  6. T

    What Are Your Favorite Non-WWE Feuds Of All Time?

    If i had to pick a WCW feud, it would be the Kevin Sullivan's quest to destroy Hulkamania that led to a Wargames match. The Promos for the Dungeon of Doom were so horribly off the wall, With King Curtis just staring out into space and bellowing about the greatness of Kamala, The Shark, and The...
  7. T

    Jeff Hardy's Heel Turn; The New Raven?

    I'm sort of mad that I fell asleep and missed seeing that promo as it aired last night. Definite similarities to vintage Raven. But who is going to end up playing the Tommy Dreamer to Jeff's Raven?
  8. T

    CSR: "They" Didn't Draw You In

    I did not see BFG because I live in the 1990s and dont have pay per view capabilities at home, but i honestly wish there was somewhere around here where i could go to watch TNA ppvs. I wanted to see who They were, I won't lie. I was actually expecting something much worse than Hogan and Bischoff.
  9. T

    The Confusing Debacle that is TNA and their fan base

    I can remember back in 1997-1998ish when I would diligently wait til 12:00 am on saturday nights so I could watch an hour of ECW as pre-paid programming that consisted of 20 minutes of wrestling, 10 minutes of promos, and 30 minutes of commercials for ECW merch and videos. I was enthralled...
  10. T

    Which MMA Fighters could cut it in WWE?

    If only we can see them dancing to 3 Count, a la Tank Abbot, id welcome any member of the UFC into the WWE. i keed, i keed. Tito or Rampage have to be the clear favorites, but you would have to be an established name to make it in the WWE. Shamrock and Severn only made it because they were...
  11. T

    TNA and Twitter

    By and large the TNA wrestlers on twitter talk about their jobs about 2% of the time, unless you count the "be sure to watch impact and reaction tonight" tweets. Most of Bischoff's tweets are about politics, Tara constantly retweets links to adopt animals, Anderson rarely talks about anything...
  12. T

    TNA and Twitter

    Mr Anderson is @secondpower Tara is @reallisamarie Bischoff is @EBischoff Dreamer is @THETOMMYDREAMER I think those are the only ones i follow from TNA Edit: Kazarian is @FrankieKazarian Madison Rayne is @RayneLane Generally by looking at who those people follow you can get some others
  13. T

    TNA and Twitter

    I personally think its pretty neat that TNA has embraced Twitter to further along its storylines. nothing like a little guerilla marketing to keep people interested in their product and unsure as to what is a work and what is legit. Examples: Tara accidentally mistweets a direct message...
  14. T

    Sting Finished with TNA?

    It seems to me that the only long time main eventers that really retire from wrestling are those who cannot continue to wrestle anymore (Austin) or can make more money doing something else (The Rock, JBL). Everyone else "retires." How many times has Ric Flair "retired"? Sting is not retired...
  15. T

    What's Your Favorite WWE PPV Memories?

    Undoubtedly there can be only one favorite Pay Per View. The only one I have attended live, and the last live WWE show I was at. King of the Ring 1998. And not just because I happened to be sitting on the side of the arena where Mankind was going to get tossed. The whole show was good. The...