Recent content by THEGRANDSLAM

  1. T

    A Ten Bell Salute for Silver Vision

    Absolutely gutted about the loss of Silver Vision, I imagine Amazon will get the contract to sell WWE DVDs but they'll never be as good as Silver Vision ever.
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    **MERGED** Brodus Clay Discussion- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

    He's obviously not a heel but he won't get over as a face either because his character is so sh!t. Saying that, its better than someone like Drew McIntyre or 60% of the roster who have no character or charisma.
  3. T

    Who did the WWE drop the ball with ?

    I think Shelton dropped the ball himself, I think its easy to blame the WWE for guys not progressing but I think in some cases, not all but some it's there own fault. Look at Zack Ryder. Brought himself from Velocity to US Champion and top 3 baby face in the company.
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    Superstars You Just Can't Stand

    I never post on here but fuck it I'm getting in on this one. I'm gonna comment their on characters not how good they bump because i think that's more important. Randy Orton: Awful. Can not talk for shit, don't see the fuss about him, he's shit. Drew McIntyre Even worse, should be sacked TODAY...
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    Who here has read Jericho's "Undisputed"?

    I've read it. I would say it's about 50/50 in terms of Wrestling and Fozzy but I still enjoyed it, although I preferred The Lions Tale because it was pretty much pure Wrestling. I'm not sure what my favourite Wrestling book is. I've read most of them. Flair's was good, Hitman was good, HBK was...
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    Wrestlers that need a different finisher.

    Anyone with a submission basically, because if you go heel then you'll never beat a big Babyface as babyfaces don't tap.
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    If Benoit and Guerrerro went to TNA...

    Very good point, I think with Hogan being there and TNA still being stuck on 1.1 shows that talent isn't the issue. It's WWE's history and established fan base that they're competing with. I don't agree with Kurt Angle being the best worker ever or Eric Bischoff BEAT Vince McMahon. He was...
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    Greatest Heel in Wrestling History

    Vince, the man is a genius. Stone Cold wouldn't have been so hot without a great Heel. Triple H during the 'McMahon-Helmsley' era was great too, Bobby Heenan was a great Heel manager.
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    Mr. Perfect: 2002

    I remember seeing it being really pleased for him we he got to the final 4 of the Rumble. I think that in itself shows that they had plans for him but I'm inclined to believe that maybe his 'demon's' stopped him from getting a further push. It's a shame he didn't stay with WWE his whole career
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    Who should TNA use to build the company around as their top star?

    That's a tough question. AJ Styles can't talk so not him, Joe can't talk and is fat so not him, Jeff Hardy can't talk so not him (there's a pattern forming here). I'd say Angle, Mr Anderson and Pope have the most charisma and the most potential cross over appeal. I don't go along with the...
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    [Mark Madden] RVD = Career Pissant. Nash = nWo

    I agree with most of he says about TNA, I record it every week but don't have the patience to watch it all. Madden knows it's all about making money and 90% of the roster couldn't draw a dime with an art degree. Watching Hogan stumble around with Kevin Nash was embarrassing, the shoot pep talk...
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    Should TNA change their name?

    I think Jimmy Hart said in an interview that the name was holding them back, I can see why he thinks that but any drastic change isn't going to help them. They're done within 5 years anyway.
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    Jim Ross Is Staying With The WWE

    There wasn't really any reason for him to go to TNA, Mike Tenay is a great commentator and a 3 man announcing team doesn't work in Wrestling especially with 2 play-by-play guys. He did the right thing. Maybe Vince will see the light
  14. T

    Why Does Everyone Hate Sean Waltman?

    I think the reason people don't like him is because in short, he sucks. He's a small guy who doesn't fly around the ring like HBK or Jeff Hardy, he does some kicks, he can't talk, he has no gimmick to speak of and he just sponges off his mates.
  15. T

    THE BAND are the New TNA Tag Champs!! Thoughts???

    I don't watch TNA all the time but I guess the theory behind it was Hall and Nash are established and MCMG's couldn't draw money with an art degree.