Recent content by TheEraofAwesome

  1. T

    Lesnar VS HHH Again!?

    It's absolutely baffling on how the WWE misused Lesnar the way they have. Lesnar's record as I type this post since his WWE return is 1-2. If the idea was to build a Lesnar vs. Undertaker match at WrestleMania 30, then Lesnar should be 3-0. But, since WWE can't book themselves out of a wet paper...
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    Mark Madden Wants Austin Aries Fired

    Here's the issue with that when it comes to pro wrestling. Do you happen to remember the Mike Levy incident? Mike Levy was working for an independent company called IWA. He was booked to face Mickie Knuckles in a death match before her debut on TNA TV. Stiffing said individual caused Ian...
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    Mark Madden Wants Austin Aries Fired

    This is the exact problem with the IWC and society in general. We live in such a politically correct society, that we've lost any value to what we can or can not do to entertain. Anytime something happens in any form of entertainment, someone has to try and ruin it for everyone claiming it being...
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    **MERGED**WWE Extreme Rules 2012: Aftermath & Discussion

    To anyone who says that if Cena lost tonight, he would look weak - May I remind you the string of pay per views he lost on in 2008? He lost at No Way Out, lost at Wrestlemania, lost at Backlash, lost at Great American Bash, and lost at Summerslam. What harm would it have done after all he's won...
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    Production Theme Deduction

    I've tried looking, but I seriously can't find it without any leads. If you are good with the names of WWE's production themes, can anyone name me these themes? It's the last 2 songs that play on the documentary portion of the Self Destruction of The Ultimate Warrior DVD. Here's a link...
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    **MERGED** Brodus Clay Discussion- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

    IMO - Both sides of the argument have merit. On one hand, it is different then your average big man who debuts as a force to be reckoned with. He came out with a gimmick that'll definitely have him stand out from the bunch. He also seems (Just from my impression) to enjoy the gimmick he is...
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    Why So Much Hate?

    The reason I have been one of the avid haters of Otunga last year was the over usage of him when it was basically CRYSTAL CLEAR the guy was greener then Misawa's tights. It's not even like with JBL - where even though the guy can't wrestler for shit, he can at least talk on the mic and make his...
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    An Original Idea for TNA That May Work

    The problem with Brawl For All was it was a legit shoot that was meant to put over Steve Williams. Steve Williams pretty much got buried with this concept by not only losing, but losing to someone who was not due for a big push at that point in Bart Gunn. On top of that, when Bart preceded to...
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    Christy Hemme: Highest Paid TNA Knockout?

    This is just proof why TNA will never learn how their stupidity is really screwing them over. The fact that they believe Hemme is such a big name to pay her more over the other knockouts is just straight up ludicrous. I completely understand Mickie James for 2 reasons - 1. She had just left WWE...
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    when was the last time the wwe made you cry?

    I never necessarily cried for anything, but the deaths of Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit affected me a lot. They are on my top 10 favorites of all time. To see Eddie, who just got his life back together and was on the road to a positive light, die out of the blue was really shocking to me...
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    Biggest disappointment in WWE history...

    For me, definitely Nexus would be the most disappointing. For an angle to start off really hot, then made to look like complete idiotic goofballs is disappointing in of itself. Plus, their original intention was to fight WWE and the system. It went from that, to trying to feud with John Cena...
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    WWE Mess Up Showing Only A Photo

    Can someone delete this post? I misread your point and feel like a moron lol.
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    WWE Mess Up Showing Only A Photo

    Here's a little thing I saw on another forum site which I figure I would do here. Basically, the point of this is show a WWE screw up, mess up, botch etc. using just a photo and a small description of what the photo represents. This can involve an angle, a match, a gimmick etc. Here's mine...
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    the stupidity of rey mysterio

    Rey Mysterio to me is an excellent in ring performer with a stale gimmick. He can pretty much have good matches with a lot of the Raw Roster, and usually is entertaining in the ring. Reason I'm not a mark for the guy is because he has a REALLY stale gimmick. I never was a fan of gimmick geared...
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    One Year On: The Nexus

    When the attack initially happened, I thought it was done to perfection. All 8 of these guys felt like they were treated like shit and went to fight the system. So it had a lot of potential to be an amazing storyline. I would say a good portion of them have good potential in them with the...