Recent content by TheCureAndrewHeller

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    The Straight Edge Messiah and the Bibical Messiah

    Im going to go out on a limb and say, this is probably the most entertaining CM Punk has been since hes been in WWE. Im getting really into him and his "cult" nexus in the last couple weeks. His new short hair look and his "messiah" gimmick right now are pretty entertaining. everyone knows he...
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    Daniel Bryan Released *GIVE OPINIONS*

    one thing that really irkes me about the whole choking thing is that choking isnt really allowed anymore because of the whole chris benoit thing. But if i remember, a year ago and somewhat Shawn micheals was using the crippler crossface in alot of his matches. Guess what we think of as soon as...
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    Most Boring Main Eventer

    I know you said not to lump cena in, but im gonna have to. he has become the most boring person in the wwe. His moves(the whole 4 of them), his persona (i can always win cause im superman), his overcoming the odds ALL THE TIME. Its just stale now. This guy has to to become heel because the good...
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    Who was the best "Promotion Jump"

    In your opinion, who do you think was the best promotion jump (Going from wwe to wcw, wcw to wwe, etc.) I would say it was the whole scott hall and kevin nash from wwe to wcw just because the storyline with them was great and no one expected it at that time
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    Official Vengeance Thread

    Alls I have to say is you got to be freaking kidding me with cena retaining.....LOSE THE BELT ALREADY PLEASE...hes had it since frigging september 06
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    [Official] Draft 2007 Discussion

    I see Kennedy becoming like the rock, how everyone loves him and hes a bright and young star and could become one the all time greats (you never know)....I for one, am happy about Kennedy going to raw. Heres to Kennedy ending the reign of terror that cena has bestowed upon us
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    Raw Tag Champs

    Lets just say that WWE is doing a good job at keeping us guessing whats gonna happen, which is what SHOULD happen....all these rumors and such, lets just say im excited about wrestlemania this year, way way more then last years
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    What PPV's Do You Actually Pay For?

    There is a bar right down the street that always plays the ppv, no cover charge or nothing. I just order food and drinks and have fun cause of all the other wrestling fans go nuts there....when undertaker won, the whole place went nuts
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    Best of 2006 **MERGED**

    I dont know if this thread was done or not, but the year 2006 is almost over...and what do you think your favorite feud of the year was? Personally mine was/is the Undertaker/Kennedy feud....Kennedy has so much charisma and to match that up with the undertakers legendary career and mindgames...
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    Whats The Truth's problem

    Same thing I was sick of TNA concerning themselves with wwe, just think about yourselves...i used to respect tna, but lately they have just been getting on my nerves cause of all their wwe bashing....dont worry, TNA will go the way of WCW if they keep going the way they are going
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    So TNA's all about Wrestling huh?

    Tna=Wcw....they are concerning themselves with what wwe is doing and saying bad things about them (just like wcw did) and wwe couldnt give two *bleeps*...i just wish tna would just think about themselves and have good storylines instead of just coming up with spur of the moment feuds
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    How Over is C.M. Punk?

    Hopefully wwe is giving him a steady push, not to fast but not to slow....hes already in a match where the ecw title is on the line which is a good start. It can show how he can run for gold and he is worthy of it
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    Greatest Pay Per View of All Time?

    all the PPVS from Invasion 2001-Survivor Series 2001(Invasion,Summerslam,Unforgiven, No Mercy, SS)...just because we all got to see some dreams matches we never thought we would see Survivor Series 2002 because every title changed which was very nice to see and we saw the first Elimination...
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    Wrestlers you wish had a 2nd chance

    Which wrestler would you want to come back to wwe or come out of retirement for me i would have to say Mike Awesome. I remember loving every match he had in Ecw cause of his pure power and agility. I think he could have been a major player in wwe and I wish they would have gave him a...
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    Extreme Elimination Chamber

    Sabu RVD Big Show CM Punk Test Hardcore Holly I would love it if all these people were in it