Recent content by Superyoda

  1. S

    Here's Your Winner and NEW UNITED STATES CHAMPION!

    I think this victory for santino is them testing the waters to see if he can start wrestling full matches and stay relevant What is lost in all of this is the fact that swagger looks worse than ever considering he is a former world champ
  2. S

    Sad News

    If that's true it's very sad and I'm sure heartbreaking for karma Perhaps that's why she didn't make it back for mania
  3. S

    Is Miz Officially A Jobber?

    Not a full fledged jobber. I mean last night he had a full entrance and has a new shirt those aren't things jobbers usually get. It's disappointing to think of how hot the mix truth angle was in the summer and how nothing ever happened with it. I think that could have been the catalyst to keep...