Recent content by Stevo1990

  1. S

    Does WWE care too much for the kids?

    I am not even asking for the attitude era, I didn't even watch during the attitude era(not because my parents wouldn't let me), but because I had no idea about when wrestling was on TV and stuff. I came in post attitude era. I just want to go back to 2004-2007, where we had some awesome...
  2. S

    Does WWE care too much for the kids?

    I was actually at the summerslam event, with one of my friends, who is nothing more than a casual fan(he will watch every so often and really doesn't follow storylines closely). But there was a bonus match between Bourne and Ryder(which was good). My friend, after the show goes, "why do they...
  3. S

    New WWE tag team.

    I would like to see Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne team up and gun for the unified tag team titles. I know they are pushing Daniel Bryan in singles competition, but would like to see these guys together at some point when Bryan is over as a solid face. They have complimentary styles and would...
  4. S

    WWE Summerslam: Team Cena vs. Team Nexus

    In hindsight, booking Hart for the main event made no sense. I thought they were going to put him there for a heel turn, because as a wrestler he is boring and offers nothing. Evan Bourne should have been put in his place as he is more entertaining and had an angle to join the team as he was...
  5. S

    WWE Summerslam: Team Cena vs. Team Nexus

    On another note, I thought Daniel Bryan was awesome, and while he is a nobody now, I think he needs a couple months to build name to get a title shot. A year down the road, I would like to see him make a heel turn and go for the WWE title. But who knows, the creative staff might F up this guy...
  6. S

    WWE Summerslam: Team Cena vs. Team Nexus

    I thought it was a great show, great performances, non-stop action. I really like the Kane/Mysterio match and the aftermath. This is going to be an awesome rivalry between Kane and Taker. I was really excited when Bryan was the seventh guy and at that point I knew Miz was going to interfere...
  7. S

    Greatest US Champion since its rebirth

    Hands down Chris Benoit. He was the most dominant US champ of the decade, more so than MVP, because of the fact he went up against much tougher competition.
  8. S

    Greatest IC Champ Of The Decade

    I would say Shelton Benjamin, if we are going to go by the states. He held it three times for a total of 354 days(his first reign was the longest of the decade). He beat Chris Jericho for the IC the first time around and beat other notables such as Christian, RVD, and Flair.
  9. S

    WWE Summerslam: Team Cena vs. Team Nexus

    One of my theories is that Bret Hart is the leader of the Nexus and will turn heel. They will make the match an elimination match and Bret will leave John Cena for Nexus. Just think, Nexus attacked Vince and Hart has a long stemming rivalry the the McMahons and the wwe. He could be using nexus...
  10. S

    Your favorite former WWE/F diva.

    Lita, for sure, especially during that run with Edge from 2005-2007. That Edge-Kane Rivalry was a great one to remember. And I am sure everyone here remembers the live sex celebration after Edge beat Cena for the championship. Those were the good ole days, before Edge became rated PG and had a...