Recent content by Salman

  1. S

    Royal Rumble VS Money in the Bank

    To me, i'd have to say the Royal Rumble. It's still more prestigious and as you said, the push that the superstar gets along the road to WM benefits him more than the push he would get before cashing in the MITB contract. However its true that the Royal Rumbles pretentiousness is diminishing and...
  2. S

    Survivor Series 2012: The Live Perspective

    I just read up until the part with the child crying because of the pyro and I got hit with this urge to comment straight away. F*** the child! It's because of kids like him and their parents that we have to deal with this PG boring crap! He should stay at home and watch Scooby Doo. And don't...
  3. S

    Do WWE crowds just... suck!?

    well i find it quite simple... Kids dont appreciate what wrestlers do, they only cheer for people that give the "super hero" impression like cena or mysterio. You wont find a kid cheering for the miz, but someone who understands wrestling will cheer and will appreciate his mic work! I remember...
  4. S

    Whats the big deal about blood on tv?

    Blood isn't the thing that has caused several WWE employees to pass away at an early age, its because of all the steroids and and overdose of painkillers. IMO blood makes matches more interesting, I mean look at hell in a cell matches these days, what makes them different from a singles match...
  5. S

    Repackage a WWE Wrestler!

    I really think Chris Masters should be repackaged, I mean hes got the size and shape to make him easily accepted by the fans if he gets a push. In 2006 he had a good spot on raw with his master lock challenged and it really seemed devastating, but now it just seems week. His entrance used to be...