Recent content by Romer318

  1. R

    John Cena: Future IC/US Champion?

    I wouldn't mind seeing Cena with the IC or US title, in my opinion that would mean they are trying to bring those belts back from obscurity. When it's time for him to lose them have someone with a lot of upside whose over with the fans take them off of him, the ultimate push, beating Cena for a...
  2. R

    Could CM Punk lead us in a New Revolution of Monday Night Wars?

    I honestly don't see one Superstar, even if it is CM Punk, leading TNA into a true "Monday Night War" era. I understand that the business he's in is a tough one both mentally and physically but to up and quit is something he'll carry with him for the rest of his career. He's a good wrestler but...
  3. R

    CM Punk Gone From WWE - Keep It All Here

    I don't see Bryan chants going away anytime soon, I think when the situation warrants it, like when Triple H is out or Kane is out they'll chant his name but in every other match they'll continue to chant Daniel Bryan's name.
  4. R

    CM Punk Gone From WWE - Keep It All Here

    Well that's def a game changer I don't know if I should feel bad for the guy or call him a jackass? Just because your "burnt out" doesn't mean you can just up and quit your job. I imagine he's not the only guy in the locker room that feels that way. Just a odd turn of events.
  5. R

    New Age Outlaws Tag Division

    While I wouldn't really care to see any of that happen I do give you props for the imaginative idea. I have no problem with the NAO having the belts, they can still wrestle and they're funny as hell. The rematch on RAW was some of the funniest shit I've seen in some time and as long as they drop...
  6. R

    CM Punk Gone From WWE - Keep It All Here

    Could be a work but I'm leaning more towards him being displeased with the way things are going. He does great in the Rumble and puts his body through hell just to be eliminated in the cheapest way possible? Then he knows that he's going right back into a dead end storyline that won't amount to...
  7. R

    Randy Orton- Time For An Extended Vacation?

    At this point I'm thinking you've hit the nail right on the head. Orton is unbelievably stale with the fans right now. They don't want to see him in a match, they don't wanna see him giving promos and they damn sure don't wanna see those belts around his shoulders anymore. I'm thinking it's time...
  8. R

    Culd Cena vs Wyatt really happen at Wrestlemania 30?

    I wouldn't mind the match as long as it ended with John Cena putting Bray Wyatt over. Like it or not Wyatt is a future champion, the only problem they'll have with it is how are they going to split him out of the Wyatt family. He's over with the fans, they love him, just go look at him when he...
  9. R

    US Title Defense

    The US title is a complete joke, it has no meaning and is just like the intercontinental, meaningless. I hate the fact that it has come to that, but that's just the way it is. This is something I've always gave Russo credit on, when he was with the WWF he always had the whole card booked with...
  10. R

    Daniel Bryan and RVD comparison

    RVD was big with the fans but he pales in comparison when it comes to how over Bryan is right now. Bryan seems like he's a better all around wrestler that Rob was, so I think that's gonna play a huge roll in the end. Plus DB is a much bigger company guy, the WWE isn't gonna have to worry about...
  11. R

    Royal Rumble 2014 Discussion

    I could see that going down even tho I'd rather see him face Taker. Him being in a triple threat with the Shield kinda seems like a waste to me, he's already over with the fans and they could just have him break out on RAW instead of wasting him in that match. Let's just say for the sake of...
  12. R

    Royal Rumble 2014 Discussion

    I'm with you on the Lesnar vs Big Show match, that was far beyond a squash that was almost to the point of a career ending match. I'd like to know exactly how many chair shots Brock actually got in on Show, now if they actually progress that horrible story (which I hope they don't) their going...
  13. R

    The Bryan situation. Is this a Masterstroke by WWE?

    Here is the thing, I'm with almost 99% of the wrestling universe, I'm very much a Daniel Bryan fan and I love the chants that he brings the the WWE universe. But at the same time I worry about outcome of him not being in the main event of Mania. Even tho Batista Vs Orton isn't my first pick, if...
  14. R

    Kane now tied for All-Time Eliminations?

    I don't think it should count since Kane was already eliminated so he wasn't a valid contestant. So statistically speaking, on paper it will look like CM Punk just fell over the top rope to eliminate himself.
  15. R

    Royal Rumble 2014 Discussion

    They'll do something with Bryan eventually, at least that's what I'd like to think. I'm no business major, but the WWE essentially is selling a product to the fans. If the fans aren't happy with what your doing, business is bad. If they don't pull the trigger on Bryan and actually go with a...