Recent content by Rane

  1. R

    The Worst 5 Moments in WWE since 2010

    Since you all so far have come up with 5 moments which I felt were legible for my top 5, I can think of another 5 :) 5. The Ascension's debut I've never been too fond of these two, but they seemed to have something good going for them in NXT. The tag team division has been sorely lacking...
  2. R

    Your Top 5 Moments In WWE Since 2010.

    5. John Cena beats The Miz and John Morrison at Extreme Rules This one may be a strange one for everyone, but I personally despised The Miz being WWE champion. He was no where near ready to become world championship material, let alone ready to main event Wrestlemania. I would have preferred...
  3. R

    Randy Orton's Salute

    Orton has always been my favourite and on Monday, I believe we all saw a side to Randy most of us believed he would never embrace. Ever since his return on Raw I questioned the way the feud between him and Rollins was booked. Although last night wrote off all those wrongs this feud may have had...
  4. R

    Favourite Wrestlemania title change

    I'm gonna have to go with Batista's and John Cena's wins at WM 21. These two were the hottest young superstars around at the time and I believed the timing was right for them to become world champions. They were both a breath of fresh air from long title reigns from HHH and JBL. It was however a...
  5. R

    WWE Fast Lane: WWE Tag Team Championship - The Usos VS Tyson Kidd & Cesaro

    Great to see they're finally doing something kind of meaningful with Cesaro & Kidd. As we all know they are both super talented and don't deserve to be tossed aside. Im hoping they get the win just in hope that after their feud with the Uso's, they'll move onto another tag team to keep it fresh...
  6. R

    Rewriting The Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak.

    Everything besides these 3 WM matches were spot on. Especially the Kurt Angle match. Their matches at No Way Out in 2006 and the SD match two weeks later were awesome. I also believe Bray Wyatt was a credible choice to end the streak. Although I think it could be the case of Cena not having to...
  7. R

    Worst Match Decision in History

    Michael Cole vs Jerry Lawler at WM 27 for me has to be the worst match decision ever. Don't get me wrong, the match decisions you listed were unforgivable but this battle over the commentators had to be the worst. I guess the build up and story of it made sense. Although having a clown like Cole...
  8. R

    Since WWE is supposedly addressing controversy....

    It was a bad thread to begin with but everyone on this forum has the right to start or comment on a thread to express their opinion. It may be liked or it may not, no need to roast. As far as it all goes, the WWE would cease to exist if any special program was created to explain the situations...
  9. R

    Sheamus Returning as a Heel?

    Definitely agree with Navi on this one. Sheamus has been floating around after he lost the world title to Big Show in 2012. The U.S title kept him somehow relevant, and the matches regardless of who he has faced have always been decent or better. I still think he is much more established than...
  10. R

    What if...your favourite superstar had done a "Benoit"?

    I wouldn't take it lightly regardless of who it was but there a lot more to that then people care to think about. In this link MVP explains it in a way that a lot of people never seem to think about almost anything these days.
  11. R

    WWE are screwing Daniel Bryan - and make people hate him because of Roman Reigns

    The WWE is not screwing anyone... Vince's idea for Reigns went down the toilet very quickly because there was no decent planning on getting him over. Almost every single thing that was booked for Reigns had a predictable outcome, all because there was no effort put into it. A lot of fans...
  12. R

    is the IWC happy with Cena's current role?

    I just can't see Cena winning the US title. I think it's because of so many years of him being on top of the mountain as the world champion that I just don't see him with a different singles title on his shoulder. I believe it will tarnish his credibility and it will really cement the fact that...
  13. R

    Why not Orton VS Lesnar?

    Jackhammer has taken the thought out of my brain and said it so much better than I could of said it. The WWE pushed these Orton & Cena up to the top of the mountain and I have no problem with them whatsoever. I've always liked Randy since his evolution days and I starting liking Cena during his...
  14. R

    5 Dream matches that NEEDS to happen

    It's a little hard when you say dream matches because they are matches we would want to see. But this is a very interesting topic and some of the choices are tough to make. Here are some of mine, apologies if they happen to be some of the choices you have already picked. Randy Orton vs Brock...
  15. R

    Did you catch the "Roman sucks" chant on Raw? It's starting.

    It's going to be an interesting road to WM next year as we will see how all this will pan out for Roman Reigns. I'm a fan of his and really enjoyed his work with the Shield like many did. I feel in a way that this all could have been avoided by the WWE. What if Reigns was given the US title...