Recent content by Psyclone

  1. P

    Who is the greater legend: HBK or Taker??

    I voted taker, and by doing so I'm not taking anything away from Shawn at all.... HBK was the best in ring performer of all time hands down... HBK could wrestle a burlap sack and make it interesting and was involved with tremendous angles and specific matches that will always be remembered... I...
  2. P

    **MERGED** World Championship/Sheamus Discussion

    yeah i'll echo what the previous poster said about why the cena promo happened... the PPV is scheduled for this sunday... (its quick since the last, so they kind of have to build to it quickly...) Cena vs Lauranitis is a match on said PPV and probably will end up ending the show so yeah they...
  3. P

    This Aint Sing A Long With The Rock!

    well that last statement "followed by a laugh" goes to the OP point... these were not the best heel promo's ever... Look Rock was a charismatic son of a gun... I'd almost go so far as to say he was one of the most charismatic people in the wrestling business EVER... To this day he can get the...
  4. P

    What moment shaped WWE/F more than any?

    this and only this is the answer.... without this (as heel420 stated) there is no "Mr McMahon" and thus there is no feud between him and Stone Cold... Thus there is no beer bath for Vince etc... This moment, really was the start of a new WWF (at the time)... Bret was leaving, Vince was...
  5. P

    Your Thoughts On Pyro Usage in WWE

    no offense but you do know that smackdown crowd noise is piped in and edited right??? I'm sure the crowd was cheering a bit, but they do pipe in noise to make sure the heel's get boo's and the faces get cheered.... (watch daniel bryan's entrance again and you'll see people cheering more than...
  6. P

    What if Lex Luger did become the WWF champion at WM 10?

    i doubt much wouldve changed... especially if as you say the plan was for lex to drop the title to bret anyways... I remember watching wrestlemania X live and thought they did a good job with the stories they told with those matches for the world championship... Luger won but by countout when he...
  7. P

    What is Vince McMahon's greatest creation?

    PPV Wrestling... technically wrestlemania is included in that, but the whole idea of PPV wrestling changed the business.... the bulk of the money the WWE makes is PPV buys... It's what got them fully entrenched, and it fueled the monday night wars (and led to the 12 PPV's a year that we see...
  8. P

    Would Randy Savage Be As Big Today

    totally agree with your post, and I'm glad you felt this way... I was honestly going to flip out when I read the title of this post and thought that whoever was posting was going to say Savage wouldn't be over in today's WWE.... I was prepared to bust out Savage vs Steamboat as stealing...
  9. P

    R-Truth & JTG Tag-Team?

    I just want to point out that by you both having the same logo it confused the shit outta me why you contradicted "yourself" before i saw that there were 2 people posting... anyways norcal, I don't think of JTG as being "solid" on the mic as he's never really been given the chance of having a...
  10. P

    Rey Mysterio Suspended

    honestly this entire thread has devolved into "Jeff Hardy is totally worse than rey" or "rey is just a bad example just like Hardy but the IWC doesn't care cause they have a grudge against Hardy" when the truth of the matter is WHO CARES?!?!?!?!?!?! Yes it sucks that Rey got a 2nd suspension...
  11. P

    R-Truth & JTG Tag-Team?

    I will agree with the previous people that have posted on this theread (azane and Pep3) and say that this is a stupid idea for the most part... JTG was great as part of Cryme Tyme... Once that got disbanded (a stupid storyline) and Shad got released (blame the storyline) JTG became a jobber...
  12. P

    Should WWE Go With CM Drunk In The Future?

    it would be one of the stupidest ideas ever to do anything close to cm drunk... I don't love the current storyline, nor do I outright hate it, but if it ever gets to the point where punk willingly drinks alcohol it will ruin cm punk... You don't need a main eventer like punk to do "humorous"...
  13. P

    R-Truth: A Huge Missed Opportunity?

    again the people you mentioned were all already main eventers when they had problems.... When truth got his suspension the writers were forced to split miz and truth up thus de-facto turning truth face... I'm sure they did not want to do that (at least that early) but they had to do it quickly...
  14. P

    R-Truth: A Huge Missed Opportunity?

    The thing is this... If your name is john Cena Randy Orton, HHH Undertaker and maybe even a big show or a kane... you can fail a drug test and still come back and retain main event status.... IF you're a midcarder who's finally getting a push to main event (like R-truth was) and you fail a drug...
  15. P

    Suspension of Disbelief

    you're looking way to deeply into it if that is your only "suspension of disbelief" problem with wrestling in general... Look you have to look past the logic behind that stuff just as you have to look past the logic of a "private convorsation" between 2 people with a cameraman in the room... or...