Recent content by Otsegolectric

  1. O

    What if.....Vince McMahon hadn't become a wrestling promoter?

    If you watch the History of Wrestlemania on Netflix, Vince really opens up a lot about the past and especially establishing Wrestlemania in the 80s to outdo his competitors and create an entertainment extravaganza. If you watch the (Rise and Fall?) WCW video they talk about Ted's interest in...
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    What WWE can learn from Edge

    This. If you didn't grow up around the business as a fan in the 1990s then watch some of the WWE videos on Netflix and learn what these guys had to do, especially in the different regions. The travel alone has changed DRAMATICALLY over the past decade and longer. The industry and lifestyle...
  3. O

    Is the IWC getting bigger in the form of WWE Universe...???

    I agree with the original thread starter. And there were definitely kids around during the Attitude era. I breathed wrestling back in those days (I was around 12-15) and remember much of it vividly. The proportions of the audience are obviously different now but I think there is one factor...
  4. O

    Welcome all New Members (If You Are New Post in Here)

    Been lurking for years and post seldom but come here every few days. Hello all! Been part of the IWC since Ross did his Ross reports back in 1998/1999 and was around before it became themayhem! hello!
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    The Undertaker's Protoge

    Very interesting ideas. I think a way to fit in a third "Brother of Destruction" would be if it was revealed by Kane that the reason he was burned when Undertaker "burned down the funeral home" was because he had to go back and rescue his baby brother. Remember, Kane is only the half-brother...
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    WWE - What have you done!?!

    Not contesting anyone in this thread, but does anyone have numbers to back up that Wrestlemania 26 did not sell out? I was there. The stadium was ridiculous full up to the top nosebleeds. When I tried to buy tickets I was told I couldn't and had to get them on craigslist. Despite saying that I...
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    Will Randy Orton surpass the Rock?

    I don't even see why this question was asked. You have your high tier of wrestlers: SCSA, Rock, Hogan, HBK, Taker, Flair, etc. Then you have your superstars that are up there, but a level down from those previously listed. Goldberg is often placed in this list. I would argue both Cena and...
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    Does anybody want TNA to suceed?

    Perhaps an interesting question would be, what happens if TNA doesn't succeed? What happens to their roster and wrestling in general?
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    Are They Worth It?

    Hogan is a commodity. What can he offer? Guest appearances will draw in huge ratings, but every week? Let's say we had a rock/metal music show every week. Tonight we are featuring Ozzy Osbourne! His name sells (I don't care for him personally). But if Ozzy was to show up every week, what can he...
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    Is TNA's problem simply that there are no more wrestling fans out there?

    TNA needs to get out of that small arena and take their show on the road to gain exposure. I was a hardcore WWF fan in the 90s and once I stumbled on WCW I watched that because I liked wrestling and both had things to offer. Then I saw ECW and loved that too. A decade later I flip on tv and say...
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    Wrestlemania 26 tickets still available?!

    despite any reports, that place was freaking packed!!!! they didn't tarp off any sections other than behind the camera and even the nosebleeds were jam-packed! i doubt they sold 1000s of tickets in a couple days i was regard those as rumor because after coming back from wm26, the place was...
  12. O

    Could the nWo faction been kept alive in '02?

    vince has pretty much leveled anything wcw or ecw created. whether it was talent, angles, stables, or anything that was what made those 2 organizations last so long against wwf, vince has pulled the plug. including the nwo :( i dont think its ever going to properly come back unless they attempt...
  13. O

    Biggest Dissapointment of WM26?

    I was there and yes the crowd sucked However, the roof was only open during some parts of the night! here's a picture i took of the people in the sun lol