Recent content by Norine

  1. N

    Lucha Libre

    I don't have access to Galavision so I am at the mercy of YouTube videos of Triple A events. I am a huge El Mesias/Ricky Banderas fan but his matches lately have not been as good as when he was rudo.
  2. N

    Lucha Libre

    I, too, am struggling to make time for CMLL. Since I still have trouble with "masked" wrestlers, it makes it more difficult for me to keep track of who is who in each match. I still have trouble with a few of the AAA masked guys but I am getting better.
  3. N

    Lucha Libre

    I have been trying to find out more about Cuervo. He works very well with the Dark family.
  4. N

    Lucha Libre

    Ozz is someone who caught my eye some time ago but it has only been recently I have watched him in one on one or tag team matches that allowed me to really watch him work. I like his style.
  5. N

    Lucha Libre

    I didn't see a thread for "I'm new here" so I thought I would introduce myself on this thread. I am an avid Independent promotions fans and watch as much on a worldwide level as I can fit into my schedule. I am big fan of Ricky Banderas and because of him, began watching AAA out of Mexico. The...