Recent content by mozenwrath

  1. M

    CM Punk = Brian Pillman??

    I see your point. I don't see CM Punk doing anything like threatening to pull out his junk and take a leak in the middle of the ring like Pillman did when he was in ECW. Sure he may touch on some things but if he were anything like Pillman he would've threatened to take the WWE title to Impact...
  2. M

    CM Punk = Brian Pillman??

    Hell no not even close. When Brian Pillman was shooting he was really shooting and almost got released from WCW because of it. He wasn't called the loose cannon because he was just playing a character. He was called the loose cannon because you really didn't know what he was going to do or say...
  3. M

    Eric Bischoff's War Against the "10 Percenters"; Calls the IWC "Irrelevant"

    Not sure about the other organizations but ROH's fanbase is made entirely of the IWC and look at where that got them. From an HD channel hardly anybody has (comcast in my area doesn't carry HDnet) to syndicated tv somewhere (I think) on the west coast. Also Women's Superstars Uncensored caters...
  4. M


    What do you expect? The IWC act like a bunch of whiny children who don't know what they want. That's all they know how to do is whine and complain. And when they finally do get what they want they whine and complain some more.
  5. M

    Put Lethal in TNA-nWo

    I remember about 10 years ago on WCW's internet show WCW live that douche bag Mark Madden was literally singing the praises of Vince Russo as he was coming in from WWE. That dude is such a brown-nosing kiss ass it's just pathetic.
  6. M

    The 4-sided ring vs 6-sided ring Discussion thread

    To me TNA getting rid of the 6 sided ring in favor of a more traditional 4 sided ring makes as much sense to me as the UFC getting rid of their octagon in favor of a more traditional boxing ring. The 6 sided ring helps set TNA apart from the WWE. It's a trademark. It'd be like WWE giving up...
  7. M

    What would/did make you watch TNA?

    I started getting into TNA because of the Icon Sting. I watch now because of the Beautiful People and the rest of the knockouts.
  8. M

    I just don't get it

    I just gotta correct you on this last bit. Curt Hennig was a former AWA world champion, a former NWA world champion, a former WCW world tag team and US champion, a 2 time intercontinental champion,and is in the WWE hall of fame.
  9. M

    Who is the one person that TNA can not afford to lose?

    What you say is true but oddly enough nobody gets a higher rating than the knockouts. Besides Kurt Angle another thing TNA can't afford to lose is their entire knockout roster. I dunno bout everyone else here but the #1 reason why I watch TNA is Angelina Love and the Beautiful People.
  10. M

    Who is the one person that TNA can not afford to lose?

    This whole thread is a no brainer. The person TNA can't lose is Kurt Angle. They would recover just find from losing AJ, Joe and Daniels but if they were to lose Angle they'd be finished.
  11. M

    TNA – Held to an Unfair Standard?

    Stuck in the background? what the hell man? Samoa Joe main evented last week's impact against Kevin Nash and beat him cleanly. Sure the guys in the MEM may be "over the hill" (kind of strange how that works considering Angle and Booker T are still considerably young guys.) but they don't take up...
  12. M

    Rhaka Khan's Attitude news.

    To make it even worst I've seen backyard wrestlers preform moves better than she does.
  13. M

    Is it Time to Push Black in TNA?

    I remember an interview with Ernie "The Big Cat" Ladd about this very subject. Even in his day white wrestlers were a dime a dozen and black wrestlers were considered a commodity. (and this is back in the 60's/70's.) Since good, black wrestlers were so rare at the time (and even today) they...
  14. M

    Queen Kong's New Direction?

    That's not necessarily true. Goldberg has always been the unstoppable monster type but he was a face for his entire (albeit short) wrestling career. Same thing can be said for Akira Hokuto. Awesome Kong has been compared to many times to people like Vader and Goldberg. Even tho she's a heel she...
  15. M

    Are TNA Actually Building Stars?

    When I watch TNA the #1 reason why I watch it is for the knockouts. That's pretty much TNA's bread and butter right now considering the beautiful people segments are higher rated than the x-division matches. I think if all else fails TNA could be a bigger version of Shimmer and give the 1st hour...